07-12-2011 AC Chat transcript
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large ICANN Academy Ad-Hoc WG on Wednesday 07 December 2011
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda Meeting Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mjKIBg
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Hi G !
Yaovi Atohoun:Hello
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Hi Yaovi
Yaovi Atohoun:Hi Carlos
Dave Kissoondoyal:Hello All
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello, everyone!
Natalia Enciso:Hi everyone! I am waiting for the call...
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Natalia - we are calling you
Eduardo Diaz:what is the conference call number
Natalia Enciso:Thanks Gisella. Hoping this time we will have more luck :)
Heidi Ullrich:for US: 18005506865 (1638)
CLO:hmm my name is now a 1800 number ;-)
Heidi Ullrich:It worked for Eduardo ;)
CLO:look at the attendance
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - sorted
Fatima Cambronero:hi all
Eduardo Diaz:Hola Fatima
Fatima Cambronero:hola Eduardo, cómo estás?
Eduardo Diaz:¡Bien!
Natalia Enciso:Hola!
Heidi Ullrich:Global numbers for this call: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99555702/How+can+I+participate+in+this+meeting
Natalia Enciso:I am asked if ther is spanhish translator for the call.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:some guys are asking me if we have translation to spanish?
Natalia Enciso:LOL
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:LOL
Natalia Enciso:Que tal Aguirre??
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:hola nena!
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:cric cric cric
Wilson Abigaba:hello, I cannot hear anything, is there a problem with the line?
Gisella Gruber-White:We have not yet started the conference
Gisella Gruber-White:No Spanish interpretation
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:thanks G
Raquel Gatto:Hi all! Hola!!
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:hola Raquel
Morenets Yuliya:Good evening
Glenn McKNight:hello
Sandra Hoferichter 2:ah thank you Olivier!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-)
Heidi Ullrich:Project Proposal ICANN Academy: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109588995/ICANN+Academy+Proposal
Avri Doria:how EVERYTHING works? do any of us understand that much?
CLO:If Only @Avri ;-)
Heidi Ullrich:We are trying to mute the noisy lines
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo will be muting all lines except for Sandra and Olivier for the moment
Glenn McKNight:much better now
Heidi Ullrich:Natalia, Adigo is having trouble contacting you. They are continuing to work on it.
Wolf Ludwig:As a Co-Chair for this WG I would like to suggest Avri besides Sandra -- what would be an excellent combination!
Sandra Hoferichter 2:I would like to second Wolfs proposal
Eduardo Diaz:Mr. Carlos Raul Gutierres, Costa Rica GAG representative mentioned to me that his coordinating a one day GAG trainning on ICANN whereabouts. He is planning this for friday before the start of the ICANN meeting in Costa Rica.
Raquel Gatto:I would second Salanieta as a new member from ALAC and interested to have new proposals
Heidi Ullrich:Avri, could you please speak up a bit?
CLO:So we (from AP then hope these leaders will at least CONSIODER our time zones and unique needs ( island states ) languages etc., *** for a change*
Fatima Cambronero:agree with @Raquel
Wolf Ludwig:Is Sala on this call tonight?
Raquel Gatto:Thanks, @Avri! I have nothing against you, you are an EXCELENT leader and professor, I am exactly supporting geog balance and new people that want to be involved...
Wolf Ludwig:If Avri does not push herself than I would like to suggest Carlos for LACRALO.
Sandra Hoferichter 2:Due the shortness of time for this working group I would rather look into experience with the summer school system
Avri Doria:maybe just a first chair and a group of helpers.
Avri Doria:helpers == v-chairs?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Agree with Avri
Yaovi Atohoun 2:One chair, + 2 co-chairs
Avri Doria:or maybe 2 co-chair and a group of helpers.
Raquel Gatto:@Avri, do you mean like a Program Committee?
CLO:For this to work in the time frame you will need both experience (i.e. a Sandra as Chair) and good assistance in and out of the Regions
Avri Doria:curriculum committee?
Wolf Ludwig:Vice-chairs - prticullarly *helpers* with experience - would be great!
CLO:what you call the roles Oranges and apples for all it matters is NIT important ing the job done is
Heidi Ullrich:a true academic, Avri!
Avri Doria:oh, can i be an lime?
CLO:Curriculum committee works
Raquel Gatto:I think Avri's suggestion is great!
Natalia Enciso:I am leaving since I cannot connect to the call. Will listen the audio later and read the chat transcripts. Good luck!
CLO:yup Programm committee works
Heidi Ullrich:Could you please state the AI for the record
CLO: Speaking is a hassle for many of us as the lines are bad and the mute unmute also takes a little time
Eduardo Diaz:What is a programm committe?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok. Understood
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:A group of Vice Chairs
Raquel Gatto:I would like to help also Sandra, more in the helper, end-user, academic side....
Glenn McKNight:I would be happy to volunteer on Adult Educational content creation etc
CLO:the participation in a Call is often more limitation on when the blasted calls are run SANDRA
Wolf Ludwig:What about Carlos, Tijiano and Avri as vice-chairs and strong helpers?
Natalia Enciso:I volunteer for any work if needed, can help Raquel or in any other committe (just saying before leaving the chat room)
Fatima Cambronero:me too..
Heidi Ullrich:b) an enhanced 20 hours lecture programme for new appointed ICANN officers for the board, councils and advisory committees (financed by ICANN)
Heidi Ullrich:Area of focus
Glenn McKNight:Please clarify the target group from the Summer School Project, was this targetted to Adult Volunteers?
Glenn McKNight:I assume it wasn't students?
Glenn McKNight:We need flexible online training materials adaptable to the time and needs of the new officers etc
Wolf Ludwig:This option b) was stated as a priority by ICANN to us -- so far!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Adult volunteers were on the Summer School Project
Yaovi Atohoun 2:My line is muted
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:*7 to unmute
Heidi Ullrich:*7 to unmute
Heidi Ullrich:You are unmuted now
Heidi Ullrich:please speak
Yaovi Atohoun 2:Lets continue
Heidi Ullrich:yes
Heidi Ullrich:we hear you
Yaovi Atohoun 2:good to have a co chair for you
Avri Doria:youth?
CLO:Correct the Prog Committee is now settled
CLO:Chair could deligate to ANY one of them
Avri Doria:CLO that makes sense.
Wolf Ludwig:There is a good proposal in the discussion notes - right side - Tijani, Sala, Avri and Carlos!
Wolf Ludwig:Timeline is important - as you suggested Sandra.
Heidi Ullrich:Staff will organize calls whenever the WG requests them.
Yaovi Atohoun 2:my line is disconnected
Wolf Ludwig:another call end of Dec. could be helpful - yes Olivier.
Gisella Gruber-White:Yes
Wolf Ludwig:Heidi announced already that they can do it.
Heidi Ullrich:I'm muted! Yes
Avri Doria:that why you have a team for 4 helpers.
Wolf Ludwig:That should be possible ...
Heidi Ullrich:A Doodle for the next call will be sent this week with dates for late next week and early the following week.
Avri Doria:team of 4 helpers. they (we) can divide up the work and get the conversations going? perhaps.
Heidi Ullrich:A mailing list will be set up this week.
Heidi Ullrich:A comments wiki has been set up: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109589210/At-Large+Community+comments+on+the+ICANN+Academy+Proposal
Heidi Ullrich:one comment has been received from Hong Xue.
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Olivier!
Heidi Ullrich:My mute takes ages to unmute...
CLO:We did start well after the hour
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it takes time to unmute, yes
Yaovi Atohoun 2:thanks
Glenn McKNight:Since I am a new member I want to provide my help where it's most needed. Do we have a task list?
Avri Doria:need to crate a task list.
Wolf Ludwig:The new mailing list should be used as a working tool as well!
Avri Doria:good AI
Glenn McKNight:As soon as I see a task list I can self-subscribe
Heidi Ullrich:we can schedule any calls you would like
Wolf Ludwig:Next steps were stated among Action Items.
Glenn McKNight:Just a reminder that NOMCOM needs names of nominees....
Dave Kissoondoyal:Thans a lot Sandra
Glenn McKNight:clap clap clap
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks Sandra!
Dave Kissoondoyal:Thanks a lot Sandra
Glenn McKNight:thanks all
Morenets Yuliya:Thank you Sandra
CLO:Thanks everyone I assume there will be an ACTIVE WIKI as well
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, everyone!
Eduardo Diaz:Sandra - good work. It's not easy but you will be helped by all of us.
Glenn McKNight:bye
Fatima Cambronero:thanks to all
Dave Kissoondoyal:Bye to all
Fatima Cambronero:bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Goodbye all!
Heidi Ullrich:@ CLO: yes, two wiki spaces have been set up
Morenets Yuliya:Bye to all
CLO:my accent was on ACTIVE Wiki @ Heidi ;-)