CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.4.9 - Adobe chat
Keith Drazek (RySG):Hello!
Petya Minkova:good evening from Brussels!
Leon Sanchez:I finally made it.
Kristina Rosette:greetings. have to be on mute for a few minutes
Keith Drazek (RySG):FYI Ken Stubbs from the RySG submitted his regrets as well.
Bart Boswinkel:Bart from staff is here as well
Alexandra Dans:This is the summary prepared by the rapporteurs: Leon Sanchez and Marilia Maciel:
Hago Dafalla 2:hi all please call me my phone number is:+249922382627
Greg Shatan:I am in AC, but not on phone. (yet).
Alexandra Dans:You can also access the audio of the session here:
Marilia Maciel:Hello, sorry for being late.
Hago Dafalla 2:please call me my phone is:+249922382626
Alexandra Dans:Link to the public comment:
Hago Dafalla 2:my phone is:+249922382627
Petya Minkova:@Hago Adigo is calling
Kiran Malancharuvil:Apologies for being late.
Petya Minkova:@Hago please confirm your number again!
Hago Dafalla 2:+249922382627
Young-eum Lee:Subject: [discuss] Wikileaks releases Penultimate NetMundial Outcome DocumentPDF link:
Marilia Maciel:The document is still open for comments of the HLC
Marilia Maciel:High level Committee
Marilia Maciel:So it is not 100% stable
Marilia Maciel:Yes, supposed to be release on the 10
Leon Sanchez:I agree with what OCL is saying. I wonder what is the point of NetMundial if the outcome is already there even if the meeting hasn't taken place yet?
Marilia Maciel:Working on my mic
Marilia Maciel:Yes,
Greg Shatan:This is what I have heard about NETmundial process:
Marilia Maciel:The document is a starting point
Greg Shatan:• Organization of NetMundial has been a “hot potato” and things are still in flux• What “consensus” will mean at NetMundial is still undecided• The Morning Plenary will be primarily speeches – Tim Berners-Lee is the only known confirmed speaker• Draft outcome document will be coming shortly [this was before the Wikileak…]• Stakeholders can provide comments to the outcome document, but the relevance and standing of those comments is uncertain• However, the current position is that the outcome document will not be amended to reflect such comments• There will be limited opportunities to intervene from the floor• The organizers expect stakeholder groups to appoint speakers to talk on particular topics• Late-night drafting sessions should be expected
Marilia Maciel:It can be changed
Leon Sanchez:I hope they do take into account the input the different stakeholders submit
Keith Drazek (RySG):@Leon, I had the same reaction to the terminology, but I take it to be the "Output" of the input submitted prior to the meeting. At least that's my hope! ;-)
Leon Sanchez:@Keith I agree, I hope so too
Marilia Maciel:Mic has a problem, sorry :)
Keith Drazek (RySG):We're just enjoying your melodious voice Olivier!
Keith Drazek (RySG):I'll be there and think a gathering of this group would be good.
Alain Bidron:I may be there
Oliver Sueme - ISPCP:I will be there, f2f would be good
Kristina Rosette:Unless I receive new information soon, no IPC members will be attending. Members of IPC members will be attending, but that's slightly different.
Greg Shatan:I will not be in Sao Paolo. :-(
Kiran Malancharuvil:I will not be there
Marilla Maciel:Yes, good idea
Avri Doria:well we are not travelling there as an ICANN contingent, but coming from even wider PoV thant those inside ICANN
Avri Doria:How many is ICANN funding to go?
Kristina Rosette:I heard it was USD 1 million of travel support.
Kristina Rosette:Rumor. but heard from numerous sources
Avri Doria:well some of it is support staff.
Alexandra Dans:The best contact to receive information about financial assistance is Daniel Fink <>
Avri Doria:alexandra, does that mean all of ICANN's support money went into the common pool and it isn't sending anyone other that Support Staff on its direct decison.
Keith Drazek (RySG):Please mute phones if not speaking. Thanks
Bart Boswinkel:No not yet
Alexandra Dans:Avri, let me get the details and I'll share in the list.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Bart Boswinkel:The core issue the WG needs to address is its scope
Marilla Maciel:Do we have someone from the WG on building CCWGs with us?
Marilla Maciel:building a roadmap for CCWGs, I mean
Bart Boswinkel:@Marilla: I'm staff support
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:the CCWG on CCWG is actually just starting its work now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so we're really on our own for this at the moment
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but Bart, Staff support, has extensive knowledge of building charters
Bart Boswinkel:No not really, the charter of the ccWG Framework and other ccWG ( such as the DSSA) do prvide a basis for this WG
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and us willing to help
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and there have been past CCWGs created so some frameworks are good guidelines
Marilla Maciel:Good. Could you point us to where we could find this useful info?
Bart Boswinkel:As said the scope is the core, as Keith indicated in his comment
Keith Drazek (RySG):Thanks David, that's helpful.
Bart Boswinkel:@Marilla, You can look at the ccNSO website under working groups and look for FoI WG, ccWG Framework and use of country names
Bart Boswinkel:and look at chaters
Marilla Maciel:Thanks Bart
Kiran Malancharuvil:I can volunteer to work with others as well
Keith Drazek (RySG):So the Charter Drafting Team will be: Jordyn, Keith, Kiran, Bart. Anyone else?
Young-eum Lee:I think Marilyn has also volunteered.
Bart Boswinkel:@ Olivier: the group itself needs to focus on scope
Kiran Malancharuvil:I think Greg had volunteered at one point and Marilyn
Leon Sanchez:I have already volunteered. Although I have zero experience on drafting charters but willing to help and learn
Bart Boswinkel: The structure will folow from that
Keith Drazek (RySG):and Marilyn and Greg, correct.
Greg Shatan:I did volunteer!
Bart Boswinkel:The ccWG recently created do offer a structure
Hago Dafalla 2:I can volunteer
Keith Drazek (RySG):Regular review periods +1
Bart Boswinkel:Possible natural point in time maybe the WSIS+10
Hago Dafalla 2:please call me my line disconnect
Marilla Maciel:2015
Marilla Maciel:hahahahah
Leon Sanchez:What Marillia is saying seems reasonable
Hago Dafalla 2:please call me
Bart Boswinkel:There is alos a limit in scope of some of the potentially participating SO and ACs
Young-eum Lee:Agree with David
Bart Boswinkel:Let me give you another example: WHOIS re ccTLD is out of scope of ICANN, as policy mandate. Discussing it one, providing recommendations / making a statement from ICANN community is another
Aparna Sridhar:apologies - i have to drop for another meeting
Aparna Sridhar:speak to you all soon and see some of you in sao paulo
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Aparna
Leon Sanchez:I apologize for having to leave early
Leon Sanchez:See you soon and safe travels to Sao Paulo for those of you who will attend NetMundial
Marilla Maciel:Agreed. Please also clarify if we will have a debriefing meeting
Marilla Maciel:During/after NM
Keith Drazek (RySG):Apologies but I have to drop at the top of the hour. Perhaps we should schedule a conference call of Charter Drafting Team later this week?
Kristina Rosette:I have to drop for another call. Apologies.
Keith Drazek (RySG):I'll follow up on email. Thanks, K
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thankt Keith -- good suggestion. We'll ask immediately after the call by emailing those people who have volunteered
Marilyn Cade, BC /CSG Officer:I can do a call thursday, Friday, of this week.
Marilyn Cade, BC /CSG Officer:Next week, I am in Geneva and will have limited times /but will do all I can to participate in the next CCWG call.
Bart Boswinkel:Emaiil works as well
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Marilla Maciel:Bye! Thanks!