WT D Action Items - 28 October 2010
WT D Action Items - 28 October 2010
a) Dev to revise ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart to incorporate suggestions and discussion from WT D’s 28 Oct 2010 meeting.
- Status: Done; see discussion item below.
b) Seth to add, to Simplified Outline, a means of reporting if tasks are completed, outcomes, etc. (for use in preparation for Cartagena, etc.).
- Status: Done.
- See WT D Simplified At-Large Outline.
c) Co-Chairs and Seth to dedicate 50% of agenda for next WT D meeting on 11 Nov 2010 to Rec. 12 (consumer representatives should have input into decisions and policy advice).
- Status: Done. Closer to 33.33% of agenda.