At-Large Regional Secretariats Meeting 2016-01-21 AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Secretariats Meeting on Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 18:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Silvia Vivanco:we are sitll gathering
Alberto Soto:Hello everyone, Sorry I have poroblem whith Adigo ARgentina...
judith hellerstein:hi all
Glenn McKnight:gisella has an eco
Glenn McKnight:echo
judith hellerstein:Did you include me as being there
Silvia Vivanco:Echo is okay
Alberto Soto:Yes Olivier, the sound is good
judith hellerstein:@silvia and Gisela. I am here but am not on the list as being here. Not sure why not
Glenn McKnight:FYI here is a promo video I shot for Aziz
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Promotion for Morocco
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Judith, added
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, all, i was unable to connect to adobe
Siranush Vardanyan:To Gisella: can i request to call me as my connection is too weak and I am unable to follow the discussion. thanks
Aziz:thanks Glenn I will put this video on the local website
Gisella Gruber:@ Siranush - yes
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, i will be via phone only
Glenn McKnight:Survey
Glenn McKnight:The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication.
Glenn McKnight:NARALO had very little participation
Glenn McKnight:NARALO no one from group is interested in survey. Garth, Evan, Judith and I have discussed this
Alberto Soto:Yes
Humberto Carrasco Adi Chile:Alberto is right
Alberto Soto:I have noise ...
Alberto Soto:noise only...
Gisella Gruber:@ Glenn - you have a bad echo on your AC line
Glenn McKnight:We can interviews
Glenn McKnight:let the chair and sec call each of their ALS's
Alberto Soto: My communication went dead
Gisella Gruber:@ ALberto - will call you back
Glenn McKnight:We do it now
Alberto Soto:thanks Gisella!
Glenn McKnight:Don't rely only on the survey
Glenn McKnight:Do what you can
Glenn McKnight:In our case the survey results are poor in Naralo
Glenn McKnight:I did a Survey Guizmo a very long one. Little result
Maureen Hilyard:Perhaps we need to include these types of questions during registration.. it saves the hassle of trying to get them to answer surveys later
Glenn McKnight:Keep it between 10 and 20 questions. 5 to 10 minutes max
Glenn McKnight:Naralo survey sends out 33 surveys, and 10 detailed following up 5 for chair and 5 for the secretariat
Glenn McKnight:Not a big deal
Wolf Ludwig:Our members in Europe almost hate surveys and it's very difficult to mobilize them for such things!
Glenn McKnight:@Olivier just create a special interest group to provide feedback on the survey approach
Glenn McKnight:Sure
Wolf Ludwig:@Glenn: 10 min. is felt as an imposition already.
Glenn McKnight:@Wolf if 10 minutes is too much then ......
Wolf Ludwig:Some of them argue, we are *members* and not "customers" -- if you want to know anything, call us.
Glenn McKnight:I am waiting for a phone call to add comment . My mic is muted
Nathalie Peregrine:we are dialing out to you Glenn
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Maureen Hilyard:The recommendation was only to investigate the use of simple tools -nothing about what happens when something appropriate is identified - is there a budget allocation provided?
judith hellerstein:Sorry Olivier, I have to get back to you on it
Glenn McKnight:@judith i am on the cell too without echo i hope
Glenn McKnight:You go first
Glenn McKnight:I will add content if necessary
judith hellerstein:is that you glenn
Glenn McKnight:i am muted
Glenn McKnight:not me
Wolf Ludwig:She is hardly audible
Glenn McKnight:I am on the cell and I used *6
Nathalie Peregrine:Glenn, your line is fine :)
Glenn McKnight:good
judith hellerstein:yes
judith hellerstein:then told us by email that they were not interested
Wolf Ludwig:... with a bad echo!
Glenn McKnight:@Judith only those who stated emphatically that wanted out. We are still working personally with those to get them engaged. We have three orgs that replaced the designated person
judith hellerstein:I got to go now. sorry
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It is worth knowing that Wolf will be in touch with ICANN re :a session about the public interest that's already scheduled for Marrakech
Alan Greenberg:
Silvia Vivanco:Exploring the Public Interest within ICANN's Remit Home: ICANN's wiki:
Silvia Vivanco:managed by Public Responsability department - Nora Abussitta's team
Wolf Ludwig:Non here
Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye!!
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and bye