EURALO Days 2022 Action Items
EURALO Days 2022 Action Items
Day 1: Tuesday 08 NovemberĀ
European Individuals Association (EIA) General Assembly
AI: EIA to consider using ICANN/At-Large/EURALO capacity building materials such as ICANN Learn courses, the At-Large Capacity Building WG workshops, etc to provide a high-level introduction to At-Large. This could be followed by a more personal approach to on-boarding such as a webinar or personal mentoring.
Day 2: Wednesday 09 November
EURALO GA Vote on EURALO Yearly report: 17 Yes, 3 Abstention (Oksana, Volodymyr, Lutz)
Day 3: Thursday 10 November
Strategic Operations
- Gisella Gruber and Silvia Vivanco Ā to work with Sebastien and Natalia to set up a cross-RALO webinar on the IANA functions and next step on internet fragmentation.Ā
- All ALS Members/representatives participating in EURALO days to send sebastien.bachollet and Filina Natalia a note on how they wish to participate in EURALO
AI: EURALO Board to discuss the best channel to reach members.