Academy Working Group Session - 2013.07.15 - Durban
Academy Working Group Session - 2013.07.15 - Durban
Academy Working Group Session - 15 July 2013
Date: Monday, 15 July 2013
Time: 12:30 - 14:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AC/MT.0713/2
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Action Items: Academy Working Group Session 13.07.15 Action Items
Recording: EN
Transcript: Academy Working Group Session 13.07.15 Transcript
AC Chat Transcript: Academy Working Group Session 13.07.15 AC Chat
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dur47-hall2ab/
Participants: Aziz Hilali, Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro, Dharma Dailey, Sandra Hoferichter, Allan Skuce, Darlene Thompson, Murray McKercher, Oksana Prykhodko, Ron Sherwood, Tina Dam, Gordon Chillcott, Mac Tim (?, NCSG)
Apologies: Yaovi Atohoun, Marilyn Cade, Glenn McKnight
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco / RP:Matt Ashtiani, Carlos Reyes*
Please bring your food into the room.
- Online Education Platform (OEP)
- Presentation of the status by Nora Abusitta, Vice President of Public Responsibility Programs and Chris Gift, Vice President, Online Community Services (10 min)
- How the WG can contribute to populate the OEP, i.e. crafting a matrix of all the training programs? (10 min)
- How the OEP could be used for the PLT? (10 min)
- Pilot Leadership Training Programme (PLT)
- Discuss and agree on the target audience for the PLT and how to reach out (15 min)
- Define principles to appoint trainers for the PLT (15 min)
- Discussion on the curriculum for the PLT (15 min)
- Next steps, milestones, division of tasks (15 min)