CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.3.5 - Action items
Ccwg IG to discuss on the mailing list the title for 3.1 “ICANN Community vs. Internet Community”
Ccwg IG to discuss on the mailing list the phrase “transparency on master root server deployment and its international management”, and whether to keep or not
Greg Shatan to write up a better definition for GNSO activities
Action item for Keith: to include a comment and a text as to where to include his comment made in the chat: "It cannot be a top-down unilateral approach where the organisation (in today's form or any future form) is given license to make decisions that don't come from the community. The organisation should be a coordinator and facilitator in support of the community, not as a top down regulator or out-in-front trailblazer"