At-Large Improvements Work Team A
This new Workspace is the hub for all updates, documents, and work related to At-Large Improvements Work Team A.
The goal of the ALAC/At-Large Improvements project is to review and improve both ALAC/At-Large’s participation in ICANN and the ALSes’ participation in At-Large. This will be done through the implementation of the 13 recommendations outlined in the At-Large Review Work Group's Final Report and detailed in the Simplified At-Large Improvements Implementation Outline.
We have divided these recommendations among four work teams. Work Team A -- the work team on ALAC's continuing purpose -- is assigned the implementation of the following three recommendations:
Rec 1: ICANN bylaws to reflect ALAC's continuing purpose
Rec 10: ALAC/At-Large is home of individual Internet users
Rec 11: Board statement recognizing Rec 10
The members of Work Team A, organized by regional affiliation, are:
Region |
Member |
WT A office |
Pastor Peters Omoragbon |
Baudouin Schombe |
Cheryl Langdon-Orr |
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy |
Yrjö Länsipuro |
Co-Chair |
Carlos Aguirre |
Matías Altamira |
Dev Anand Teelucksingh |
Daniel Monastersky |
Eric Brunner-Williams |
Evan Leibovitch |
Co-Chair |
All four of the At-Large Improvements work teams hold regular conference calls that are:
- 60 minutes long;
- Scheduled once every two weeks (once every other week); and
- Conducted in English.
Work Team A's calls are scheduled for Thursday's at 1800 UTC.
The next call is scheduled on: TBA
Previous calls:
07 March 2011 - ALAC/WT A officers & Legal
10 February 2011
27 January 2011
13 January 2011
06 December 2010 - ICANN Cartagena
18 November 2010
04 November 2010
23 September 2010
09 September 2010
For information on specific past calls, please click here.
WG guidelines
GNSO Working Group Guidelines_ver 5 Feb 2010
ALAC Review
Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements
At-Large Improvements
ALAC/At-Large Improvements Project Plan
Status of ALAC Improvements Implementation_rev 6
Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline (complete)
WT A's assigned recommendations
WT A At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline
Final Report: References to ALAC/At-Large's continuing purpose (Confluence)
WT A status reports
WT A Cartagena Presentation (9 Dec 2010)
WT A San Francisco Presentation (March 2011)
WT A table of recommendations to the ALAC (July 2011)
Current ICANN bylaws
ICANN Bylaws Pertaining to ALAC/At-Large (PDF)
ICANN Bylaws Pertaining to ALAC/At-Large (Confluence)
ICANN Bylaws: Required Board response to GAC advice (Confluence)
Proposed ICANN Bylaw revisions pertaining to At-Large-selected Director
ICANN Legal's draft amendments to ICANN Bylaws regarding ALAC/At-Large
07 March 2011 call with Legal re Bylaw revisions
ICANN Bylaws identified by Legal for revision in response to Recs 1, 10, 11
Legal Dept Drafts: ICANN Bylaws (4 Dec 2010; S Eisner)
Proposed Draft Preamble (Article XI.2.4.a; 12 Jan 2011; S Eisner)
WT A's draft amendments to ICANN Bylaws regarding ALAC/At-Large
Proposed revisions to Article XI, Section 2.4, submitted to Board in San Francisco
WT A's Proposed ICANN Bylaw Changes -- For ALAC Approval
Timeline for Bylaw Revisions by WT A (PDF)
WT A's Proposed Timeline Regarding ICANN Bylaw Revisions -- For ALAC Approval
Red-Line of Bylaw Revisions by WT A
WT A Drafts: ICANN ByLaw Changes (Confluence)
WT A's draft amendments: Previous versions & background
WT A draft revisions to Article XI, 4(a)_Sep 22, 2010 (Yrjo)
ALAC public comment on ATRT recommendations
WT A Drafts: Suggested ALAC Comment on ATRT Final Recommendations
WT A Drafts: Suggested ALAC Comment on ATRT Draft Recommendations
For more information
For more information regarding the work of At-Large Improvements Work Team A, please contact:
Seth Greene
At-Large Improvements Project Manager
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)