IOT Meeting #103 | 4 April 2023

IOT Meeting #103 | 4 April 2023


Members:  David McAuley, Kavouss Arasteh, Kristina Rosette, Malcolm Hutty, Mike Rodenbaugh, Susan Payne

Guests/Observers: Liz Le

ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer

Apologies: Flip Petillion

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **


  1. Review agenda and updates to SOIs
  2. Review Action items:
    • SP to circulate a clean version of the draft agreement on Initiation. All to review and raise any final feedback by 17 March
  3. Discussion and identification of any final outstanding items requiring to be addressed on the draft rules
  4. Next Call 18 April 1800 UTC tbc 

Transcript: PDF



Zoom Chat Transcript:  

14:04:06 From Brenda Brewer - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Works for me
14:04:22 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I will probably not be able to attend April 18th - that is how things look at present
14:08:30 From Mike Rodenbaugh to Everyone:
    I also cannot attend the 18th
14:15:13 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I support Susan's proposal on consolidation rule
14:15:16 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    I'm back in (to consolidation small team).
14:19:22 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I agree that this needs attention and an explict handling of some sort
14:21:21 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    OK for leaving it near end
14:22:07 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Agree on both counts - needs handling and with your proposed way forward to handle
14:22:29 From Liz Le - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Apologies for joining late.
14:23:36 From Susan Payne to Everyone:
    hi Liz, glad you could join
14:24:46 From Liz Le - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Reacted to "hi Liz, glad you cou..." with 
14:25:24 From Susan Payne to Everyone:
    (n)(iv) The Rules of Procedure are intended to ensure fundamental fairness and due process and shall at a minimum address the following elements:     (F) Procedures if ICANN elects not to respond to an IRP
14:27:28 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I foresee some discussions around the meaning of 'address'
14:28:20 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    fair point, Susan
14:30:56 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Can Liz shed any light on this hypothetical?
14:38:55 From Mike Rodenbaugh to Everyone:
    I cannot imagine why any complainant would ever want a “non-binding” IRP, especially since the IRP is really non-binding anyway insofar as ICANN says it cannot be ordered to do anything…
14:40:03 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Anyone who wants to file a non-binding IRP can just give me the $ they'd spend on legal fees.  JK.
14:40:23 From Susan Payne to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Anyone who wants to ..." with 
14:41:41 From Mike Rodenbaugh to Everyone:
    This seems about as likely as ICANN not responding to an IRP
14:41:59 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    it could be, Mike
14:42:59 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Well, now that I think about it, I can imagine a scenario (maybe) where ICANN doesn't respond to an IRP. As well as a scenario in which a party files a non-binding IRP.
14:43:41 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I like Mike's idea - IRPs are not for advisory opinions
14:44:04 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    at least as I view it
14:44:08 From Mike Rodenbaugh to Everyone:
14:44:32 From Bernard Turcotte to Everyone:
    will do
14:44:40 From Bernard Turcotte to Everyone:
    I don't remember
14:44:55 From Bernard Turcotte to Everyone:
    the specifics of this one
14:51:19 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I do have one suggested addition to current draft of art 3 - I think it will be non-controversial
15:08:30 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    I would imagine that any IRP relating a TLD that contains or consists of a term that could be a geographic name, indication of origin, or appellation could definitely implicate geographic diversity considerations.
15:10:33 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I have an AOB question when we reach that moment
15:11:08 From Mike Rodenbaugh to Everyone:
    I’ve got to sign off now.  Talk to you all later.
15:11:20 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    regrets - I am away next two weeks and cannot volunteer
15:12:40 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Susan - happy to help. LMK.
15:15:42 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I think we want support - open or not but no audience questions
15:16:09 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    I think we want to max our work time is why no questions from non-members
15:16:44 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    fair point by Bernie, closed is good if we get support including remote participation.
15:16:52 From Kristina Rosette to Everyone:
    Sure. I vote for open, working (but made clear that we're not taking input, comments, etc.)  This topic in particular doesn't need the negative adverse inference from a closed meeting, IMO.
15:21:09 From Brenda Brewer - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Open Working Session— Got it.  We will define over email in the next week.
15:21:20 From David McAuley (Verisign) to Everyone:
    Thank you, Susan - this will also set the table for future meetings like it
15:23:14 From Bernard Turcotte to Everyone:
    bye all