Minutes of Meeting 3: 4 Dec 2013

Minutes of Meeting 3: 4 Dec 2013

3rd meeting of Oceania-ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Planning WG

4 Dec 2013 (3pm Fiji Time)


Criden Appi (Chairperson)

Paul Szyndler

Cheryl Langdon Orr

Berry Amol

Save Vocea



Sala, Etuate, Emani (Adigo still can’t dial Niue)


Discussions over action items from last meeting:


1)   WIKI accounts:  WG members please set up your ICANN Community wiki account so each can access, upload material for this Oceania ICANN WG.


Members can ask Save Vocea to assist in set up of their account. Could consider Google groups if ICANN wiki does not work.


A beginners guide to use WIKI is available at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/help/overview


2)   Suggested that we confirm dates for our next calls: WG to meet fortnightly in Dec and Jan. Next call on 18 Dec.


3)   WG needs to split to smaller sub-groups and these work teams could work in their teams to contribute to the WG. Need to start this in 2014.



4)   Could use MyICANN and ICANN Learn to create Oceania page for time being (interim). Can work on a dedicated Oceania page later with a .org extension. CLO to come back in mid-January with hosting/DNS updates re: website.


5)   Adigo experience: Since ICANN is already picking up call on Adigo, it’s probably cost effective to stick with Adigo. Niue should explore skype-out. WG members should not be paying for calls to join meeting.


6)   Working methods:  keep flexibility in our group and focus on having sub-groups (could be 2 or 3 people) who can communicate flexibly and can take ownership of particular issue or element of our work. They can report back to bigger group. Good to set conference call to get feedback but with challenges in communicating via the call, we should use the mailing list as much as possible and website as outward facing for reporting. Sub groups to be allocated work once we identify key goals and elements of our work. Need to create wiki pages with different set of goals and objectives and seek contributors to add content to page. Use of mailing list to also suggest new topics.


7)   AOB:  Members please do contribute to agenda items if you need an item addressed in the next meeting.

Next meeting on 18 Dec and then 8 Jan, 2014 and every fortnight.

Should we have a meeting on 18th? Who is available?

We need to wrap up on housekeeping, logistical planning and  preparatory work so we can have a fresh start in 2014 on getting some real work.

Dates for our meeting to be entered into the ICANN Meeting calendar and also use iCal to send invites.

Reminders to be sent out.