2023-04-10 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #24

2023-04-10 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #24

The call will take place on Monday, 10 April 2023 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/yyrwcrsx



  1. Welcome

       2. Success criteria for this system which should include analysis of relevant usage data:

    1. Consider proposal from Sarah: “The RDRS will gather disclosure request volumes, which will help inform the Board's decision about building the full SSAD. As such, success criteria should be tied to the RDRS’s ability to gather that request volume.


  • Is the RDRS available to all possible requestors?
  • Is the RDRS available to all interested registrars?
  • Can the RDRS be used to submit requests?
  • Does the RDRS track request outcomes?

If those are all ‘yes’, then the RDRS should be considered to be successfully gathering registration data disclosure request volumes.”

              b. Other suggestions?

       3. How to best to promote and secure comprehensive use of the system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN accredited registrars.

            a. Small team to discuss

       4. Further consideration of the other topics identified in the addendum that the small team did not consider gating factors but for which it would be interested to have further discussions with ICANN org during the implementation phase to consider if/how some of these aspects could be considered to be added in the current implementation of WDS or a future version (1) API, 2) confidentiality options for LE requests, 3) billing mechanism, 4) review of terms and conditions for requestors as well as participating registrars, 5) requests submitted fall under “reasonable access” & phase 1 requirements; 6) ability for requestor to indicate if they do not agree with information logged by registrar) – (if time allows)

      5. Update from ICANN org

      6. Confirm next steps & confirm next meeting 



Apologies: none



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript - located on zoom recording/select the chat tab

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items

  1. ICANN org RDRS Project Team to provide the EPDP Phase 2A Small Team with a digestible version of the data model (such as a chart) as soon as possible. Data Model to include a transaction table for transfers to registrars and a table for registrar responses. (Note: due to the upcoming holiday weekend, the Project Team will not be able to provide this is advance of the next meeting.)
  2. Policy Support Staff to create a Google Doc, where the Small Team can collaborate between meetings to add to the draft success criteria, et. al.
  3. Small Team to collaborate on draft success criteria in the Google Doc before next meeting on Monday, 17 April.