ICANN Academy Expanded WG 01-06-2012 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large ICANN Academy Expanded WG meeting on Friday 01 June 2012
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/fTWIBg
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi Gisella
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Sandra is not here yet?
Tijani BEN JEMAA:I sent the presentation to Avri because it seems that she didn't received it
Gisella Gruber-White:Reminder to please mute your microphones when not speaking
Gisella Gruber-White:If you are on the phone bridge as well as the Adobe Connect room, please mute your computer speakers
Hong Xue:Thanks!
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcom to everyone!
Gisella Gruber-White:Phone mute: *6 and unmute *7
Hong Xue:Hi, can you hear me? I want to know if I need to install a mike to speak.
Gisella Gruber-White:Please also say your name when speaking for transcript purposes
Bill Drake:Adobe sound much better than Skype
Bill Drake:No Stephane...?
Bill Drake:Olivier should change his last name to Forthetranscript :-)
Gisella Gruber-White:Carlos Aguirre has joined the call
Gisella Gruber-White:Wolf Ludwig has joined the call
avri:how long is the call scheduled for? I heard extended discussion and became curious.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Most of you will have seen the slides in Costa Rica
Wolf Ludwig:Sorry -- I have to leave in some minutes again, picking up my daughter from the school camp. But I have seen this before ;-) Great work!
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:My Question is What about the curriculum builded for the committee program? Could be modified now?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This pyramid integrates part of the work the PPC, Fellowship, etc.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes Carlos -- that's EXACTLY one of the tasks of the expanded WG
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:thanks Olivier. and many thanks to understand when I said builded, I want to say built !
Stéphane Van Gelder:Hi everyone, sorry I'm late.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Welcome Stéphane
Stéphane Van Gelder:Thx Olivier, nice to be here.
Bill Drake:Is this still teh relevant version: Draft Initial Proposal (as of 18.02.2012)
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:The current curriculum are here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109589526/Draft%20Initial%20Proposal%20%28as%20of%2018.02.2012%29.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1329954389000
Sandra Hoferichter:yes, draft because the community input is not included
Sandra Hoferichter:this is the At-Large proposal
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:yes is the current draft
Bill Drake:gracias
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:de nada, con mucho gusto !
Yuliya Morenets:Will it be possible to participate online during Prague meeting?
Sandra Hoferichter:I assume so Yuliya!
Yuliya Morenets:Thank you Sandra!
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Yuliya - we will have remote participation for Prague
Bill Drake:Quote of the day: in ICANN, to move forward, put the carriage before the horse.
Stéphane Van Gelder:Add "and that takes leadership" ;)
Bill Drake:leading from behind, defined
Sandra Hoferichter:@Stephane it was not my intesion to be unpolite not answering your question, just liked to collect some questions statements
avri:prerequisite for the pilot: to have been newly selected for a leadership role.
avri:.. selected, or elected, ...
avri:only at AGM
avri:and then to think about the wider program for new particpants, but not proosals on that yet.
Hong Xue:wow, terrbile noisy line.
Rumy Kanis:sorry, can't hear that!
Heidi Ullrich:Tijani, we have static on your line.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Tijani - we are calling you on the phone now
Heidi Ullrich:We are looking into the source.
Stéphane Van Gelder:OK Sandra, nonetheless I am grateful to Olivier for providing that comprehensive answer and not letting the question get lost in the volume of other questions that will be asked.
avri:Other members are people elected/selected by the SO/AC for leadership positions.
avri:i think that any new nomcom memebr should take this before they start to function as a leader. how can we say it is too much for them, when several days later they will be making decsions for the community.
Chuck Gomes:I like limiting the # of trainees to a relatively small group but think we might be able to increase beyond 15 if there is demand.
avri:i mean new nomcom appointee, member of some leadership structure ...
avri:i think the number is budget factores. but yes, it could be larger if the budget were larger.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:...and we all collectivtely have to learn to walk before we start running
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it's a first step.
avri:OCL, well you did suggest extended discussion ...
Sandra Hoferichter:I have to leave in 30 min
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we'll extend for 15 minutes max
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:if it's okay for all here
Stéphane Van Gelder:Yes, fine, thx.
Chuck Gomes:We should still try to get volunteer, unpaid trainers, if possible.
Stéphane Van Gelder:Yes, that would be better as far as this initiative's budget would be concerned.
avri:i think teachers are an class of people who will volunteer to give a lecture for free, especailly in a pilot program. as long as their expenses are completely covered.
Hong Xue:Faculty should be volunteers, like other volunteers at ICANN.
Stéphane Van Gelder:good point Avri (about expenses).
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:this course could be called "leadership 1"? because there are many other issues to touch in the program. in this case 3 day course / program not to be enough. in this case more budget could be necessary, and of course more discussion
Rumy Kanis:important to give some thought to: how to select good trainers, and how to monitor performance/knowledge/prerequisites of the trainers?
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:this is a big challenge!
Chuck Gomes:I suggest that our group leaders request a budget estimate from ICANN staff right away.
Gisella Gruber-White:*7 to unmute
Rumy Kanis:microphone doesn't seem to be working sorry!
Rumy Kanis:am on adobe connecy
Rumy Kanis:connect
Rumy Kanis:is connected
Rumy Kanis:but i mentioned my point in the chat
Rumy Kanis:it was about the prerequisites for the trainers/instructors
Heidi Ullrich:Rumy Kanis: important to give some thought to: how to select good trainers, and how to monitor performance/knowledge/prerequisites of the trainers?
Rumy Kanis:content knowledge experts are not necessarily good instructors and vice-versa
Sandra Hoferichter:The budget estimate (accommodation / meeting room) was developed jointly with ICANN staff
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:I thin is neeeded both things, knowledge, experience and to be good instructor
Sandra Hoferichter:So these numbers are reliable
Rumy Kanis:exactly avri!
Rumy Kanis:thank you
Chuck Gomes:There are ways to use experts who are not good trainers effectively (e.g., directed Q&A, etc.)
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:I think the key question is : Who will be a traines selector ?
Rumy Kanis:no its still raised from previous
Rumy Kanis:didn't raise my hand :)
avri:Re trainer slection: i think it is the programme committee in cooperation with current leadership and the ICANN staff sponsors.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:so, we need carefully elect our programme committee :)
avri:current leaderhip == {ac/so leaders, SG and C leaders, Ralo leaders, Board members, wg chairs, ...}
Hong Xue:Sandra just said selection should be done by each SO or AC.
Chuck Gomes:Excellent meeting. Thanks.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:agree with chuck. very good meeting. !
avri:the schedule is getting rather pressed. we wait to long, it will be difficult to get done by Toronto.
Chuck Gomes:Totally agree Avri
avri:i beleive we should proceed as if approaved for budget and then hope we are right.
Chuck Gomes:Agree
Bill Drake:Create a fait accompli
Bill Drake::-)
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:we need to give all, to reach some pilot for Toronto. even without big budget
Rumy Kanis:have a nice weekend all
Sandra Hoferichter:Bye thank you!
Heidi Ullrich:Bye, thanks for joining.
Gisella Gruber-White:We look forward to seeing you in Prague