EURALO Regional FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan
FY21 EURALO Strategic Outreach Plan
(drafted by Secretariat, 23 March 2020)
(new version by Chair, 6 April 2020)
(new version by Chair and Secretariat, 29 May 2020)
(with Ricardo Holmquist feedback)
Main Remark:
Due to the huge influence of COVID19 since few months and for many more time, the Euralo Strategic Outreach plan for FY21 will be certainly subject to revaluations along the road. Taking into account possible future and sometimes unexpected cancellation of events and the lack of possibilities to forecast efficiently the situation, we draw the following framework for Outreach activities with the option to be flexible regarding CROP travels and attendances of f2f events.
The framework also (at least in the near future) directs our activities to the virtual format and rebuilds our vision to content to be more appropriate for online format.
As never before we turn our attention on the quality of virtual work (in all virtual communication channels, namely, social networks, conference calls, webinars, chats and so on).
We are building our work taking into account our simple, long time but still relevant strategy: “Euralo must be present in each and every country of our region”. We also take into account ICANN strategy and inputs from the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) European Teams and At-Large/ALAC strategy. To harmonize our efforts, we need to pay special attention to the places where we will be engaging our effort and resources.
The other goal will be to involve new people or new groups into the ICANN policy making process to strengthen the voice of Internet individual end-user. For that, EURALO is open to representatives of all groups but will pay specific attention to academic, researchers and youth.
Euralo leadership will take particularly care of continuous involvement of incoming people from academic, researchers, youth and ATLASIII participants.
Main goals:
Spreading a clear, interesting and useful information about Internet, ICANN activities, At-Large, ALAC and EURALO's role in the European regions and beyond, maintaining the current positive image, raising awareness and, as a result, growing the number and the quality active participation of European Internet individual end-user in the ICANN policy development.
In FY21 EURALO will be planning two General Assembly:
- one in 2020 (not founded) mainly (if not totally) virtual during or around ICANN69, Hamburg;
- one in 2021 (founded) mainly in face to face, either
- during EuroDIG2021, if EURALO is more looking for outreach or
- during ICANN71, La Hague, if EURALO is more looking for in-reach.
It will be a good time to evaluate the progress of our Outreach and Engagement work, draw conclusions and plan future activities. One important point will be to take feedback of the virtual meeting experience both for ICANN67, ICANN68 and other organizations like RIPE80 and EuroDIG 2020. It will help to discuss how to improve our own on-ligne meetings and maybe also our F2F discussions and receive feedback from representatives of the ALSs.
Due to the new At-Large initiative regarding the support of the ICANN meetings in Social Media and outreach work, giving the lead to the RALO from the related host region. And as for FY21 two ICANN meetings will be held in Europe, EURALO will be in charge of the coordination of outreach activities and it will allow the involvement of the European ALSs and their members to support this operation too.
Road map for Strategic Outreach and Engagement Plan
1. The geography and coverage:
We focus on those areas of Europe which are still under-covered by our presence.
In addition to enhance the interest of globally defined Individual Internet End-Users into ICANN policy making processes, we will be also looking for specific expertise which we need to attract (researchers, academia, technical community, digital rights advocates).
A separate area of interest in outreach work is the next generation in close cooperation with ALSs developing specific programs in that direction.
2. Local interaction:
We will request the attention of ALSs to the work of each other in the same place and encourage them to interact with each other on the ground.
We will also ask the ALS to pay attention to the relation with governmental organizations and to give us feedback and updates related to EURALO/ICANN work.
The same will be done in relation to the local ccTLD registries and any other important local stakeholder.
ALSs and members:
Euralo will help for a continuing cross-ALS interaction in the exchange of experiences and information.
Filling the feedback gap:
Releasing information from the various part of ICANN (policy, activities, meetings…) to ALSs members;
Collecting information from each ALS on the ground, feedback from the region on the topics related to the ICANN work.
The tools to be used
- conference-calls,
- ability to put the comments in drafts and statements,
- interaction in communication channels,
- distribution of the information in EURALO Newsletters and monthly reports,
- informal reports from members,
- participation in At-Large WGs
- researches or surveys, which will help us make some kind of revision and understand how we can interact and work more effectively.
- Partners:
Continuous interaction with organizations that have a MOU with EURALO (RIPE NCC, CENTER to enhance partnership to joint efforts on Capacity Building, Outreach and Engagement, mutual exchange of information, participation to develop training programs and in events in Europe (F2F or virtual meetings), invitation to participate in joint activities during ICANN and IGF meetings (round tables, session, flash-session, activities at the booth, workshops).
5. Local activities of EURALO ALSs (including individual members):
Initiatives on the ground by ATLASIII ambassadors, mutual participation of Euralo leaders, members, ALS representatives in local IG and ALS’s events, initiation of new formats of outreach work with close connection to ALSs, individuals. - Global events and participation:
- ICANN69 in Hamburg and ICANN71 in La Hague are both happening in Europe during FY21, A special attention needs to be taken for those meetings and take advantage of possible opportunities to gather ALS representatives in the home region of EURALO. EURALO leadership will participate in creating and conducting guiding activities for At-Large,
- ICANN70 in Cancun,
- Webinars before the ICANN meetings and participation in read-out sessions initiated by GSE or European ALSs after (interaction with the social media WG and distribution of information) if possible in various local languages.
- participation in global (IGF15 Katowice – Poland) , regional (SEEDIG, EuroDIG, ....) and national IGF events,
It is important to participate in those events to work at the booth, at social networking but also to represent the voice of EURALO/At-Large at sessions, panels and round tables.
As in 2019 and 2018, we will work on the opportunity to gather representatives of At-Large and book a space at the IGF2020 and initiate discussions that are relevant to us and our hot topics.
It is important to take part in the definition of any event programs in a timely manner and suggest the name of EURALO (At-Large) members to be involved as panelists or speakers. - CROP:
Providing timely application of travel requests from EURALO members by Community Regional Outreach Program:
IG events spreadsheet:
Rules and details for submitting applications and identifying the goal:
(We will give recommendations later for visiting particularly important events for EURALO's presence there) - Individuals` Associations:
Completion of the "welcome package" project in coordination with the “ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team”. The results of this initiative will be available to the whole At-Large, including EURALO ALSs. This tool will help in raising awareness and getting a compact information for all potential members interested to join EURALO/At-Large.
We will be paying attention to the unique advantage of EURALO as an entry for non-affiliated members and observers representing other ICANN geographical regions. - Capacity Building:
Capacity building is a very important element to increase the understanding and participation of members/ALSs in EURALO. It will also allow us to involved additional potential people, to raise awareness of ALS members’, who are not engaged in EURALO activities and increase the level of competencies/knowledge and understanding for the existing active core participants and newcomers.
We will work on the involvement of EURALO members in the development of materials and to increase participation in webinars as participants and as speakers.
10. ATLASIII ambassadors
EURALO ATLASIII ambassadors (some are at the same time leaders, EURALO board members…) can be responsible for educational work, interaction with the ALSs at the local level, and the creation of a possible base for participation in events and initiatives.
ATLASIII ambassadors can be also responsible for mentoring and helping a new generation of EURALO members (Fellows, NextGen and new members) to be involved in policy making process and discussions, working groups and projects.
(version by Chair, 6 April 2020)
Main Remark:
Due to the huge influence of COVID19 since few months and for many more time, the Euralo Strategic Outreach plan for FY21 will be certainly subject to revaluations along the road. Taking into account possible future and sometime unexpected cancellation of events and the lack of possibilities to forecast efficiently the situation, we draw the following framework for Outreach activities with option to be flexible regarding CROP travels and attendances of f2f events.
The framework also (at least in the near future) directs our activities to the virtual format and rebuilds our vision to content to be more appropriate for online format.
As never before we turn our attention on the quality of virtual work (in all virtual communication channels, namely, social networks, conference calls, webinars, chats and so on).
We are building our work taking into account our simple, long time but still relevant strategy: “Euralo must be present in each and every country of our region”. We take also into account ICANN strategy and inputs from the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) European Teams and At-Large/ALAC strategie. To harmonize our efforts, we need to pay special attention to the places where we will be engaging our effort and resources.
The other goal will be to involve new people or new groups into the ICANN policy making process to strengthen the voice of Internet individual end-user. For that, EURALO is open to representatives of all groups but will pay specific attention on academic, researchers and youth.
Main goals:
Spreading a clear, interesting and useful information about Internet, ICANN activities, At-Large, ALAC and EURALO's role in the European regions and beyond, maintaining the current positive image, raising awareness and, as a result, growing the number and the quality active participation of European Internet individual end-user in the ICANN policy development.
In FY21 EURALO General Assembly is planned be held during ICANN69, Hamburg (or maybe during ICANN71, La Hague). It will be a good time to evaluate the progress of our Outreach work, draw conclusions and plan future activities. One important point will be to take stock of the virtual meeting experience both for ICANN67, ICANN68(?) and other organization like RIPE80. It will help to discuss how to improve our own on-ligne meetings and maybe also our F2F discussions and receive feedback from representatives of the ALS.
Road map for Strategic Outreach Plan:
1. The geography and coverage
We focus on those areas of Europe which are still under-covered by our presence, also on the kind of expertise which we need to attract (Researchers, Academy, technical community, digital rights advocates).
A separate area of interest in outreach work is the next generation.
2. Local interaction:
We will request the attention of ALSs to the work of each other in the same place and encourage to interact with each other on the ground.
We will also ask the ALS to pay attention on the relation with governmental organizations and to give us feedback and updates related to EURALO/ICANN work.
The same will be done related to the local ccTLD registries.
3. ALSs and members:
Euralo will help for a continuing cross-ALS interaction to exchange of experiences and information.
Filling the feedback gap:
Releasing information from the various part of ICANN (policy, activities, meetings…) to ALSes members;
Collecting information from each ALS on the ground, feedback from the region on the topics related the ICANN work.
The tools for usage – the conference-calls, ability to put the comments in drafts and statements, interaction in communication channels, distribution of the information in EURALO Newsletters and monthly reports, informal reports from members.
Research or survey, which will help us to make some kind of revision and understand how we can interact and work more effectively.
4. Partners
Interaction with MOU organizations (RIPE NCC, CENTER as partners for joint work on Capacity Building and Outreach, mutual exchange of information, participation in the training programs and in events in Europe (F2F or virtual meetings), invitation to participate in joint activities during ICANN and IGF meetings (round tables, session, workshops).
5. Local activities of EURALO members and ALSs
Initiatives on the ground by ATLASIII ambassadors, mutual participation of Euralo leaders, members, ALS representatives in local IG and ALS`s events, initiation of new formats of outreach work with close connection to ALSs, individuals.
6. Global events and participation:
- ICANN69 in Hamburg and ICANN71 in La Hague are both happening in Europe during FY21, A special attention need to be taken for those meetings and take possible advantage of possible opportunities to gather ALS representatives in the home region of EURALO, leadership in creating and conducting guiding activities for At-Large)
- ICANN70 (in Cancun)
- Webinars before the ICANN meetings and participation in read-out sessions initiated by GSE or European ALSes after (interaction with the social media WG and distribution of information).
- participation in the global, regional and national IGF events (SEEDIG, EuroDIG, ....).
It is important to be represented at those events to work at the booth but also to represent the voice of EURALO/At-Large at sessions, panels and round tables.
As in 2019 and 2018, we will work on the opportunity to gather representatives of At-Large and book a space at the IGF2020 and initiate discussion that are relevant to us and our hot topics.
It is important to take part in the definition of any event programs in a timely manner and declare the names of EURALO (At-Large) members to be represented as panelists and speakers.
Providing timely application of travel requests from EURALO members by Community Regional Outreach Program:
IG events spreadsheet:
Rules and details for submitting applications and identifying the goal:
(We will give recommendations later for visiting particularly important events for EURALO's presence there)
8. Individuals` Associations
Completion of the "welcome package" project, the result of it will be extended to the whole At-Large. There is a tool of the raising awareness and getting the compact information for all potential members interested to join EURALO/At-Large.
We will paying attention on the unique advantage of EURALO as an entry for non-affiliated members and observers representing other ICANN geographical regions.
9. Capacity Building
Capacity building is a very important element, as in the lack of ability to increase the number of members/ALSs in the EURALO rates, it allows us to extract additional potential, to raise awareness of ALS` members, who are not engaged in EURALO activities and increase the level of competencies/knowledge and understanding for the existing active core and newcomers.
We will work on the Involvement of EURALO members in the development of materials and participation in webinars.
10. ATLASIII ambassadors
EURALO ATLASIII ambassadors (they are the same time leaders, board members) are responsible for educational work, interaction with the ALSs at the local level, and creation the base for participation in events and initiatives.
ATLASIII ambassadors are also responsible mentoring and helping a new generation of EURALO members (Fellowes, NextGen and new members) to be involved in policy making process and discussions, working groups and projects.