Minutes of meeting 4: 8 Jan 2014

Minutes of meeting 4: 8 Jan 2014

4th meeting of Oceania-ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Planning WG

8 January 2014 (UTC 2.00)



Berry Amol

Paul Szyndler

Keith Davidson

Gava Lakau

Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro

Etuate Cocker

Save Vocea



Criden Appi (Chair)

Cheryl Langdon Orr

Emani F Lui


-Due to non-availability of many WG members, the 18 Dec meeting was cancelled.

- Members agreed for Save Vocea to be the temporary chair at this 4th meeting.

-WG members agreed to discuss its working methods with intent to work towards a first draft report that can be shared at the next ICANN 49 meeting in Singapore.

-Opened discussions on sub-groups formation to look at various issues of interest to people in the WG. Members were reminded to use the <oceania-icann@icann.org> mailing list to get ideas and thoughts across for discussions.


- Further discussions raised:

1) Need for targeted capacity building and outreach approach for the Oceania region (eg. ccTLD participation and effective government participation)

2) Need for governance clarity to stakeholders.

-Mindful that government engagement can be broad so important to clearly targets relevant government parties.

-Need for effective ideas and buy in from stakeholders like ccTLDs in the region to really participate and engage with ICANN

- Need to encourage a cross-constituency meeting in the region (eg. Sub-regional IGF for most to participate in)

-Use of partners like APTLD (Don Hollander as new GM) to coordinate and partner with for regional ccTLD activities

3) Need guidance for ICANN on how best to engage and use its expertise and resource in the region. Need many people from the community to engage with this WG.

4) Our short timeline now requires members to come up with proposals and draft

-Need for empirical assessment of what has been achieved in terms of engagement in the sub-region (eg. Memberships in the ICANN constituencies from the region) – [Sala opted to work on reviewing and identifying areas of engagement gaps in a survey]

-Also need to identify at least 5 key areas for engagement with ICANN

-How we will engage and collaborate with other regional orgs in implementations


5) Need input from the region into ICANN processes.

-Suggestions that this WG could be the voice of the region to ICANN

-Group needs to be able to define success where proposed activities are implemented.

-Strategy that will be developed needs to be a living document


6) Need to start to think about defining successes – indicators for the WG. Need for monitoring and evaluation.

7) Sala to send a draft doc about ICANN constituencies and relations in the region and will distribute to the group. 

8) Discussions on a future website for Oceania-ICANN engagement similar to africanncommunity.org that could be an implementable project for this WG. Also to reference PICISOC site and other regional org websites.

9) Save to share activity and engagement data that has been ongoing in the region to the WG. This will help in determining gaps and the way forward for the WG to suggest how best to approach our work.


Other Business:  Members please do contribute to agenda items if you need an item addressed in the next meeting.

Also call for support to help chair of WG towards this work.


Reminder: Etu needs call-out all calls.


Next meeting on 22 Jan, 2014 and every fortnight after that.