ICANN Academy Expanded WG 01-06-2012 Summary Minutes

ICANN Academy Expanded WG 01-06-2012 Summary Minutes


Attendees: Sandra Hoferichter (SH), Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL), Adam Gosling (AG), Louise Flynn (LF), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Rumy Kanis (RK), Ron Sherwood (RS), Krista Papac (KP), Nigel Roberts (NR), Chuck Gomes (CG), Bill Drake (BD), Avri Doria (AD), Carlos Aguirre (CA), Wolf Ludwig (WL), Stephane Van Gelder (SVG)

Apologies: Marilyn Cade, Don Blumenthal, Alain Berranger, Vanda Scartezini, Olga Cavalli

Staff: Gisella Gruber, Matt Ashtiani, Heidi Ullrich




1.  Welcome and Roll Call (Staff) - 5 min

2.  Introduction (Olivier Crepin-Leblond) - 5 min

OCL: Welcome everyone. The Academy was put through to help fill a roll in terms of the comunity's needs. I encourae everyone to take part in this call so we have a dialogue and not a monologue.

3.  ICANN Academy Proposal Presentation (Sandra Hoferichter, Avri Doria, Tijani Ben Jemaa) - 15 min

SH: The Academy was put through to help fill a roll in terms of the comunity's needs.

SH: From the leadership level and up there is no ICANN Porgram to formally help volunteers reach these levels. We hope to change that.

TBJ: The key elemets of this effort will be (1) Knowledge transfer and (2) Socialization

TBJ: We hope to have 15 participants, 20 hours of course time, face to face meetings which will occur before the start of the ICANN Meeting, and a wrap up session.

AD: The format of the academy will be: courses taught in English, in an isolated environment, it will be interactive, and will be continued before and after the ICANN Meeting

AD: Curriculum: Core topics, Specific ICANN Training, Current ICANN Issues, Wrap Up

4.  Define Tasks and Operations of the Expanded Academy WG (Sandra Hoferichter and Olivier Crepin-Leblond) - 10 min

SH: The goals of this expanded WG are (1) To create a programe committee, (2) Define the curriculum, (3) Produce course materials, (4) Define and approach the faculty, (5) Review after the pilot and propose improvements

SH: Next Steps: WG Meeting in Prague, Pilot in Toronto, review and improvements phase, Annual Academy

5.  Discussion - 20 min

OCL: Regarding Funding - The request will be published soon, hopefully before Prague as it will allow the community to comment on it.

OCL: Regarding Course Material - We will need to have this by Toronto is we have the funding approved by that time.

OCL: The delivery of the faculty members. It is not expected that all teachers will be paid, we will rely on the courses to be given by the community members that are involved in this project.

SVG: We are all quite happy to see all of teh work that the ALAC has done in getting this project off the ground. However, I am concerned about the budget and the nature of any work  which assumes everyone is on board. I think it is just worth mentioning this point.

OLC:  I think this approah may be necessary due to the nature of ICANN. I hope this is not seen as being pushy in any way, but more in a a leaderships way insofar as we need to do something or every ICANN Community will put us in a corner without having the time to implement this proposal.

CG: I think this is such a needed, important initiative that - for the pilot - I suggest we take a balanced approach insofar as having a program by Toronoto may mean not having full concensus by Toronto. However, we should still try our best to get as much participation as possible.

CG: What is the harm of people representing their Sos/Acs?

OCL: Some groups simply cannot be represented by an individual.

AD: I think what was meant here is that with the different perspective of these groups, there is an importance in having people from the various groups that can represent those various perspectives.

CG: I suspect we will only have push back when a third party not associated with an SO/AC tries to represent one. However, we can deal with this later.

AD: Then in the future,they will look at other options - more frequent Academies, on-line, etc

HX: How do we reruit the members? Will it be decided by the SOs/ACs or the Board? Will there be a selection committee.

This proposal fits nicely into the GNSO improvements on capacity building.

OCL: Chuck, it is good to hear you mentioning that the Academy fits into the GNSO improvements. It came out of the ALAC Improvements, so nice to see the thinking was similar

HX: On page 7 , the target gorup, I fully agree with the leaders concept. On page 9 - leaders, some would be NomCom - every year the NomCom selects 8 -9, so there could be possibily 6 more seats (?). So how will the NomCom selectees be selected. Also, will it be mandatory for the NomCom to join?

SH: Yes, the NomCom appoint 8 new leaders but the other leaders are elected by the other parts of the community. As for this being mandatory, no - we cannot force people to participate - but we hope the opportunity to attractive enough to get the community's participation.

SH: Regarding newcommers, the Academy is not the right place to be. The Felloship Porgram, Newcommer's lounge, etc, is geared towards these individuals.

SVG: Is there a plan to compensate the faculty?

SH: For the first program, we expect that the faculty will be on a voluntary basis of ICANN Community leaders.

CDA: We may need more budget and more discussion as this is a test case.

OCL: If the community is able to make this project work, perhaps we could follow up with the Finance department.

KP: This is an annual budget? Would this need to change for each meeting?

SH: This budget is specifically for Toronto.

KP: Would the faculty receive travel support ? What about Staff?

SH: Yes, we have covered travel bupport.

6.  Any other Business (Sandra Hoferichter) - 5 min

SH: For Prague, I hope we will have a better idea of our proposals.

SH: We also need to take into account the participation of all SOs/ACs. This can be done in Prague

OCL: We will only have more information from finance once the budget is approved. So, there was be some disparity in when we want approval and when we receive approval.

TBJ: There are many questions at this time, please send your questions.