Seth Greene: WT A CHAT: 4 NOVEMBER 2010
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Seth Greene: Please note that earlier WT A Chat records can be found on the Confluence meeting pages.
Heidi Ullrich: I am not able to open it
CLO: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=ttwNov7bK79C7VoklvazjRQ&hl=en#gid=15
CLO: works for me
CLO: Conflurnce https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587903/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+A
Evan Leibovitch: yay!
Heidi Ullrich: I don't have access rights...
Gisella Gruber-Whit: Neither do I ...
Gisella Gruber-Whit: to the Goodl speadsheet
Seth Greene: Heidi, thanks. I'll chk your and others' access.
Seth Greene: Thanks, Evan. I hope the docs. are helpful.
Gisella Gruber-Whit: PLEASE state your names when speaking for transcript purposes. We won't know otherwise who is speaking
Seth Greene: Yes, thank you, Gisella.
CLO: If any one wants to look at facts discovered on GAC & other AC (including ALAC) from the ATRT the link is http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-03nov10-en.htm
CLO: Propose that in a future WT Meeting we didicate aq huge chunk of out time to wong with the draft from ICANN ALAC Review WG's report in the bylaws (XI 4a). 4. At-Large Advisory Committee a. The At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) shall provide ICANN with advice on policy and input into operations. It is an important part of ICANN's accountability mechanism and a catalyst for ICANN's outreach work. rdsmith
Heidi Ullrich: Staff will create a wiki page for this purpose.
Seth Greene (privately): Evan, 10 minutes left.
CLO: Another matter is to begin a draft of what will be a (potential) ALAC response to the ATRT draft recommendations under current call for Public Comment
Heidi Ullrich: Wednesday, 8 December, 2010ALAC & Regional Leadership Policy Drafting and Reporting Time: 16:00-18:00 - Wednesday
Heidi Ullrich: We have a meeting of the Chair's request Thursday at 18:00, so there will be time to say goodbye then
Heidi Ullrich: There are ad hoc meeting rooms.
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks everyone!
Seth Greene (privately): So, no change of UTC time and no make-up call. Thanks, all.
Seth Greene: So, no change of UTC time and no make-up call. Thanks, all
CLO: Bye thanks all