CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.5.16 - Adobe chat
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Hago Dafalla:hi all
Rudi Vansnick:is there an audio connect bridge ?
Rudi Vansnick:or should we dial in ?
Jordan Carter:hi all
Renate De Wulf:we are checking this
Jordan Carter:Adigo working fine, I think
Bart Boswinkel:Better dial in to get it started
Bart Boswinkel:Okay
Rudi Vansnick:it is a bit hecktic here as we are one week away from the elections
Rudi Vansnick:national, regional and european elections
Jordan Carter:I make an apology - I am a victim of false advertising as to when the restaurant closes for dinner here - I must leave at 0920. I have no substantive issues to raise tho and generally agree with Greg S's comments. So apologies for leaving in about fifteen minutes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok thx Jordan!
Bill Drake:a week or two?
Renate De Wulf:Hi Bill, hopefully soon - the deadline for requesting meetings was this morning
Bill Drake:merci....bit hard to make plans as always
Bill Drake:sorry the link to the clean copy again was...?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:latest version with notes is on:
Bill Drake:thanks
Bill Drake:not realy
Rudi Vansnick:it is probably related to the wordings
Rudi Vansnick:+1 Jordan
Bill Drake:I'd think that's entailed
Jordan Carter:"Reflect back to the ICANN community discussions about ICANN or ICANN matters that arise in other Internet Governance discussions."
Bill Drake:"reflect back"?
Jordan Carter:"Share with...."
Bill Drake:Convey
Jordan Carter:Convey to the ICANN community..
Jordan Carter:something along those lines
Bill Drake:whatever...'reflect' seems abstract
Jordan Carter:+1
Jordan Carter:I've emailed this text to Bart and Olivier: "Convey to the ICANN community discussions about ICANN or ICANN matters that arise in other Internet Governance discussions and processes."
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Jordan
Jordan Carter:On this second comment from Greg - the WG is already so big that I don't see any difference being made in adding one more rep per SO/AC
Jordan Carter:so happy to agree with that
Hago Dafalla:I agree with that
Jordan Carter:and now my humble apologies, I have to go away
Jordan Carter:regrets and apologies
Bart Boswinkel:Bye Jordan
Jordan Carter:ciao and good luck
Bill Drake:it's fine
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:well --- at the moment the WG is SO/AC/SG but it will reduce in size to SO/AC
Bill Drake:GNSO is such a complicated problem next to other SO ACs
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:at least "full members". Observers will stay on
Bill Drake: Comment Gregory: "Experts would be appointed to provide guidance to the WG on matters within their areas of expertise, where such expertise is not otherwise available among the Members and Observers of the WG." This seems unduly restrictive to me.
Bill Drake:you might ask someone just to provide a viewpoint, why say the expertise cannot be on the WG already
Rudi Vansnick:i follow Bill
Bill Drake:many people will claim to have the expertise...
Rudi Vansnick:it seems to me unreallistic to state we will have all expertise on board
Rudi Vansnick:waw
Hago Dafalla:who is selected the expeties
Hago Dafalla:and from where can choose?
David Fares:Agree w/ Rudi
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Hago: the WG can appoint experts if needed. Probably a consensus decision then
Hago Dafalla:ok
Rudi Vansnick:i agree with Bart
Bill Drake:sigh
Rudi Vansnick:i would leave the text as is
David Fares:Apologies, I need to drop-off. Thanks.
Bill Drake:it is FINE
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks for attending David
Bill Drake:oui
Rudi Vansnick:correct
Bill Drake:OCL hard to hear you
Bill Drake:maybe just me but Bart is about 4 x louder than OCL
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sorry it's probably my line
Bill Drake:sorry I'm multitasking and sort of useless
Rudi Vansnick:none from my side
Hago Dafalla:no comment
Bill Drake:member is fine
Rudi Vansnick:keep Members please
Bill Drake:in reality the observers would be part of the conversation in some manner anyway
Rudi Vansnick:correct
Bill Drake:if she thinks this useful I don't mind
Bill Drake:appeals to charter geeks
Rudi Vansnick:ok for me
Hago Dafalla:I agree with
Rudi Vansnick:good proposal Olivier
Bill Drake:"force to continue"?
Hago Dafalla:good comment for me
Bill Drake:is this like a death march? are we building the Burmese railroad?
Hago Dafalla:i general very good proposal
Hago Dafalla:in general very good proposal
Rudi Vansnick:+1
Bill Drake:yes indeed thanks Bart
Rudi Vansnick:and his knowledge and experience in this work !
Rudi Vansnick:thsi should be the final version before acceptance
Rudi Vansnick:i think we wait tilll support
Bill Drake:wait
Hago Dafalla:yes wait
Rudi Vansnick:if there is a problem to get support we convene another call
Rudi Vansnick:if there is a problem to get support we convene another call
Rudi Vansnick:no do not tell that ! ;-)
Rudi Vansnick:thanks to all
Hago Dafalla:thank you for your effort
Bill Drake:nope mercy bowcups
Rudi Vansnick:great work
Hago Dafalla:bye
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks all!