At-Large Regional Secretariats 2015.09.29 Action Items
1. RALO recommendations 28 - RALO SURVEY next step is for all RALOs to think what else could be done from now until Dublin.
Rec 31- all RALO leaders to think about this before Dublin. Ideas shared: New At-Large Website will be a new tool ALAC member per RALO should update about topics to be discussed.
Rec 42- fits in ALS criteria and expectations
2. ALSes criteria and Expectations - Alan Greenberg gave an update- discussions will continue in Dublin
3. Paper on Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 will be discussed in Dublin. Comments are due on 30th November. All RALOs requested to comment on this paper.
5. Agenda for Dublin was agreed:
1. ATLAS II Recommendations review - directly and focused referring to RALO leaders when leaders are required to deal with them.
2. ALSes criteria and Expectations - briefing from Alan Greenberg
2. At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016- Jean Jacques Saheil
3. FY17 special request brainstorming for RALO/O/E Co-chairs- 10 mins.
4. Aziz to update on plans for Marrakesh meeting
5. AOB