At-Large Regional Secretariats 2015.11.24 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Secretariats Meeting on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 21:30 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all welcome
Alan Greenberg:On AdobeConnect for 1st two items. Not on bridge so cannot speak.
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Silvia
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Aziz, we can hear you
Silvia Vivanco:Aziz will change to French channel now
Aziz HILALI:can we start now
Wolf Ludwig:Few people only so far -- let's wait 2 - 3 more minutes for others to join ...
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome to Alberto Soto
Silvia Vivanco:Alberto the ES channel is available
Alberto Soto:Hello all! Thanks Silvia!
Silvia Vivanco:if you would like to call in the bridge
Terri Agnew:Welcome Alberto Soto
Alberto Soto:I´m online by phone
Judith hellerstein:Sorry I was late
Terri Agnew:Welcome Judith Hellerstein
Terri Agnew:Recommendation 28 - - RALO Survey and next steps.
Siranush Vardanyan:yes
Judith hellerstein:the sound dropped out for a bit
Judith hellerstein:Did others lose sound?
Siranush Vardanyan:lost audio
Terri Agnew:Humberto Carrasco has joined on audio
Judith hellerstein:yes. I lost audio as well
Siranush Vardanyan:good now
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:sounds ok now
Silvia Vivanco:Recommendation 28:
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:+ 1 Olivier
Siranush Vardanyan:agree with Olivier, maximum 3 people from each ALS should be given and usually it is primary and secondary contacts. if we open survey to all, we may end with no needed responses we may be looking for
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:We could issue a call to the RALO's and create a Matrix with the feedback we receive
Terri Agnew:Recommendations 31 -
Glenn McKnight:Keep oppen
Glenn McKnight:We have looked at SLACK
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:Keep it open
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:we have been using twitter really well in At Large Meetings :-)
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:thanks to ARIEL and team
Glenn McKnight:We will take it back to the TTF and summarize the tools
Terri Agnew:Recommendation 42 - - Enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies
Glenn McKnight:NARALO is submitting a GA for ICANNPR next year
Ariel Liang:You may download the rotation proposal here:
Judith hellerstein:Yes WE are
Alan Greenberg:This year we received funding for only 1 GA. But that is not (in my mind) acceptable. That is what we are trying to fix.
Glenn McKnight:We had a King Solomon situation with only the funding of one GA and we had to decide which one would survive
Glenn McKnight:@Judith. I sent the draft to Heidi of the NARALO GA submission but no response
Terri Agnew:Recommendation 43 -
Judith hellerstein:We are working on this in naralo
Alan Greenberg:Yes, we have a preliminary list
Siranush Vardanyan:in the process in APRALO as well
Glenn McKnight:We are reaching out to all the ALS to personally encourage their participation
Alan Greenberg:Voting is never a problem. Active participation is harder.
Alberto Soto:LACRALO; no
Humberto Carrasco ADI Chile:no
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, we do have
Alberto Soto:We have two
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:And apologies for having taken o much tie on this. I have overrun. Sorry I had not noticed
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I thought 20 minutes oops
Alan Greenberg:Will leave now. Bye all.
Glenn McKnight:Bye Alan
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye Alan!
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:bye Alan
Ariel Liang:
Siranush Vardanyan:sorry, will leave now as well, we just had this presentation covered in our monthly call. it is 2:15 am my time now and need to be at work at 8 am already:) bye for now
Glenn McKnight:@Ariel myself and Jose will provide detailed feedback. Jose is a programmer and Wordpress expert
Laura Bengford:The website, is updated every day with the latest public comments from and policy advice updates. Please take it for a spin!
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:Hi Ariel, will follow up on feedback fromAFRALO members
Laura Bengford:Thanks Glenn and Barrack!
Glenn McKnight:lots of noise
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:done, i have sent out an email requesting for feedback
Glenn McKnight:please click in the URL to
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:will revert by the end of the week
Glenn McKnight:This is a W3C checker for errors in site
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:thanks Glenn, very usefull
Glenn McKnight:type in the url and it provides details on the errors and potential errors
Laura Bengford:@Glenn Simply Accessible working on accessibility testing.
Glenn McKnight:send them the report
Glenn McKnight:it has 19 errors and 300 potential errors
Laura Bengford:Yes, they are working on that Glenn. Thank you.
Glenn McKnight:@Laura is the information seemless with social media, feeds from the FACEBOOK and Twitter?
Laura Bengford:We are still working on some of the social media features, such as share using AddThis for example. Seemless?
Glenn McKnight:Look at this tool
Glenn McKnight:
Laura Bengford:That looks like a good tool too.
Glenn McKnight:Most wordpress sites pull in Twitter feeds directly to the site
Glenn McKnight:How does it look on mobile?
Glenn McKnight:Who is that scary guy on the screen?
Laura Bengford:Mobile responsiveness was baked into testing so should be pretty good.
Glenn McKnight:@Laura. me and Jose will review and then scheudule a call
Laura Bengford:@Glenn, looking forward to that. Thanks.
Glenn McKnight:@ariel please add the short video we did for APRALO celerating diversity
Silvia Vivanco:@ Alberto and Humberto we will lose ES interpretation in 4 mins
Glenn McKnight:I also did some with Aziz
Silvia Vivanco:you can dial in EN channel
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The Web Sites look great and in a way, I feel a little apprehensive about actively producing content for them becuase it looks so good, it feels like it' complicated to update
Glenn McKnight:Looks slick
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it is probably really easy :-) I guess perhaps a video on how to do things, rather than a document, would be helpful
Laura Bengford:Good idea Olivier, we might end up having a few webinars over time as it evolves :)
Laura Bengford:We will have credentials for the website but working on single sign on with etc....
Humberto Carrasco ADI Chile:Thanks
Laura Bengford:There is no login required for the site currently though.
Alberto Soto:Thanks all, bye bye!!
Glenn McKnight:Maureen and I have created a series of Ebooks based upon the Working Groups
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all !
Judith hellerstein:bye all
Barrack Otieno AFRALO:Thank you Aziz, bye colleagues
Laura Bengford:Thanks all!
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Ariel Liang:thank you all!
Humberto Carrasco ADI Chile:Bye