Improvements Work Team A 27.01.11 Chat
Seth Greene: WT A CHAT: 27 JANUARY 2011
Gisella Gruber: Apologies from Baudoin Schombe and Eric Brunner Williams
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Hello
Seth Greene: Yrjo, made you a host.
Yrjö Länsipuro: ok
Sivasubramanian M: hello
Sivasubramanian M: is the meeting in progress?
Seth Greene: Just starting.
Sivasubramanian M: i am on the phone, it is very quiet, i assume that the meeting hasn't startec
Sivasubramanian M: thanks seth
Seth Greene: Not formally, no.
Sivasubramanian M: i don't hear anything informal either
Sivasubramanian M: it is total silence on my phone
Sivasubramanian M: I heard CLO say hello, I was on mute then, after that it all became quiet
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I'm in
Sivasubramanian M: its alright now
Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl, would the ALAC need to vote on the bylaw changes or simply endorse them?
Heidi Ullrich: Could this be done intersessionally (i.e., between ALAC meetings)?
CLO: SAm draft version ALSO needs the tidy up issues done like those relating to Interim ALAc etc/.
Samantha Eisner: If there are tidying up issues, we can have those identified at the same time
Samantha Eisner: As a reminder, the proposed Bylaws will also be posted for public comment before any Board action to approve
CLO: Yes we need to take it past our lot forst though
CLO: first
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Don't wait. Please don't.
Heidi Ullrich: So, ALAC vote or endorsement before they go to PC?
CLO: and do STOP confusing ICANN ByOaws and RALO or ALSes review
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Any WT-C bylaw amendments may be secondary side-issues being an indirect consequence of At-Large side-issues, being themselves a side-issues of a RALO improvement. So you can see how far away that is.
CLO: if there is anything in someones left brain under a rocky node then it should shake out with our call for ALAC / At-Large comments and or ther PUBLIC Comment [periods associated with this action
Samantha Eisner: I'm going to drop off now unless I'm needed for anything else
Sivasubramanian M: icann bylaw changes pertaining to alac is a complex, technical matter, which is not of general interest and need not wait for public comments, alac can act in the best interest of teh community on this technical matter
Samantha Eisner: I'll have a redline and timeline for Heidi and Seth by early next week.
Samantha Eisner: Have a good day/evening
CLO: Great Sam
CLO: THANKS I need coffee too
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Sam.
Heidi Ullrich: Sam, we'll be in touch with you re the format of the final report.
CLO: wrap up as MUCH as possible for finslization at SFO so between SFO & final reporting done for FINAL presentation so that in Jordan the Board responses are posssible on as much as possible but to ?accept the report"
Seth Greene: May I just ask one further question?
Heidi Ullrich: We could discuss the agenda for the WT A meeting in SF....
Seth Greene: How about Heidi's suggestion here for rest of this meeting?
CLO: our WT final Reporting is about the only thing left to do...
Seth Greene: WT should review the Simplified Outline to see if it is finished.
Seth Greene: So long, all.