IOT Meeting #118 | 14 November 2023
IOT Meeting #118 | 14 November 2023
Members: Flip Petillion, Kristina Rosette, Mike Rodenbaugh, Samantha Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Guests/Observers: Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Andrea Glandon, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: David McAuley, Greg Shatan
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to brenda.brewer@icann.org **
- Review agenda and updates to SOIs
- Action items:
- Rule 3 –Susan to update text to reflect discussion in Hamburg
- All to review the public comment text (proposed explanation and rationales) and provide any final suggested edits in the Google Doc versions prior to the next call:
- Finalize the proposed text of rule 3 (to follow).
- Finalize draft public comment text of:
- Rule 5B
- Rule 7
- Rule 3
- Rule 4
- Introductory text for the Public Comment
- Process for finalizing public comment text and timing
- Next meeting 5 December 1800 UTC tbc
Transcript: PDF