2018-09-24 through 2018-09-26 EPDP Team LA F2F meetings

2018-09-24 through 2018-09-26 EPDP Team LA F2F meetings

EPDP Team Face-to-Face meetings held in Los Angeles 24-26 September 2018


Mp3 - Day 1: Monday, 24 September





Transcripts - Day 1: Monday, 24 September

Transcript 1

Transcript 2

Transcript 3

Transcript 4

Adobe Connect Recordings- Day 1: Monday, 24 September

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 1: Monday, 24 September (AM)

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 1: Monday, 24 September (PM)

Mp3 - Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September






Transcripts - Day 2: Tuesday, 26 September

Transcript 1

Transcript 2

Transcript 3

Transcript 4

Transcript 5

Adobe Connect Recordings- Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September (AM)

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September (PM 1)

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September (PM 2)

Mp3 - Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September



Transcripts - Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September

Transcript 1

Transcript 2

Adobe Connect Recordings- Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September (AM)

Adobe Connect Recording - Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September (PM)


AC Chat - Day 1: Monday, 24 September

Attendance- Day 1: Monday, 24 September

AC Chat - Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September

Attendance- Day 2: Tuesday, 25 September

AC Chat - Day 3: Wednesday, 26 September

Attendance- Day3: Wednesday, 26 September

Dial Out Participants: Kavouss Arasteh

Apologies: Emily Taylor (RrSG), Esteban Lescano (ISPCP), Amr Elsadr (NCSG), Alan Woods - 26 Sept only (RySG), Kavouss Arasteh (afternoons only)

Alternates: Lindsay Hamilton-Reid (RrSG), Fiona Asonga (ISPCP), Collin Kurre (NCSG), Beth Bacon- 26 Sept only (RySG), Rahul Gosain (afternoons only)



Meeting Goals

❖   Confirm road map for GDPR compliance

❖   Develop preliminary agreements for GDPR-compliant purposes and data processing

❖   Advance other topics to build core GDPR-compliance components as prioritized during Day-1 discussion 

Note: The group will continue to identify and move on to additional discussion topics once discussions on a particular agenda item are complete. 



Day 1 [Monday in LA]

8:00-8:30 PT (15:00-15:30 UTC)

Arrive at ICANN

8:30 PT (15:30 UTC)

Introductions and Agenda Review

9:00 PT (16:00 UTC)

Road Map for GDPR Policy

Goal: Confirm products and requirements

What does Victory Look Like?

  • In this Meeting
  • For the Initial Report delivery at ICANN Barcelona

Minimum Required Components (Table of Contents for New Policy)

  • Legitimate Purposes for Processing Personal Data
  • Data Elements Analysis
  • Data Elements Redaction
  • Data Retention
  • Other?

10:15 PT (17:15 UTC)


10:30 PT (17:30 UTC)

GDPR-Compliant Purposes for Processing Data (Section 4.4)

  • Step 1: Clarify who has a legitimate purpose and what exactly it is
  • Step 2: Compliance check with GDPR Article 6 (compare against 6 GDPR principles)

12:00 PT (19:00 UTC)

Lunch (Provided)

13:00 PT (20:00 UTC)

GDPR-Compliant Purposes for Processing Data (Section 4.4)


15:00 PT (22:00 UTC)


15:15 PT (22:15 UTC)

Specific Data Processing

  • Data Elements (which are lawful?)
  • Redaction of Personal Data (which are Personal Information)
  • Logging requirements

17:45 PT (00:00 UTC)

Summarize Day-1 Progress and Plans for Day 2

Day 2 [Tuesday in LA]

8:30 PT (15:00 UTC)

Reflections / Insights from Previous Day

8:45 PT (15:45 UTC)

Review Agenda for Day 2

9:00 PT (16:00 UTC)

Confirm Preliminary Agreements and Continue Discussion of GDPR-Compliant Purposes for Processing Data (Section 4.4)

10:30 PT (17:30 UTC)


10:45 PT (17:45 UTC)

Continue Discussion

12:00 PT (19:00 UTC)

Lunch Provided

12:45 PT (19:45 UTC)

Either Continue Previous Discussion, or

Continue Data Elements Discussion, or

Start New Topic Requested by Team

15:00 PT (22:00 UTC)


15:15 PT (22:15 UTC)

Review Summary Documentation of Preliminary Agreements and Proposals, Continue Discussions

17:15 PT (00:15 UTC)

Develop Plany for Day 3 [Wednesday in LA]

17:45 PT (00:45 UTC)

Wrap Up and Close

Day 3 [Wednesday in LA]

8:30 PT (15:30 UTC)

Reflections / Insights from Previous Day

8:45 PT (15:45 UTC)

Review Agenda for Day 3

9:20 PT (16:20 UTC)

Discussion of Topics in accordance with Plan from Day 2

12:00 PT (19:00 UTC)


13:00 PT (20:00 UTC)

Review Documentation and Identify Final Discussion Topics

14:00 PT (21:00 UTC)

Discuss Topics

17:30 PT (00:00 UTC)

Review Next Steps and Action Items

17:45 PT (00:45 UTC)



To join the event, click on the link: 

Listen in browser: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01

Listen in application such as iTunes: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01.m3u

View-Only Adobe Connect room for alternates and observers: https://participate.icann.org/gnso-epdp-observers

Notes/ Action Items

High-level notes_action items from EPDP F2F Final 28 Sept 2018.pdf

Please find attached the high-level notes from the EPDP Team F2F meeting earlier this week. All recordings, transcripts and documents discussed can be found on the meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SpHkBg. We would like to especially draw your attention to the action items and related due dates coming out of this meeting:



  1. Support team to post relevant documents to the EPDP Team wiki and/or mailing list following the F2F meeting.
  2. If required by their group working models, EPDP Team Members to share F2F work products, e.g., draft data processing workbooks, with their respective Stakeholder Groups, Constituencies, Advisory Committees. Final feedback due by Friday, 5 October 2018.
  3. Mark Anderson to work with registry colleagues to fill out the draft data elements currently required for registry data escrow in the workbook for Purpose E (registry data escrow). This could also include recommendations for any modifications to be considered to what is currently required. (due date – Tuesday 2 October)
  4. Kristina Rosette to provide first draft of data elements workbook for purpose N. (due date – Tuesday 2 October)
  5. Benedict Addis to provide writing for additional purpose, “Research” for consideration by the EPDP team. (due date – Tuesday 2 October)
  6. Registrar and Registry teams to develop first draft of data elements workbook for purpose B. (due date – Tuesday 2 October)
  7. EPDP Leadership Team to propose updated meeting strategy, i.e., timing, content, etc., taking into account feedback received during the F2F sessions.