Minutes of meeting 5: 22 Jan 2014
Minutes of the 5th meeting of Oceania-ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Planning WG
22 January 2014 (UTC 2.00) via Adigo
Attendance: Berry Amol, Paul Szyndler, Cheryl Langdon Orr, Etuate Cocker, Ellen Strickland, Save Vocea, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
-Gava Lakau had indicated his willingness to be on the call but Adigo had trouble reaching him
Stand in Chair: Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro aka Sala
Apologies: Chair Criden Appi (currently at Telecommunications Conference in Honolulu)
1) Welcome by Chair and get WG to confirm on meeting objective;
2) Brief Overview of the Empirical Assessment:
- Update of Information Paper
- Update on Survey
3) Dialogue on Development of Strategy
4) Sub Working Groups or Machinery
- Social Media
5) Delegate Tasks
Save Vocea (ICANN Staff) asked whether anyone had any objections to having Sala be interim chair for this meeting. There were no objections so this was accepted and Save handed over to Sala to chair the meeting. Cheryl reminded the Working Group that it had agreed to hold fortnightly calls.
Agenda Item 1
Sala welcomed the members of the Working Group.
The Meeting started with confirming all the callers and unfortunately Adigo had trouble with reaching Gava Lakau. The meeting commenced with Sala asking the Working Group whether they wanted to add something to the Agenda or make amendments. Etuate suggested the use of Facebook penetration rates and utilizing Facebook as well and inquired how many internet users had filled the Survey. Sala suggested putting Social Media under Item 4 in the Agenda. The Agenda was adopted and the meeting proceeded.
Agenda Item 2
Sala thanked Save for the spreadsheet that was sent to the Working Group on the mailing list. Sala gave a general update on the Information paper that was shared with the Working Group last week and advised that it was version 1.1 and was currently being updated to include the DNSSEC, ASN Penetration rate in Oceania, TLD volume per ccTLD etc. Sala advised that Keith had sent the links for statistics of TLD Volume per ccTLD. Version 1.2 would include the new indicators. Berry suggested that an Oceania Pictograph for ALS penetration rate for Oceania.
Once completed version 1.2 would be shared with the Working Group. An update was also given on the Survey which was launched on 20th January, 2014. 23 Respondents have filled the Survey so far and she advised that there was a need to keep pushing the Survey link to various networks to ensure robust dissemination.
In response to Etuate’s question, only 5 individual internet users at 21.7% and 3 business internet users at 13%. Cheryl asked how the Working Group intended to differentiate instances where Respondents would fill in more than one category. Sala advised that there were features such as cross tab responses that would allow us to see the information side by side or when receiving the entire Report, the Working Group would be able to see in detail how Respondents filled their forms aside from the Summary Sheets and analytics. Ellen and Cheryl suggested that the Information paper be shared on Google Document to allow others to comment on the various provisions. Action Items [1], [2] and [3] were agreed to.
Paul briefly updated the Working Group on his liaisons with the ccNSO staff and the level of indicators that needed to be extracted from the ccNSO and the GAC on attendance. He has sent an email prior to the meeting to the Working Group and suggested that Criden follow up with the GAC Secretariat as well. Save advised the Working Group that he had also had meetings with ICANN Staff responsible for the ccNSO and GAC in regard to the information request. Action Items [5] and [6] were agreed to.
Agenda Item 3 and Agenda Item 4
Paul suggested that the working group wait for the results of the Survey and completion of empirical assessment prior to carrying out work on development of Strategy. Sala asked Save whether the Global Stakeholder Engagement had a deadline in place by which the Working Group should bear in mind. Save advised that we should aim for the ICANN 49 [23-27 March, 2014] by which to present at the very least a Draft Strategy. There was consensus for Paul’s suggestions with Berry and Cheryl advising that we had more than ample time to prepare this. Sala advised that given the frequency of the meetings, there should be no reason for the Working Group to develop a suitable draft.
With respect to Social Media there was some discussion as to whether we would want to use Facebook penetration rates which extended into a discussion on statistics on social media engagement in Oceania. Sala had advised that the Survey was also shared on the PACNOG facebook page.
Agenda Item 5
This concluded with a recap and summary of the action items and delegation of responsibilities which are listed below.
The members of the Working Group on the call were asked whether they had anything to add. Sala thanked all those who attended the call and concluded the meeting. The Action Items are enclosed:
Action Items
Number | Task | Person (s) Responsible |
1.0 | Version 1.1 (word format) of the Information Paper to be put on Google Document | Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro |
2.0 | Strategy Document (where members can list points) to be placed on Google Document | |
3.0 | Send Intermittent Updates about Respondents to Working Group | |
4.0 | Close Survey by Mid February, 2014 before next call | |
5.0 | GAC Indicators on date of joining over the years and attendance over the years | Criden Appi and Save Vocea |
6.0 | ccNSO Indicator on date of joining over the years and attendance over the years | Paul Szyndler and Save Vocea |
7.0 | Disseminate Survey Link to all Networks | ALL Working Group Members |