At-Large Improvements Work Team A 18.11.10 Chat
Seth Greene: WT A CHAT: 18 NOVEMBER 2010
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone. Links for today's meeting can be found in pod at left.
Seth Greene: Yrjo seems to have left the AC Room.
Seth Greene: But Adobe sees him as connected by phone.
Seth Greene: I myself was dropped. Pls let me know if there have been any AIs.
Seth Greene: 10 minutes left.
CLO: from By Laws... j. The ALAC is also responsible, working in conjunction with the RALOs, for coordinating the following activities:1.Making a selection by the At-Large Community to fill Seat 15 on the Board. Notification of the At-Large Community’s selection shall be given by the ALAC Chair in writing to the ICANN Secretary, consistent with Article VI, Sections 8(4) and 12(1).2. Keeping the community of individual Internet users informed about the significant news from ICANN;3. Distributing (through posting or otherwise) an updated agenda, news about ICANN, and information about items in the ICANN policy-development process;4. Promoting outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users;5. Developing and maintaining on-going information and education programs, regarding ICANN and its work;6. Establishing an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in each RALO's Region;7. Making public, and analyzing, ICANN's proposed policies and its decisions and their (potential) regional impact and (potential)
CLO: Note Particalrly => Each RALO shall serve as the main forum and coordination point for public input to ICANN in its Geographic Region and shall be a non-profit organization certified by ICANN according to criteria and standards established by the Board based on recommendations of the At-Large Advisory Committee.
CLO: That last bit is from 4 g
Seth Greene: Thanks, Cheryl. Thanks, everyone.