CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.2.13 - Adobe Chat
Petya Minkova:Good afternoon!
Hago Dafalla:hi good afternoon
Alexandra Dans:Hello from Uruguay :)
Cintra Sooknanan:Hello
Filiz Yilmaz:Hello all
Leon Sanchez:hello everyone ,
Klaus Stoll:Hi, everybody
Michele Neylon:all hail
Michele Neylon:or something
Ken Stubbs:good day all !
Michele Neylon:Ah now
rafik:hi michel
Michele Neylon:salaam
Bart Boswinkel:Plese note I'm ICANN staff as well
Joana Varon:Hello from Brazil
Michele Neylon:Bart - yes yes you are
Hago Dafalla:pease call me again my phone is:+249922382627
Petya Minkova:@ Hago I will communicate it now to adigo
Philip Corwin:Greetings from very snowy Washington DC metro area
Greg Shatan:Hello from an also snowy New York City.
Petya Minkova:@Hago please mute your microphone
Michele Neylon:Let's see
Michele Neylon:the Chairs of the SGs etc support this
Hago Dafalla:ok
Michele Neylon:what's the problem?
Michele Neylon:I'm confused
Kristina Rosette:Greetings! I'll probably be on mute for most of the call. I've got several snowbound 9-year-old boys racing around the house. Better for everyone to avoid that racket.
Michele Neylon:what am I missing?
Michele Neylon:+ Ken
Michele Neylon:+1 Ken even
Michele Neylon:we've already supported it
Philip Corwin:Support comments being made--we operate by consensus, not unanimity
Michele Neylon:and this kind of rubbish is why IG gives me such a headache
Kristina Rosette:Is there any leader of any SO/AC/SG/Const in this group who HAS OBJECTED? If not, we're done, as far as I'm concerned.
Michele Neylon:Kristina - nope
Michele Neylon:who is the policy council?
Kristina Rosette:then we're done.
Leon Sanchez:then why don't we just move forward?
Michele Neylon:1414
Kristina Rosette:suggest we "request" while making clear our expectation that our reqeust will be granted.
Michele Neylon:14 minutes I could use to do something which generates revenue
Ken Stubbs:I second marilyn motion
Evan Leibovitch:Let's please get on with it.
Greg Shatan:@Michele: policy counsel = GNSO Counsel; making point that the role of the GNSO Council to manage policy process, not to run the GNSO.
Michele Neylon:ah ok
Michele Neylon:talk about confusing
Michele Neylon:I did it via the mailing list
Joana Varon:is that it:
Joana Varon:?
Joana Varon:thanks
Filiz Yilmaz:If we can have a draft ourselves, we can discuss and get wider feedback from the community on these at the SIngapore session.
Evan Leibovitch:@ Marilyn... Maybe we take a stab at an "educated guess" strawman that can at least be used as a point of reference
Filiz Yilmaz:Exactly, lets call this an "initial draft" and then finilize it after Singapore session...
Bladel:and communicate clear benefits and outcomes.
Filiz Yilmaz:I agree with Michele. We have decided to come up with a draft, so lets move on.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:apologies. just joined chat.
Aparna Sridhar:+1 for the pub
Philip Corwin:This process can certainly drive one to drink ;-)
Sarah Falvey - CRR:Agree with Michele
Marilyn Cade - CSG:So, we can draft on this document. Can we have maybe one or two volunteers from each group on this drafting?
Bladel:The problem with all this IG stuff is no one (except the bad guys) has a cldear idea of their desired outcome. Without that, we are rudderless and just drifting....
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I will help /
Marilyn Cade - CSG:but recall that we can't define ICANN/the bylaws define ICANN.
Aparna Sridhar:I am happy to volunteer with the drafting
Kristina Rosette:Me too
Bladel:The bylaws describe the ICANN Community, the articles would describe ICANN the entity.
Evan Leibovitch:I can help. Just don't have the cycles to lead.
Philip Corwin:I posted a proposed definition of ICANN to the mailing list that was the subject of some extensive discussion -- yet somehow it is not on the list of this document
rafik:so we have michele, marylin, kirstina aparna , evan
Evan Leibovitch:I've already indicated that I'm happy with Phil's definition
Sarah Falvey - CRR:I volunteer as well
Leon Sanchez:i volunteer for these
Leon Sanchez:multilateral and msh
Aparna Sridhar:sorry I think my mike isn't working
Marilyn Cade - CSG:this group might think about if it is developing a new definition of ICANN, that any definition has to be put out to public comment, and thn involves bylaw changes. BUT, w can have a 'working definition', perhaps?
Aparna Sridhar:I am happy to do multistakeholder model also
Aparna Sridhar:That was the one for which I intended to volunteer
Marilyn Cade - CSG:MS is not a singular item. there are many versions of MS/not only the ICANn model, and w need to understand that.
Joana Varon:Ok!
Leon Sanchez:i volunteer
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I would like to see volunteers from Ry/RR.
Filiz Yilmaz:@Marilyn, I do not think it is our mandate to define ICANN but we need to make it clear what we mean with ICANN or ICANN Community for the sake of this document.
Leon Sanchez:my mic is off but want ti volunteer
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Maybe we shoudl strive to have 1 per 'group' on these groups, as minimum.
Leon Sanchez:on multilateral and msh
Greg Shatan:The Policy and Implementation Working Group has spent the last 3 months working on definitions of "ICANN" and other terms, at least for use within the WG. We might be able to piggyback on that work, which is a work in progress....
rafik:@greg can you please share this in the mailing list?
Michele Neylon:sorry - which group is she talking about?
Greg Shatan:@Rafik: Happy to do so.
Cintra Sooknanan:I take Marilyn's point
Cintra Sooknanan:It would be great to demonstrate a wide range of engagement, representative of the cross community nature of this WG
Filiz Yilmaz:Ok, so lets work with the volunteers. And all will review the text. Trying ot achive 1 volunteer form each group is not feasable.
Evan Leibovitch:Sorry, need to step away for a minute or two
Marilyn Cade - CSG:proposal: all who volunteer on specific group/welcomed. return all recommendations to fulll group. :-) that brings in the history and inclusiveness. Seems like a decision on how to proceed.
Bladel:+1 Marilyn
Marilyn Cade - CSG:CIR does need to be a separate item/but it is not ccTLD related.
Filiz Yilmaz:That is a given of course. We are basically trying to create task force's to pen things down. Otherwise what we come up with is the work of the all the WG at the end, if agreed on, after iterations etc.
Michele Neylon:ti's regional
Michele Neylon:IANA - RIR - LIR
Alexandra Dans:Critical Internet Resources
Michele Neylon:We Blacknight are a LIR
Michele Neylon:RIPE is a RIR
Filiz Yilmaz:There are also NIRs
Filiz Yilmaz:National Internet Registries
Michele Neylon:Filiz - example?
Filiz Yilmaz:JPNIC
Filiz Yilmaz:CNNIC
Michele Neylon:ah yes
Michele Neylon::)
Filiz Yilmaz:None in RIPE NCC region, no :)
Michele Neylon:Filiz - see that's all I care about most of the time :)
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Critical Internet Resources
Marilyn Cade - CSG:CIR is not only about RIRs, but much broader.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:we need also participants from those who build and operate key parts of Internet.
Evan Leibovitch:back
Filiz Yilmaz:I volunteer Michele :)!
Filiz Yilmaz:He is involved with RIPE
Michele Neylon:Filiz - for?
Filiz Yilmaz:CIR/NIR bit
Filiz Yilmaz:RIR...
Marilyn Cade - CSG:we might also volunteer Keith Drazek
Filiz Yilmaz:Suuuure!
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I will volunteer on bottom up/versus top down
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I confess that is a passion as I helped to draft the initial documents that created ICANN, and that bottom up, consensus based thing was a core value.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Mariella?
Michele Neylon:ok - but can you do a concise version of them?
Fatima Cambronero:@Rafik, I am not sure if being observer can I be volunteer? Can you confirm please?
rafik:@fatima you can
Cintra Sooknanan:Rafik you can add me as well
Fatima Cambronero:ok, I would like be volunterr to Infrastructure Principles
Cintra Sooknanan:thank you
Marilia Maciel:I would like to volunteer for infrastructure principles too
Marilia Maciel:Since we seem to have great folks for multistakeholder bottom-up already ;)
Greg Shatan:The Policy and Implementation WG Definitions subgroup draft working definitions has been sent to the mailing list.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:can we have a bit of time to consult in the four BC reps to put forward volunteers on topics we haven't covered?
Hago Dafalla:I woudlike to volunteer in infrastructure principles too
Ken Stubbs:have to break away a bit early. thanks
Aparna Sridhar:I have to drop
Aparna Sridhar:thanks everyone
Bladel:Sorry folks, have a hard stop at the top of the hour.
Greg Shatan:@Marilyn = Single unique root?
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Perhaps we should revisit the Internet Ecosystem categories?
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I am not for instance, understanding why this group would develop RS principles.
Filiz Yilmaz:I agree, I think The Internet Ecosystem as a title tells me all these organziations, forums, groups etc, who take place in the int gove general anyways, ie who are the main actors and influencers. In that sense, we need IXPs there too for example.
Leon Sanchez:I need to leave. thanks everybody
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Might we change this title to "Evolving the IG Ecosystem, and ICANN's role?
Filiz Yilmaz:No objections.
Marilia Maciel:Ok, and volunteer for it
Marilyn Cade - CSG:excellent, Marilia! and now more...?
Michele Neylon:sorry - in relation to what?
Michele Neylon:not everyone is on the call anyway ..
Marilyn Cade - CSG:participating in a discussion that is Evolving the IG Ecosystem, and ICANN's role
Michele Neylon:Ok I have to drop off
Marilyn Cade - CSG:this has to be open, as Michele noted...
Filiz Yilmaz:Rafik I think I heard you said my name for this but I did not olunteer on this actually. I am happy to review what gets written by the initial volunteers tho.
rafik:@filiz no worries, I didnt volunteer you :)
Filiz Yilmaz:oh ok :). Thank you.
Philip Corwin:Must depart/ciao
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Fatima Cambronero:thanks, bye
Klaus Stoll:Bye
Joana Varon:bye
Marilia Maciel:Bye, thanks
Marilyn Cade - CSG:thanks to Rafik for your leadership.
Cintra Sooknanan:Thank you Rafik, have a great day everyone
Cintra Sooknanan:bye
Greg Shatan:Bye
Hago Dafalla:bye
Hago Dafalla:bye
Filiz Yilmaz:bye