At-Large ICANN Academy Monthly Reports
October 2015
The 3rd LTP took place from 14-16 October 2015 (some pictures: ICANN Leadership Programme 2015) We had good participation and a well balanced group, incl. an incoming Board member, ICANN staff and participants from almost all AC/SO/SG. The improvements in the curriculum worked out very well, we just realised that we have to move the programme to another time of the year, in order to avoid conflicting schedules. For the future we will be organising it back to back with meeting A or B. This means we have to wait with a next LTP for more than a year, because there is no budget request in the upcoming FY cycle. This provides us with more time to work on the scope of the broader concept of the ICANN Academy.
September 2015
Agreement on the final programme with Incite Learning, finalising the list of participants and logistical arrangements, outreach to community session facilitators (see the workspace: ICANN Academy )
July / August 2015
The registration for the LTP was opened, the work on logistical arrangements started (mainly staff work).
June 2015
The ICANN Academy Working group meet in Buenos Aires on Wed, 24 June 2015 - 17:00 to 18:30 There was not much progress or activity since Singapore, mainly because community as well as ICANN staff where all busy with the IANA Stewardship transition process. Therefore the agenda was pretty much the same as it was in Singapore and action items as they have been agreed (see below) were not yet all fulfilled. During the meeting in Buenos Aires a fist draft revision of the LTP programme was agreed based on the feedback from former participants. Furthermore we reached out personally to almost all AC / SO / SG asking to nominate their participants for the next LTP, taking place just before the ICANN meeting in Dublin. We received good interest by all groups.
April / May 2015
Follow up on the AI agreed in February (Flyer and Website).
March 2015
no activities
February 2015
The ICANN Academy Working Group face to face meeting in Singapore took place on Monday 09 February 2015 / 12:30 - 13:30 local time.
PART 1: Visibility of the Academy on (20 min)
- Update by Christopher Gift, (5 min)
- Discussion (15 min)
PART 2: Transition of the Expanded ICANN Academy Ad Hoc working group into a permanent cross community WG (20 min)
- definition aim and structure of this WG (15 min)
- distribution of tasks and responsibilities (5 min)
PART 3: Planning of the next Leadership training program (20 min)
- discussion on the next program (10 min)
- application procedure (5 min)
- update about the venue (5 min)
The time slot was unfortunate because many members could not participate although the expressed interest. Therefore part 2 of the agenda was postponed. On part 3 Heidi provided a brief update.
Part 1: The presentation of a first draft web interface by Chris Gif and Laura Bengford was well received by the community and the following Action Items (AI) have been agreed:
- AI: Chris Gift to revise the landing page according to the level of engagement and stakeholder group to allow accessing each source and programming from multiple angles. (Discussion was to have different types of accessing depending on who you are. The same material is accessible through different means. Site should have several entries by communities, by specific programs, not restrictive.)
- AI: delete change the wording “Academy members”
- AI: Remove Twitter feed and make a list of upcoming programmes (next 5)
- AI: Chris Gift to create an evaluation area on the page. (i.e. quotes from the community about programmes they attended)
- AI: Chris Gift to add ‘activities’ to page on Mentoring (Mentoring Activities)
- AI: Chris Gift to consider if convenient to follow a person to see the level of activity of the person in the site.
- AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with ICANN staff on how to name this WG which is now a standing WG, for example a proposal was made “Academy Steering Committee”.
- AI: A sub page incl. an online application form for the 2015 LTP, detailed criteria and other elements to be agreed on, shall be up and ready by the Buenos Aires meeting.
- AI: Staff to change mailing list name to ICANN Academy (ensure that archive of current mailing list is kept) from to ICANN Academy Working (or similar)
--> STATUS UPDATE: the list was renamed to and it is active since 27.2.2015 - AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with staff to create a flyer for the LTP and organize outreach during the BA meeting (visiting AC/SO with the help of former LTP participants)
November 2014 - January 2015
Start searching for a venue for the LTP in Dublin.
October 2014
The 2nd Leadership training programme took place in Los Angeles from 8-10 October 2015 in the ICANN offices. Last year’s pilot programme was further developed in terms of better combining the facilitation skills part and the orientation course. Again community members acted as session facilitators on a topic of their expertise. Having held the LTP within the ICANN offices provided participants with a great relaxed atmosphere and a closer look how ICANN works. After the programme participants were asked to fulfil an evaluation survey.
During the ICANN meeting the WG met to discuss the following issues:
Part 1: Review of the 2nd Leadership training programme (30 min)
- review of the survey from LTP participants
- participants will be invited to speak about their experience of the LTP
Part 2: Update and Feedback on ICANN Learn - with Jeffrey Dunn, Online Education Specialist and Janice Douma Lange, Manager, Outreach and Participation (30 min)
Part 3: Future of the ICANN Academy Working group (30 min)
- Is there future need for this WG?
- If so what is the scope of this group?
- How can our ideas become more visible? (i.e. on
It was agreed:
- That the ICANN Academy will be provided space on and staff should prepare a proposal for discussion for the next F2F meeting in Singapore.
- That the WG shall be transformed from an Ad-Hoc WG under At-Large Leadership into a cross community
- That the LTP will continue and the quality of the programme shall be further developed, For instance facilitation skills sessions should be more customised to ICANN issues.
See also:
Transcript: EN
September 2014
ICANN community members in cooperation with ICANN staff and the team from Incite Learning worked out the detailed programme for the LTP, the logistics and a social programme . Almost all AC/SO confirmed around 25 participants to take place in the 2nd Leadership Training Programme to take place right before the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles in the ICANN offices.
July / August 2014
The call for participants was sent out to all AC/SO to nominate their representatives for the next leadership training programme to take place in conjunction with ICANN 51 in Los Angeles. The detailed planning of the programme started.
June 2014
During ICANN50 in London the working group met again.
- Update on the current planning for the Los Angeles Leadership programme (Sandra, David 15 min)
- Distribution of seats among all SO / AC
- review of last year’s model (Sandra 5 min)
- agreement on this year’s model (all 10 min)
- Outreach to all SO / AC the NomCom and the Board to nominate of participants (all 15 min)
- How do we organise the call for participation in order to meet the need of each stakeholder group
- distribution of tasks
- assign ambassadors
- How can the ICANN Academy effort become visible on the new (all 15 min)
- makes only sense if Chris Gift or others from Staff responsible can participate and elaborate what is possible
During this session we focussed on point 1+2 of the agenda. The proposed curriculum and the distribution of seats was confirmed be participants. After this meeting an informal meeting with Gris Gift took place in order to further elaborate how the ICANN Academy could become visible on the new
April / May 2014
The financing of a next leadership training programme prior to ICANN51 in Los Angeles was confirmed. A revised curriculum was drafted, based on the results of the survey and the feedback from participants. This curriculum merged the facilitation skills training and the orientation part, but was shortened to 3 days.
March 2014
During ICANN49 in Singapore the WG met again.
- Discussion on the overall framework of the ICANN Academy
- Feedback about the new visualization of the Academy model
- Implementation of new initiatives in this framework (i.e. ATLAS II capacity building, GAC capacity building)
- Kick off planning for the next Leadership training program (planned for ICANN 51 Los Angeles)
- Discussion on the curriculum
- call for participants
During the discussion it became clear that there is a big confusion between the different programmes offered within ICANN. Especially newbie’s at ICANN have problems to find their way and the needed information to contribute meaningful. The desire aroused that on the new there should be space for easy entrance to all capacity building and learning efforts within ICANN.
Jan / Feb 2014
The pilot programme was seen as a great success and there was no doubt that this programme should continue. The financing aspect of the next programme was the next challenge, kindly organised by ICANN staff.
Because it was stated that the pyramid model is too static and does not reflect the dynamics within ICANN sufficiently, the overall framework of the ICANN Academy concept was revised including input from other stakeholder groups. It was developed with Mike O’ Connor, one of the participant of the pilot programme (see also his blog on this: )
December 2013
Participants of the Leadership training programme keept in contact on a mailing list and some of them showed interest to contribute to shape the future programme. We set milestones for the future planning and it was agreed that all parts remain in the programme. The FST and the OC should be merged in the future to keep the interactivity for the entire course. A bridging event is not needed anymore, but the need for socialising and networking events was clearly underlined.
The results of the pilot Leadership Training program survey and the summarizing information to our WG meeting in Buenos Aires can be found here:
November 2013
Participants fulfilled the OLP and we received the first feedback about this tool. Generally it was seen as an useful tool but the content needs to be improved. Overall we had around 25 participants in this programme, but not all of them could attend all 4 parts. Between part 2 and 3 we organised a bridging event in the evening. The facilitation skills training (FST) tuned out to be the icebreaking exercise and were very well received by all participants. Also the orientation course (OC) and the concept of asking participants to facilitate a session worked out very well. Of course there is always space for improvement, but generally there was agreement that this programme should not remain a pilot but should become a regular capacity building effort of ICANN. The feedback session on 20 November was well attended by participants and the comments provided very helpful for the future planning process.
Information on the pilot Leadership Training Programme can be found here:
October 2013
Participants from almost every AC/SO (except ASO and RSSAC), as well as Board members, Staff and the NomCom were interested in the programme. In order to offer more seats to participants we agreed not to assign trainers, but ask some of the experienced leaders to facilitate a session on a topic they have an expertise in. This turned out to be a good approach, because it was seen as a real effort from the community for the community. By the end of October the log in data for the Online Learning Platform were sent out, before access was given to some individuals to evaluate the tool. We realise there is space for improvement, but time was running short until the start of the programme.
September 2013
Having finalised the curriculum, the WG reached out to all AC/SO to nominate participants. Incoming and current leaders were the target group and each AC/SO could decide which member to send, whilst NomCom selectees were automatically invited. We realised that for some groups the notification was too short in time, for others it was too early because of outstanding elections.
August 2013
After the (late) approval of the FY 14 budget we could start concrete planning. In close cooperation with ICANN staff, they intended to organise a facilitation skills training for leaders also prior to Buenos Aires, we agreed to put all efforts under the umbrella of the ICANN Academy. A curriculum was drafted consisting of 4 parts:
- Online Learning Platform – Program participants will be the first to use the new ICANN Online Learning Platform with a training module developed especially for the program.
- Facilitation Skills Training (13-14 November) – When participants are not in the plenary room learning and trying out new meeting frameworks and models, they will be in breakout rooms with smaller groups practicing meeting management skills.
- Orientation Training (15-16 November) – This course has been organized fully by the community and offers incoming and current leaders an opportunity to get to know more about all AC/SOs as well as many current ICANN issues.
- Feedback Session (20 November) – This session will serve as a feedback opportunity for all Leadership Program participants.
Furthermore a system was approved how to distribute the seats to participants and criteria’s for possible trainer where drafted.
July 2013
Before the next F2F meeting in Durban a call was organised on 9 July. During the ICANN meeting in Durban Nora Abusita, Vice President for Public Responsibility Programs, explained concept and status of the Online Learning Platform (OLP) and it was discussed how to merge this tool with the work of the ICANN Academy WG in the most effective way. It was agreed, that for a pilot programme in October, participants will get the chance to use the OLP for the first time, even before the official launch during the Buenos Aires Meeting. This should then be seen as a first test case for this tool.
May / June 2013
Follow up with the action items from April: drafting a proposal and collaborating in terms of the online learning tool with Nora Abusita, newly assigned Vice President for Public Responsibility Programs. She is responsible for developing the OLP. A follow up call with key players in this matter was organised. Matthew Shears was not working on this project anymore because he changed job.
April 2013
On 2 April 2013 a tele-meeting took place where we discussed the results of the survey and finalised the agenda for Beijing. One week later the WG met F2F during the ICANN meeting in Beijing. The survey results were presented and conclusions drawn from it. Matthew Shears consulted the WG meeting and explaing his ideas and exchanged views about the develpment of an online Learning tool. After Beijing we hat to submit a project proposal again for a piloit leadership training programme taking place in Buenos Aires.
March 2013
The results of the survey were evaluated and discussed by the WG. The WG was informed that ICANN recently engaged Matthew Shears to develop an online education platform for ICANN. The aim of this initiative is very much inline with what our WG proposed in the past: pull together existing things, add new content and provide different formats and mechanisms to meet the different needs of ICANN Stakeholder groups. The agenda for the WG meeting in Beijing was developed.
January / February 2013
The outcome of this survey was comprimised and sent to the WG for comments.
December 2012
The closing date for the survey was extended until 14 January 2012, because the reply was not sufficient at this time. Filiz Yilmaz from ICANN Staff and main contact point for this WG informed the WG that she is leaving ICANN by the end of the year. As new contact point form ICANN Staff Denise Michele was introduced.
November 2012
The survey was finalised and evaluated by the WG and sent to all SO / AC by ICANN staff asking to participate in this survey until 20 December 2012.
October 2012
Prior to the Toronto F2F meeting a WG call was scheduled on 5 October 2012 to provide an update of the current status, re-evaluate the scope of the WG and to set the agenda for Toronto and to agree on the role of staff in this project.
The agenda for a 3 hour meeting on 17 October 2012 was set as follows:
- specify the target group (incoming and / or current leaders)
- agree on the learning goal
- discuss the methodology (online / F2F / proposed resource person)
- agree on the dates and the duration of this pilot programme
- discuss and agree with ICANN staff how to implement this project
The discussion during this meeting was very productive and cooperative, most stakeholder groups where represented. It has been agreed to make an assessment on the development needs for individual participants in the SOs, ACs, SGs and constituencies. A drafting team volunteered to develop a survey to be sent out to applicable ICANN groups. It included questions which will build a foundation for the future effort of this working group. The first draft of the survey was discussed and modified during the second informal meeting on Friday 19 October 2012.
After the survey was evaluated by the WG, it was sent to ICANN Communications for a quick review and comments and then sent to the applicable leaders. The following community members have volunteered with drafting the initial version of the Survey.
- Chuck Gomes
- Ron Sherwood
- Yaovi Atohoun
- Hong Xue
- YJ Park
- Sandra Hoferichter
An additional informal meeting to draft the survey was held on 19 October 2012 in Toronto.
August / September 2012
Filiz and Sandra drafted a curriculum and project outline for the pilot project in Toronto taking into account the input from the WG so far. This draft was submitted to the WG on 22 August 2012 inviting them to comment on.
The perception of this draft proposal was very diverse. Whilst some members where very much in favour with this proposal, others did not agree, neither with the curriculum, nor with the participants to the be invited to this training, or the trainers. Trainers where mainly assigned from ICANN staff which was criticised by the community, but the budget constrains left not much flexibility to invite other / more trainers. Furthermore the timing turned out to be too short, as the Toronto meeting was pretty early in 2012 and NomCom elections where not announced at this stage, but the travel planning was under way already.
A doodle was set up to receive a clear feedback from the WG on the various options on if and how to organise the pilot for Toronto. The result of the doodle reflected pretty clear that the support for a pilot in Toronto was not given at this stage. It was then decided to postpone the pilot for Toronto and have another F2F WG meeting instead.
July 2012
The discussion form the Prague meeting was continued on the mailing list and lead to some first concrete proposals how the pilot in Toronto should be organised, what should be included in the curriculum.
June 2012
A first introductorycall of the expanded WG took place on 1 June 2012. It was a briefing call and to define tasks and operations of the Expanded Academy WG. The call was well attended by representatives of all stakeholder groups within ICANN. Many questions where raised by participants to get a clear understanding of the project and it’s impact for every constituency. A lot of the discussion was concerning the budget and finances. (see: At-Large ICANN Academy Expanded WG 01-06-2012)
The first F2F meeting of the expanded WG took place during the ICANN meeting in Prague on 27 June 2012. 3 days prior to this meeting it was announced that the budget for the original budget request by ALAC was declined, but a budget was approved to develop a pilot project in Toronto.
In the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget document it was stated: "The ICANN-Academy concept is still being developed and reviewed within the SO-AC groups and further consensus is ongoing though a process led by ALAC / At-Large. While this process is ongoing, in early anticipation of the direction of the effort, a staff pilot project will be focused on the executive training of new SO-AC leaders on ICANN organisations, policymaking and related activities. The pilot would include usage of online tools where possible and an orientation session in Toronto. This pilot project should be seen as a first step in testing the overall concept and providing a basis for a future training program as well as experience to build on for future improvements if deemed necessary. "
The agenda for this meeting was set as follows:
- Follow up from the extended Academy WG call
- Agree on the ICANN Academy course design, course material and trainers
- Creation of an expanded programme committee
The meeting was well attended, but the discussion tuned out only about responsibilities of ICANN staff, the collaboration with the community and the use of the budget. The situation after this meeting was confused on both sides and a lot of discussion on the mailing list took place afterwards.
May 2012
After the expanded WG was formed, milestones where defined and a coursed of action proposed, to organise a first pilot in Toronto, although the budget was not approved at this stage. Planning of the a first call and the first F2F meeting of the expanded WG in Prague in close cooperation with ICANN staff. Budget request had to be modiefied according to the ICANN budget template.
April 2012
As announced in Costa Rica, the Programme committee drafted a letter to be sent out all other ICANN stakeholder groups calling for participation in the extended ICANN Academy WG. So far almost all stakeholder groups sent 1-3 representatives and they have been subscribed to this mailing list already. (see: At-Large ICANN Academy Expanded Working Group Workspace). Based on the community feedback in Costa Rica the presentation was revised by including a compilation of existing capacity building provisions already offered by ICANN to the various stakeholder groups and visualising how the ICANN Academy should fill in the need for ICANN leaders. Further more the linkage of the proposal to the to the advanced outreach strategy developed by ICANN staff was adopted.
March 2012
A webinar was offered prior to the Costa Rica meeting to the entire ICANN community. During the Costa Rica meeting the proposal was presented and discussed during the public participation committee. Furthermore a presentation about Moodle, as a tool for the ICANN Academy, was held by Glenn Mc Night.
February 2012
The curriculum was drafted by the programme committee and afterwards discussed and agreed by ICANN Academy WG. Moodle, as a tool for the ICANN Academy, was introduced and discussed. The presentation for various purposes was created (Webinar, Costa Rica presentation)
January 2012
Due the time constrains the WG started the to work on the budget first, although this was not ideally because the discussion on the format and the curriculum was not held widely. The programme committee drafted a budget which was discussed by the ICANN Academy WG and submitted to the ALAC finance committee later on.