RDRS Standing Committee
The Standing Committee is tasked to review the data that will be produced by ICANN org on a monthly basis following the launch of the RDRS. The Scoping Team is expected to analyze the data and consider:
Assignment #1: Trends that can be identified over a month-by-month period;
Assignment #2: Possible technical updates that should be considered to RDRS and/or related messaging and promotion (recognizing that the RDRS will only be running for a two-year period and limited resources may be available to implement such updates);
Assignment #3: Specific lessons learned that should be factored into the consideration of how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations;
Assignment #4: Suggestions to the Council for a proposed recommendation(s) to the ICANN Board in relation to the consideration of the SSAD recommendations.
RDRS Standing Committee Charter: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/draft/draft-rdrs-standing-committee-08sep23-en.pdf