2023-09-18 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #37

2023-09-18 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #37

**Rescheduled from 11 September to 18 September**

The call will take place on Monday, 18 September 2023 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2jnxxyc6


  1. Welcome
  2. ICANN org updates (Yuko)
  3. Review of draft legal term documents (see attached):
    1. Redline of the Naming Service portal (NSp) Terms of Use changes
    2. Terms of Service for Access and Use of the RDRS. These terms govern the relationship between ICANN and the requestor.
    3. Terms and Conditions for Access to and Use of Non-Public Registration Data. These govern the relationship between the requestor and the registrar.
    4. Small team feedback
    5. Confirm next steps
  4. Promotion of RDRS
    1. Upcoming registrar onboarding webinars (see https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-to-provide-rdrs-early-access-for-registrars-and-supporting-webinars-12-09-2023-en)
    2. Update on ICANN org outreach activities
    3. Small team updates
  5. AOB
    1. Next steps RDRS Standing Committee Charter
  6. Confirmation of next meeting – Monday 25 September or 2 October? Note, a meeting has also been requested for ICANN78, scheduled for Saturday 21 October from 09:00 – 10:00 local time)


ICANN nsp-terms-of-use-amended 2023.09.07 ICANN

ICANN - RDRS Usage (Terms and Conditions and terms re access to registration data - combined) - CLEAN 20230912


Apologies:  Steve Crocker


Notes/ Action Items

Please find below the high-level notes and action items from today’s meeting.

1.Small Team Members have until Wednesday, 27 September to make suggested updates to both the:

    1. Terms of Service for Access and Use of the RDRS [docs.google.com] [docs.google.com]. (Reminder: This document includes two sets of terms in one document: Requestor/ICANN, and Requestor/Registrar.)
    2. Terms and Conditions for Access to and Use of Non-Public Registration Data [docs.google.com] [docs.google.com]. (This is a link to the Terms of Use for the NSP.)

Note: if additional time is needed, small team members should communicate this as soon as possible together with the proposed new deadline.

Note: these links may be shared outside this team for further feedback.

3.ICANN org is hosting two webinars for registrars regarding early access to the RDRS. For more information please visit: https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-to-provide-rdrs-early-access-for-registrars-and-supporting-webinars-12-09-2023-en.

4.The GNSO Council is scheduled to vote on the RDRS Standing Committee Charter during its meeting on Thursday, 21 September.

5.The next meeting will be Monday, 2 October at 17:30 UTC.

Thank you.