At-Large Improvements Work Team D 28.10.10
Work Team D 28.10.10 - Teleconference
Date: Thursday, 28 October 2010
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC. For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: WORKTEAMC/1010/2
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dev Anand Teelucksing, Dave Kissoondoyal
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene
Summary Minutes: Work Team D 28.10.10 Summary Minutes
Action Items: Work Team D 28.10.10 Action Items
Chat: Work Team D 28.10.10 Chat
Recording: English
Adobe Connect Chatroom:
WT D AGENDA: 28 OCT 2010
1. Roll call - 5 min.
2. Review of AIs from 14 Oct 2010 - 5 min.
a. Dev to send ver. 2 draft of ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart to the WT D list for comments.
- Status: Done; latest version (ver. 3) to be reviewed below.
b. Staff to add ver. 2 draft of ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart to WT D workspace.
- Status: Done. Ver. 3 in Google Docs. also linked to WT D workspace.
3. New WT D At-Large Improvements Implementation Outline - Seth, 5 min.
4. Update of consumer outreach and overview of related documents - Beau, 10 min.
- See the WT D Workspace.
5. Latest version (ver. 3) of ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart and revisions to flowchart – 10 min.
- See the WT D Workspace or link directly to New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart_ver 3 (Google Docs).
6. Discussion of which discrete subtasks under Recs. 8, 12, and 13 the WT should prioritize for completion and how to do so.
- See the WT D Workspace or link directly to WT D Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline.
7. Any other business - 5 min
8. Confirmation of next meeting: Thu, 11 Nov 2010, 19:00 UTC - 5 min