At-Large Regional Secretariats 2014.12.18 Action Items
At-Large Regional Secretariats 2014.12.18 Action Items
- 1. Clarification of procedures for De-certification for EACH RALO: Silvia Vivanco to create a table and request inputs from each RALO. She will consolidate comments in a table and will send it to the RALO Secretariats
- 2. Silvia Vivanco to follow up on APRALO virtual catalogue and work with comms department to place it in a virtual format.
- 3. jana.juginovic and Heidi Ullrich Heidi to work on examples of RALO information to be developed in postcard size and larger.
4. It was agreed that part of the Secretariat meeting in Singapore will be a joint session with the ALAC Outreach Sub-Commitee
- 5. Silvia Vivanco to resend the Survey prepared by Alberto Soto to the RALO Secretariat's list
- 6. Heidi Ullrich will work with a small group to develop a report for the Board on ATLAS II recommendations including RALO specific recommendations 28,29,42,43