Work Team D 17.02.11 Chat

Work Team D 17.02.11 Chat


Seth Greene: WT D CHAT:  17 FEBRUARY 2011

Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Hi all

Dave Kissoondoyal: I am on the call as well

Gisella Gruber: Please speak SLOWLY for our Spanish speaking participants - thank you!

Rudi Vansnick: sorry for the delay ... customers on the phone ...

Gisella Gruber: Please STATE YOUR NAMES when speaking for transcript purposes

CLO: Slight buzz on my line  so in case I am the cause I have muyed

CLO: OCL  is freezing in Kieve

Seth Greene: Heidi is on another call and will join asap.

CLO: Noted Seth

Seth Greene: Cheryl, have updated defs.

Rudi Vansnick: welcome Jean-Jacques

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: just back in the call

CLO: back on mute

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: pad v6: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109587981/New+ALACAt-Large+PAD+flowchart+%28Dec+2010%29_ver+6.pdf\\

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109587981/Before+policy+is+available+for+comment+(chart+seg)_ver+3.pdf\\

Seth Greene: All flowchart links are also to the right in Links pod, if people would like to try to use them.  Highlight and click "Browse To."

CLO: Diagram looks  good and  Yes i AGTEE WE NEED TO SIT IN our AREA OF CONCERN

CLO: sorry CAPS

CLO: YES  there is a role  for the Liaisons  to the SO  GOOD  idea

CLO: CAPS  deliberate  there 

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: DAT, may I say a word ?

Rudi Vansnick: i think it is important to have good relationships with other SO/AC's

Carlos Vera: in the chart when it say days includes hollydays and weekends?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Carlos, yes

CLO: Sorry  if I was too soft

Carlos Vera: Dev sorry yes what please... :)

CLO: mightr be my phone connecction perhaps  as Tijani often has my voice comming through soft

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: days include holidays and weekends

Rudi Vansnick: CLO it is indeed related to the connectivity not so much the level of the voice

CLO: YES  Fco-ordinateioj bet

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: good comment.


CLO: but  the that   indicat

Seth Greene: Hello, Heiid. 

Carlos Vera: thkx Dev

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: I support CLO's comment. Stipulate "committee".

Rudi Vansnick: +1

Dave Kissoondoyal: + TO clo

Dave Kissoondoyal: +1 to CLO

Heidi Ullrich: I would suggest that CLO's AI should included David Olive rather than Rob

CLO: Noted  Heidi...  Agree  ALSO  We need to remember  our discusions and desires on this matter  including  the predictability of call for PC's  is EXACTLY  what the ATRT is proposoing in its recommendations

CLO: Yes  JJS  we must have a MACRO hogh level approach  to this

Heidi Ullrich: Very good, Cheryl

Rudi Vansnick: agree with JJ and CLO

Seth Greene: Link, again, to left in Links pod.

Rudi Vansnick: i agree JJ

Rudi Vansnick: it would/could and maybe should be more an interactive participation then the observer status as today

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Rudi +1

Rudi Vansnick: GNSO is closer to ALAC than for instance ccNSO

Carlos Vera: Rudi: what that mean?

Rudi Vansnick: sorry got kicked out ;)

Rudi Vansnick: Carlos : in GNSO we have participants that have same or similar thoughts about points we have to handle

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: My phone connection has gone. Call me back please ?

Heidi Ullrich: We are dialing you now

CLO: Seth  take my mike away please

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Thans Heidi, I'm back.

Heidi Ullrich: JJS is back

Heidi Ullrich: Done, Cheryl

CLO: and I also needed to turn of speakers as R=udi  came in in sterio with delay

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: connection lost again. I did not touch anything.

Rudi Vansnick: is correct Dev

Gisella Gruber: Jean Jacques dropped again

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: oh dear

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: I'm back.

Gisella Gruber: great!

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: thks.

Rudi Vansnick: very nice

Rudi Vansnick: marvellous recommendation

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: DAT +1

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: CLO +1.

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Oh my, connection dropped again.

CLO: We should be stoppiong now  JJS

CLO: it is usually my line that keeps droppong out

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: I think someone has already stoppoinged me.

CLO: my record is I think 5 drop outs  in a single 60 mon call

Rudi Vansnick: point 6 of agenda : next meeting

CLO: 2200 er for JJS be bet

CLO: as it was 0300 for him

Chris Grundemann: I may be forced to join late but am not opposed

CLO:  so plus a few hrs  would be kind

CLO: 2230?

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Next call, 2200 UTC much preferred by me.

Rudi Vansnick: is ok ...

Rudi Vansnick: taken as the good choice ;-)

CLO: sold

Rudi Vansnick: would be midnight but at least at that time customers do not disturb me anymore

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: yes

Carlos Vera: I got it Rudi...thx

Seth Greene: Dropped call -- apologies.  Good bye, if I can't dial in on time.

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: 2230 yes

CLO: Thanks all

Rudi Vansnick: thanks all and especially Dev

Carlos Vera: 3:06 in the afternoon here...

CLO: Seth  make sure  Hong and Charles  know the new call time

Chris Grundemann: good morning, good afternoon and good night

Seth Greene: Will do.

CLO: Thanks all

Carlos Vera: It was a very interesting meeting..

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thanks all

Seth Greene: Good bye.  Thank you to all, esp. the new participants.

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: And many thanks Heidi and others on Staff for keeping me in the circuit.

Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Gisella, etc.