FY25 Criteria for RALO Discretionary Funding Requests

FY25 Criteria for RALO Discretionary Funding Requests

FY25 Information

1.0  Purpose of the RALO Discretionary Funding

To provide opportunities for members of all RALOs to do local outreach and engagement about ICANN and ICANN policy related issues within the region in alignment with the Regional Outreach Plans for the relevant Fiscal year.

2.0 Selection Criteria

  1. The applications for funding support for the local  ALS activity must come from a certified ALS or individual member that has demonstrated to be active by consistently participating in the regional monthly calls at least once every 3 months.

  2. The ALS  or individual has previously organized or attended a special event with tangible outreach and engagement activities with specific expected results or shows evidence of significant planning.

  3. The funds should be a portion of the full budget for the event.  

  4. The use of RALO Discretionary Funds shall be in alignment with the RALO Strategic Outreach Plans filed for the relevant Fiscal year. 

  5. Staff will consider regional balance within each RALO during their review of the requests.

3.0 Application Process

  1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
  2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by the appropriate GSE Regional Vice Presidents and RALO leadership (depending on the RALO making the request) in consultation with Policy staff in support of At-Large.  
  3. The request must be submitted at least three weeks before the date funding is required. NOTE: Local travel requests must be made 120 days in advance.
  4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.

4.0 Approval Process

  1. Staff determines if the request follows the established criteria and is in alignment with regional priorities as set out in the Regional Outreach Plans for the relevant Fiscal year. 

  2. Staff determines if there are sufficient funds available to support the request. If not, the maximum allowed for the request will be what is available in the fund at the moment of the request.

  3. If necessary, Staff coordinates a conference call with RALO leadership and the person(s) making the request with the purpose of gathering more details about the utilization of the funds.

5.0 Reporting and reimbursement 

  1. All requests and its final approval (or not) are to be published in a WIKi page for transparency purposes.

  2. The ALS or individual member must produce, no later than 15 days after the end of the engagement, a report summarizing its outreach efforts and possible outcome.

  3. Reimbursement will be processed by TBD, upon receipt of paid invoices, after the event has taken place or project is completed.
  4. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING TRAVEL BOOKING: All trips on buses, train and planes as well as hotel accommodation must be booked through ICANN Constituency Travel in collaboration with GSE and Policy staff. 

RALO Available Funds

Each RALO is granted $4k for FY25


 Funds Used

Available Funds














$ 2,674


RALO Requests


Date Submitted

Date of Event

Submitted within three weeks of Event?/ 

Local travel requests must be made 120 days in advance







EURALO31 May 20248-12 July 2024YesJoanna KuleszaPartial support for dinner at the inaugural Summer School on Internet Governance and International Law hosted by the Lodz Cyber Hub. Email thread$810Completed
NARALO 8 July 2024 
YesGlenn Mcknight Indigenous Connectivity Summit in Syndey, Nova ScotiaEmail thread$399 Completed 
NARALO 16 Jan 2025 4 nights Hotel during ICANN82yes Alan Greenberg 

Participation in ICANN82 NARALO events - a major component of the Plan Section 1.3.2 Outreach Pillar, and participation in RDRS, PPSAI IRT, CIP and other ICANN meetings and discussions is a major component of the Plan Section 1.3.3 Mobilization and Engagement Pillar

Attached form

$ 1,375



22 Jan 


Catering request NARALO ICANN 82 yes Greg Shatan

Additional funds for refreshments at NARALO Networking event ICANN 82 

Attached form 

$ 400 


NARALO 28 Jan 2025 ICANN 82 HotelyesBibi Rookayya Gulmahamed 

Funds to cover hotel at ICANN 82



AFRALO 15 February 2025 30th June to 4th July 2025.yesRaymond Mamattah

Funds to cover catering meeting space.
