AC Chat: 2016.09.12 NARALO Teleconference
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO Teleconference held on Monday, 12 September 2016 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:agenda wik page:
Glenn McKnight:Hi Terri
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:hi Evan
John Laprise:Good afternoon all
John Laprise:I hear Glenn but you sound distant from the mike
Glenn McKnight:Hi Alfredo
Alfredo Calderon:Hello to all!
Glenn McKnight:Hi McTim are you in place of Nick Thorne
Louis Houle:Hello
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, I can hear you clearly.
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hello to all from the new ALAC guy NorthAM. I hear clearly.
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, and Loud.
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hola!
Evan L:Iḿ hyearing you find Glenn, but there's echo in your room so it sounds like you're at the other end of a tunnel...
Glenn McKnight:sorry folks i am in a conference room at PIR in Reston
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:I was told my mic on my adobe via computer wasn't good
Louis Houle:Hola Eduardo QUe tal
Evan L:Tel PIR their room has crappy accoustics.
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome we will start shortly
Eve Edelson:Hello all
Evan L:Judith is at the end of a longer tunnel
Alfredo Calderon:Yes
Eve Edelson:I hear you Judtth :)
Eduardo Diaz:yes
Gordon Chillcott:I can hear Judith
Glenn McKnight:go ahead judith
William Michael Cunningham:OK
Javier Rua-Jovet:A-OK
wes:Wes Boudville here [1st time]
Alfredo Calderon:Someone has mic on.
Glenn McKnight:I don't understand why the audio is bad on my end I am yelling into the audio
Evan L:Hey there Seth.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Wes and William welcome
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Wes and William!
Glenn McKnight:@judith McTim will be speaking instead of Nick Thorne
Glenn McKnight:Go ahead to Judith
Terri Agnew:Action items 08 August 2016 call:
Eve Edelson:just barely
Glenn McKnight: yes silvia I can hear you
Terri Agnew:Welcome Allan Skuce
Allan Skuce:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:@Action item on CROPP followup is later in the agenda
Terri Agnew:Welcome Jolly MacFie
Glenn McKnight:@Javier Rua -Jovet please let us know who your are?
Glenn McKnight:Hi Loris
Terri Agnew:Welcome Loris Taylor
Loris Taylor:Hello everyone!
Glenn McKnight:Hi Eve
Eve Edelson:not yet, we're working on something, hope to have something to say soon
Eve Edelson:Hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Valerie Fast Horse and April Tinhorn
Javier Rua-Jovet:Sure. Hi to all. I was elected by NomCom to ALAC for North America. I start on the last day of Hyderabad. I live in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Terri Agnew:At-Large Tribal Ambassadorship Workspace see:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks to Ed and Loris in helping to select the two Tribal Ambassadors
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Javier Can you please provide a LINKED in to share
Glenn McKnight:Hi Tom
Terri Agnew:Welcome Tom Lowenhaupt
John Laprise::)
Javier Rua-Jovet:
Glenn McKnight:BCEC 2017 Eduardo Diaz and Louis Houle with Murray McKercher as the Alternate and for the BMSPC 2017 Glenn McKnight and John Laprise with Gordon Chilcott as the alternate
Heidi Ullrich:I will need to check
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Javier
Alan Greenberg:Concensus Call ongoing to confirm BCEC and BMSPC membership
Joly MacFie:Conrats on high quality tribal ambassadors.
Joly MacFie:congrats
John Laprise:+1
Glenn McKnight:Joly has a comment
Glenn McKnight:Voice is low
Eve Edelson:We are working toward something but will have to wait to see if we get results
Glenn McKnight:Joly speak up
Alfredo Calderon:@Joly, louder please!
Glenn McKnight:yes
Alfredo Calderon:San Juan, PR will be a visualizing node.
Eduardo Diaz:Joly: I believe the intercommunity is Sept 21
Glenn McKnight:Ottawa will be a location but no details yet. It suppose to be at CIRA in Ottawa
Evan L:now connected by voice via Adigo. AC is still rashing on me. Iĺl stay here for the document display and hand raising
Glenn McKnight:Joly old hand?
Eduardo Diaz:intercommunity link:
Glenn McKnight:4.0 At Large Review- McTim on call providing update on the ALAC review
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Review Working Party -
William Michael Cunningham:Please post survey information on the questions and the firm conducting the work.
Glenn McKnight:@McTim i am a meeting with Tom MacKenzie in Reston, providng feedback
Joly MacFie:
Heidi Ullrich:Workspace for the 2015-2019 At-Large Review:
Eve Edelson:understood, looking forward to survey & we understand the importance
Heidi Ullrich:This review is focusing on ALSes and RALOs.
Glenn McKnight:Question to McTim
Glenn McKnight:WIll the unaffiliated get the survey too?
McTim:Hi Wiliam, as per heidi's link there is an At-Large Review Working Party who we have been working with closely. they have vetted the questions and provided feedback on them
Glenn McKnight:click on green tick
Glenn McKnight:AGREE
Alfredo Calderon:@McTim, will the survey be sent to leader/president.
McTim:yes, everyone can take survey, there is a sectionfor unaffiliated
Ariel Liang:Please note the there is an At-Large facebook page being actively maintained:
Louis Houle:My answer is yes for Facebook
Le-Marie Thompson:yes, My hads are raised for the Facebook page
Loris Taylor:Agree for a NARALO Facebook
McTim:Survey will be sent far and wide, results will be fed to Board via Review Working Party
Terri Agnew:Welcome Steve Anderson
Glenn McKnight:Hi Steve
Loris Taylor:A page where NARALO members can post their activities in support of ICANN's mission etc. but should be administratively approved before posting
McTim:AWilliam, the firm is
Glenn McKnight:Good idea Loris
Steve anderson:Hi there - was on the phone but this system seems a lot better for these calls
Evan L:question to both Alan and McTim: Given the existence of the At-Large Review, which may come up with recommendations regarding structure and governance, why is ALAC engaging in modifying its rules of procedure when these changes may be subsequently recommended to be changed by the Review?
William Michael Cunningham:Facebook should be used to support the mission of NARALO. Support may be very time consuming.
Evan L:+1 @William.
William Michael Cunningham:It should not be used to claim you are doing outreach when you actually are not.
Evan L:To be specific, it's passive outreach which required that people come to it.
Tom Lowenhaupt:30 attendees. Nice turnout.
McTim:@Evan, that query is out of scope for me ;-/
Glenn McKnight:@tom yes it's pretty impressive turnout
Evan L:My part of question for MTim: is review of ALAC rules of procedure in sope of the review?
Joly MacFie:
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large FB -
Glenn McKnight:@All this has come up due to the revisions to the NARALO new brochure template that emphasize FACEBOOK, TWITTER Etc
Glenn McKnight:its the new brochure template
Alfredo Calderon:My concern is the administration. We at ISOCPR have one that is maintained by various ADMIN.
Glenn McKnight:why not add both
Alfredo Calderon:ISOCPR actually has a "fan page" and a "group page".
Louis Houle:@Glenn +1
Glenn McKnight:@judith time on this is a bit long. lets move on
McTim:Evan, yes, there is nothing that is truly out of scope AFAIK, but it wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on procedures until we run our survey and finish our work
Glenn McKnight:We don't need to make a decision today
Glenn McKnight:@judith we need to move onward on this discussion to the next item
Louis Houle:The new leads are on Facebook, no?
Allan Skuce:That makes sense.
Eve Edelson:good point
William Michael Cunningham:It's just a different medium, that reaches a different audience. NARALO should have a presence across all social media platforms.
Glenn McKnight:old brochure had
Evan L:At-Large needs a presence. I have not yet heard a compelling case for separate presence of RALOs.
Louis Houle:@ William: +1
Glenn McKnight:It was suggested we use and
Alan Greenberg:Have we just changed the subject???
judith hellerstein:no same topic communications
Joly MacFie:I think role based email addresses for chair and secretary is not a bad idea.
Le-Marie Thompson:Do we go where the audience is or expect the audience to come to running? I"m for a presence across all platforms, if the goal is to have a presence across audiences.
Joly MacFie:That's a bunch of technical tosh, andbody can make an alias
Tom Lowenhaupt:Coughing person - please mute.
Glenn McKnight:@judith please acknowlege our new Nomcom appointee rep Javier Rua Jovet from PR as our new ALAC rep
Louis Houle:@Joly: +1
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:We will be doing revisions
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Yubelkys Montalvo
Ariel Liang:Please note the At-Large Twitter handle: It promotes NARALO events and content, and the follower base is more than 3,600 (with 100+ follower growth / month)
Javier Rua-Jovet:Twitter would be great if you have somebody in charge of tweeting.
Steve anderson:is it possible for NARALO to express an opinion on government consultations that impact users? such as this one in Canada that is quite alarming:
Steve anderson:maybe through these social media accounts under consideration?
Ariel Liang:@Javier: At-Large Staff, in coordination with Social Media WG of At-Large, actively maintain the At-Large Twitter handle
Javier Rua-Jovet:But could be redundant with the At-large twitter...
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large has a Twitter account:
Yubelkys:Thank you!
Evan L:Iǘe said my bit. I am generally opposed to projects that will require human resources without first knowing where that HR is coming from.
Yubelkys:Sorry I am late
Heidi Ullrich:We are happy to tweet re NARALO activities.
Evan L:Too much opportunity to have orphaned projects
Silvia Vivanco:the At-Large social media accounts are very well known and constantly updated
Silvia Vivanco:please send us your news and tweets we will post them
Heidi Ullrich:Again, not sure how regionalization of SM activities will strengthen global end user interests.
Eve Edelson:acronyms, boy howdy
Alfredo Calderon:NARALO can have a Twitter account and with hashtag, At-large can pick it up and retweeet.
Evan L:And who will manage that?
Eve Edelson:Welcome!
Silvia Vivanco:Warm welcome to all new unaffiliated members!
Evan L:"NARALO" can have an account but a warm body actually has to maintain it
Heidi Ullrich:There are currently no active RALO Twitter accounts. The At-Large Social Media WG develops At-Large SM strategy and activities
judith hellerstein:@evan new hand or old hand
Terri Agnew:NARALO Newsletter:
Alan Greenberg:Do we have a volunteer to replace Eduardo when his commitment to do the Newsletter ends?
Terri Agnew:NARALO General Assembly 2017:
judith hellerstein:Excellent question
Eduardo Diaz:@Alan: Great question!
William Michael Cunningham:Tallk about attending.
Terri Agnew:RALO CROPP Outreach Efforts google doc:
Heidi Ullrich:Javier's bio:
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Javier!
Louis Houle:Thanks Terri: I just filed the form an hour ago!
Terri Agnew:ISOC North Carolina:
John Laprise:OK. Thanks! :)
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi Heidi!
Louis Houle:WelcomJavier! Entonces, una otra opportunidad de hablar en Espagnol!
McTim:great to hear of this NC chapter work!
Heidi Ullrich:Outstanding! Welcome. Excellent work.
Lynden Price:=)
Le-Marie Thompson:Lots of great work NC! Welcome!
judith hellerstein:Javier you are next
Terri Agnew:@Javier, we are unable to hear you, please check your mute
Ariel Liang:@Judith - javier is online but he has problem with audio
Terri Agnew:Policy Advise Page on New At-Large Website:
Terri Agnew:Policy Advise Development Page:
Terri Agnew:ICANN Public comment page:
John Laprise:Point of order: As many of you know Congress in the uSA is in session and there is some movement there against the IANA transition. If you support it, I suggest you speak out on Social media or in the USA to your elected officials.
Terri Agnew:Javier is now on the telephone
judith hellerstein:great. we will go to him next
Eduardo Diaz:@john: any links to follow?
Ariel Liang:Ariel Liang: - At-Large policy issues
John Laprise:#ICANN if you're on twitter
Ariel Liang:Ariel Liang: - Consumer Agenda proposal
William Michael Cunningham:We should not assume veryone supports.
John Laprise:The thread isn't trending
William Michael Cunningham:What is the option to raise questions about the IANA name transition?
John Laprise:
Joly MacFie:IANA?
McTim:Nick has asked me to stress that this review is your chance to speak anonymously/privately about RALOs/ALSes/At-large. If there are issues not included in the survey, he will welcome your emails at, while I can be reached via
McTim:I am afraid I must drop off early however.
John Laprise:Committee mtg in the 14th
William Michael Cunningham:Cruz not helpful Serious and ratonal options, please.
Silvia Vivanco:Thanks Mc Tim
Joly MacFie:there is a civil society letter. ISOC-NY will sign.
Heidi Ullrich:@Joly, can other ALSes sign it?
Heidi Ullrich:or NARALO as a whole?
Eve Edelson:just, should I assume there will be a transcript of this call, as I can't seem to copy anything for my notes which I relay to chapter
Joly MacFie:there is a civil society letter. ISOC-NY will sign.'
John Laprise:Cruz link posted because he was announcing the committee meeting.
Eve Edelson:thx
Silvia Vivanco:@ Eve yes there will be a recording and transcript
Le-Marie Thompson:Is there a form letter to congress?
Eve Edelson:I figured, just checking bcos Adobe Connect is behaving oddly just now
Joly MacFie:I'll forward that letter to the na-discuss list.
Eduardo Diaz:I think is the newsletter is an excelent tool for outreach also
Le-Marie Thompson:@Eduardo happy to chate with you ofline about the newlestter
John Laprise:ICANN FAQ
Eve Edelson:can't copy chat & typing is wonky - not like this usually
William Michael Cunningham:I meant NARALO specific
Eduardo Diaz:@Le-MArie - Thanks. I will contact you later this week
Yubelkys:Eduardo, let me know if I can help also, although maybe not in a regular basis
Joly MacFie:Congress IANA hearing is weds
John Laprise:this week
John Laprise:wess
John Laprise:weds
Yubelkys:due to my full timejob
Terri Agnew:finding the line
William Michael Cunningham:Please post a link to the hearing.
Glenn McKnight:Lost connection at the PIR offices
John Laprise:There's a lot of FUD to fight.
Terri Agnew:Welcome back Glenn
Eduardo Diaz:@Yubelkis - Gracias
Glenn McKnight:Wow, lost computer connection, audio problems etc etc
Glenn McKnight:Crazy
Allan Skuce:Bye,Thanks
Glenn McKnight:thanks Judith and all
Glenn McKnight:Bye all
Louis Houle:Thanks everyone
Eve Edelson:I hope to attend GA & apply for travel
Glenn McKnight:Only 27 ALS currently
Glenn McKnight:We are making sure the ALS are active to attend
Loris Taylor:Bye everyone. I have a call at 1pm.
Glenn McKnight:Inactive as to voting and attendance
Glenn McKnight:We are engaging those less active
Yubelkys:Count on me
Glenn McKnight:Only NCAP is in the process of decertification since it's closed and Darelene sent her statement of withdrawal
Evan L:Hi all. Sorry I have a hard stop at the top of the hour
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Evan
Yubelkys:Thank you!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all !
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Tom Lowenhaupt:bye
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks
Yubelkys:Bye everyone!
Alfredo Calderon:Bye to all!
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Gordon Chillcott:Bye for now.
John Laprise:bye all
Eve Edelson:bye all
Le-Marie Thompson:Have a great week!
Javier Rua-Jovet:See you in India!