2023-07-24 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #35

2023-07-24 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #35

The call will take place on Monday, 24 July 2023 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/53ye35f7


Monday 24 July at 17.30 UTC

  1. Welcome (Sebastien)
  2. ICANN org updates
    1. Next steps in relation to talking points
    2. Confidentiality language
    3. Other updates
  3. Consider approach and format through which, following implementation of the system, data should be reviewed and analyzed to help inform subsequent decisions on how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations
    1. Consider charter for RDRS Standing Committee (see https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-epdpp2-smallteam/attachments/20230718/dfaec2a0/RDRSStandingCommittee-17July2023-0001.docx)
    2. Small team feedback
    3. Confirm next steps
  4. Confirm next meeting – Monday 7 August at 17.30 UTC?



Apologies: Sarah Wyld (RrSG)

Alternate: Greg DiBiase (RrSG)



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript - located on zoom recording/select the chat tab

Notes/ Action Items