Empirical Assessment: ICANN in Oceania

Empirical Assessment: ICANN in Oceania


Following a Resolution by the ICANN Oceania Working Group that an empirical assessment was needed to enable informed discussions for the purposes of developing a Regional Strategy, Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro volunteered to carry out this empirical assessment under the Direction of Chair of the Working Group, Mr Criden Appi. 


The Empirical Assessment was carried out through a desk review that resulted in an information paper. Indicators were sourced from the ICANN website and many other websites. The Survey questions was developed in a way to feedback into discovering what people within Oceania want. This was a mixture of both desk and field research. The Desk research involved, identifying relevant indicators and potential sources of information from the ICANN Website, Potaroo website hosted by Geoff Huston, APNIC's Chief Scientist and a few other relevant websites. The Field Research was done through a Field Survey.



ICANN In Oceania Version 1.1 (Information Paper only). The Paper contains generic indicators as at 31st December, 2013 of representation of Oceania in various Advisory Committees and Supporting Organisations. It has some useful statistics and benchmarks. Simultaneously, survey questions were developed and designed to solicit feedback from the wider community within Oceania to complement the information paper.

The Survey was launched on 20th January, 2014 and is currently still open. The first Report of the preliminary Survey Results to the Working Group was sent on the 24th January, 2014. The most recent summary report of the Survey along with copies of all Respondents submissions were sent on the 4th February, 2014. The Survey will be closed on the 15th February, 2014.



The Working Group is invited to go through the Information Paper and the Survey Results to highlight what the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Challenges are. They may do this through a Working Paper or in commenting here.