2023-09-18 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #37
**Rescheduled from 11 September to 18 September**
The call will take place on Monday, 18 September 2023 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2jnxxyc6
- Welcome
- ICANN org updates (Yuko)
- Review of draft legal term documents (see attached):
- Redline of the Naming Service portal (NSp) Terms of Use changes
- Terms of Service for Access and Use of the RDRS. These terms govern the relationship between ICANN and the requestor.
- Terms and Conditions for Access to and Use of Non-Public Registration Data. These govern the relationship between the requestor and the registrar.
- Small team feedback
- Confirm next steps
- Promotion of RDRS
- Upcoming registrar onboarding webinars (see https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-to-provide-rdrs-early-access-for-registrars-and-supporting-webinars-12-09-2023-en)
- Update on ICANN org outreach activities
- Small team updates
- Next steps RDRS Standing Committee Charter
- Confirmation of next meeting – Monday 25 September or 2 October? Note, a meeting has also been requested for ICANN78, scheduled for Saturday 21 October from 09:00 – 10:00 local time)
Notes/ Action Items
Please find below the high-level notes and action items from today’s meeting.
1.Small Team Members have until Wednesday, 27 September to make suggested updates to both the:
- Terms of Service for Access and Use of the RDRS [docs.google.com] [docs.google.com]. (Reminder: This document includes two sets of terms in one document: Requestor/ICANN, and Requestor/Registrar.)
- Terms and Conditions for Access to and Use of Non-Public Registration Data [docs.google.com] [docs.google.com]. (This is a link to the Terms of Use for the NSP.)
Note: if additional time is needed, small team members should communicate this as soon as possible together with the proposed new deadline.
Note: these links may be shared outside this team for further feedback.
3.ICANN org is hosting two webinars for registrars regarding early access to the RDRS. For more information please visit: https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-to-provide-rdrs-early-access-for-registrars-and-supporting-webinars-12-09-2023-en.
4.The GNSO Council is scheduled to vote on the RDRS Standing Committee Charter during its meeting on Thursday, 21 September.
5.The next meeting will be Monday, 2 October at 17:30 UTC.
Thank you.