At-Large Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Teleconference

At-Large Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Teleconference

At-Large Improvements Work Team A Teleconference

Meeting Number: WORKTEAMA/1110/1

Date: Thursday, 04 November 2010

Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC . (For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/workteama2010/

How can I participate in this meeting?

Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?

Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Evan Leibovitch, Pastor Peters, Yrjo Lansipuro

Apologies: Baudoin Schombe

Staff: Seth Greene, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White

Absent: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Carlos Aguirre, Matias Altamira, Daniel Monastersky, Sylvia Herlein-Leite, Eric Brunner-Williams

Summary Minutes: Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Summary Minutes

Action Items: Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Action Items

Chat:  Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Chat

Recording: English

Transcript: Improvements Work Team A 04.11.10 Transcript

Agenda: 04 November 2010


1.  Roll call - 5 min, Co-Chairs

2.  Review of last meeting’s AIs - 5 min, Co-Chairs

a.  Seth to create WT A Simplified Improvements Outline containing only Recs 1, 10, & 11.

  • Status:  Done.

b.  Seth to change June-Sep 2010 subtask deadlines under Recs. 1, 10, and 11 to Sep-Dec 2010 (in WT A Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline). 

  • Status:  Done.

c.  Seth to collect passages from Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements  regarding ALAC/At-Large’s continuing purpose.

d.  Seth to collect ICANN Bylaw passages regarding how Board is required to respond to advice from the GAC.


3.  Meeting time issues: (a) proposal to stagger days/times and (b) question of moving UTC time later by 1 hr after daylight savings time ends (7 Nov in US) – 10 min, Co-Chairs

4.  Updates to WT A Confluence Workspace and new WT A Simplified Outline – 5 min, Seth

5.  Review of WT A subtasks under Recs. 1, 10, 11 to identify those easily completed (“quick wins”) – 10 min, Co-Chairs

6.  Planning for joint Improvements report during ALAC & Regional Wrap-Up in Cartagena – 10 min, Co-Chairs

7.  Proposal to make-up meeting (vs. working online) lost during Policy Staff retreat week – 5 min, Co-Chairs

8.  Any other business – 5 min, Co-Chairs

9.  Confirmation of next meeting – 5 min, Co-Chairs

  • Date/time depends on discussion above; tentatively (if no make-up) Thu, 18 Nov at 18:00 UTC.