WT D table of recommendations to the ALAC
Below, you will find each of the recommendations from the Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements that has been assigned to WT D. These are Recs. 8, 12, and 13. And after each recommendation is a table listing the related tasks from the WT D At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline.
Please complete the tables (by first clicking “Edit” above). For each task, you must list either:
- One or more recommendations that WT D would like to propose to the ALAC in order to implement the task; or
- An explanation of why the task no longer requires WT D to make an implementation recommendation to the ALAC.
About your implementation recommendations:
- Include enough relevant information (details, links, etc.) in your recommendations to make them clear to the ALAC.
- For any task, you may enter one or more implementation recommendations (most tasks will likely get one recommendation).
- You may enter the same recommendation under more than one task (enter the recommendation or recommendations that most directly apply to each task).
About your explanations of why tasks no longer require implementation recommendations:
- Include enough relevant information (details, links, etc.) in your explanations to make them clear to the ALAC. These explanations – like the WT’s recommendations themselves – were discussed during the WT meetings.
About the tables themselves:
- Tables can be difficult to use/edit in Confluence. (If you have problems, please let Seth know.)
- Please confirm that links you’d like to embed in the tables’ text are actually active (actually work).
- The column widths should adjust as you type in them.
- Remember to click “Save” after you’ve edited the tables.
Main sources of information for use in filling out these tables:
- WT D San Francisco Presentation (March 2011)
- WT D meeting minutes
- The notes, action items, etc. listed on WT D’s Simplified Improvements Outline.
Note re WT D’s flowcharts: * *In addition to the information in the tables below, WT D’s flowcharts will be used in the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Final Report. Seth will discuss their best use (likely in an explanatory appendix) with the WT D co-chairs.
REC 8: The public comment period should remain 30 days, except in the case of special circumstances, for which ALAC may request an extension to 45 days. (Note: Much of the implementation of Recommendations 8 and 13 must be done jointly, in light of their related substance.)
Task # |
Task |
WT D recommends that the ALAC… |
This task no longer requires a recommendation from WT D because... |
8.1 |
ALAC internal processes |
be able to request an extension for any number of days, not just 15 days. |
8.1.1 |
Develop process for requesting extended consultation window |
8.1.2 |
After ALAC endorsement, 8.1.1 draft process are presented to Board for approval |
8.2 |
Staff & Board processes |
8.2.1 |
Develop process for implementing extension requests received |
8.3 |
Review of public comment processes |
8.3.1 |
Review activities in advance of the beginning of the public comment period |
| |
Review internal processes on staff level to determine how advance notice of comment periods and availability of prerelease drafts could be successfully implemented. Propose recommendations for community review. |
| |
Review internal processes to determine how various materials could be prepared and released in advance of the opening of comment periods to support advance understanding of issues |
8.4 |
Review measures to make policy development activities across ICANN's communities more accessible. Propose measures for community review |
REC 12: ICANN should develop a mechanism that allows the voice of those bodies recognized as representing consumer interests to be heard at critical points in key decisions and to provide input into policy processes. (Note: As this recommendation affects recruitment across two communities, development of an integrated outreach program for this stakeholder group will be developed centrally. Upon completion, it will be provided to At-Large for review and comment.) .
Task # |
Task |
WT D recommends that the ALAC… |
This task no longer requires a recommendation from WT D because... |
12.1 |
Consumer representatives and At-Large |
12.1.1 |
Outreach related to 12.1 |
12.2 |
Consumer representatives and the GNSO |
12.2.1 |
Outreach related to 12.2 |
REC 13: ALAC should strive to provide policy advice on any issues that affect individual Internet users (since providing policy advice is part of ALAC’s purpose). To this end, the following should be strengthened:
- The processes within ALAC for developing and providing policy advice;
- The processes within the SOs for requesting input from ALAC on policy issues; and
- The processes within the SOs, ACs, and the Board for providing ALAC with feedback about how its policy advice has been used.
(Note: Much of the implementation of Recommendations 8 and 13 must be done jointly, in light of their related substance.) .
Task # |
Task |
WT D recommends that the ALAC… |
This task no longer requires a recommendation from WT D because... |
13.1 |
Review ALAC's/At-Large's Policy Advice Development processes |
13.1.1 |
Review ALAC's/At-Large's internal processes, identifying any barriers to policy-advice development |
13.1.2 |
Given 13.1.1 results, staff is to prepare proposed measures to reduce identified barriers |
13.1.3 |
Review external processes that create barriers to ALAC's development of policy advice |
13.1.4 |
Given the results of 13.1.3, staff/consultants are to prepare proposals for measures to reduce barriers identified; these proposals are to be presented to At-Large for review |
13.2 |
Strengthen policy-development processes within the SOs and ACs for requesting and considering ALAC input |
13.2.1 |
Review current process in each AC and SO |
13.2.2 |
Develop recommendations to make relevant changes for community consideration |
13.3 |
"Processes between SOs, ACs and the Board need to be developed/strengthened to provide feedback on how ALAC advice has been considered and used within their processes." |
13.4 |
Ensure the GNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarrantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process |
13.5 |
Ensure the ccNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process |
13.6 |
Ensure the ASO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process |