CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.2.7 - Adobe Chat

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.2.7 - Adobe Chat

 Petya Minkova:good morning!

  Bart Boswinkel:Good morning

  Marilia Maciel:Morning!

  Evan Leibovitch:Really early morning for a few of us.

  Michele Neylon:morning

  Evan Leibovitch:Hi Michele

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:My apologies/was delayed in joining Chat.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110788883/Cross-community+WG+Contribution+Draft

  Michele Neylon:FYI - most of the registrars and registries will be gone by Friday morning

  Michele Neylon:my flight leaves at 1am :)

  Evan Leibovitch:It was just my observation that most of the flights heading east to the Americas leave midday

  Evan Leibovitch:I'm starting to come to the PoV that the best way to tackle this is for a subgroup to come up with a strawman defence of the MSM

  Michele Neylon:Evan - see the world ain't the US

  Michele Neylon:If you're going to Europe they leave at other times :)

  Michele Neylon:IP address what?

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I just wanted to ensure that we understand that there are a variety of MS models, and ICANN is only one. the other I* organizations are themselves distinct in how they practice MS approaches.

  Michele Neylon:single root - seriously that's an actual question?

  Michele Neylon:oh dear

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:Within ICANN, we are committed to a single root. I hope that we are not going to be redebating what ICANN stands for.

  Michele Neylon:single root = usable internet

  Michele Neylon:multiple roots = shit breaks

  Michele Neylon:sorry - it's that simple

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I am seeing the noise in 1NET discuss about a single root, or multiple roots, but that is not a practical debate within this community, it is?

  Michele Neylon:no

  Michele Neylon:it's crazy rubbish

  Michele Neylon:I'm all for inclusion, but that's just off the rails

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Michele - some would disagree with you Michele. So if we can put a well described reason why its better to have a single root then that's 1 step forward

  Michele Neylon:Olivier - but I'm right :)

  Michele Neylon:it's a technical issue

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Michele I am not saying you're wrong :-)

  Michele Neylon:if you have two roots with the same tld

  Michele Neylon:stuff breaks

  Michele Neylon:it's that simple

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I am totally supportive of Michele's statement. I would propose that we make the statement, and not spend a lot of wheels on debating.  I am not so sure that we get a different answer from business and ISPs and Registrar... a working, reliable, predictable system is a baseline.

  Michele Neylon:the IAB thingy from years back

  Michele Neylon:covers it

  Michele Neylon:Marilyn - yes

  Michele Neylon:I can't imagine any commercial ISP wanting a broken fractured internet

  Michele Neylon:@Olivier - we all agree on this - can we just move on :)

  Michele Neylon:re: roots I mean

  Michele Neylon:multi-stakeholder discussion is much more complex

  Michele Neylon:Evan - agreed

  Marilia Maciel:Good suggestion

  Michele Neylon:I just don't think we should spend too much time on the "easy" stuff

  Michele Neylon:@ICANN staff - please give me that as an action item

  Michele Neylon:and I'll get it done

  Michele Neylon:yes

  Michele Neylon:sorry - having breakfast here

  Evan Leibovitch:I suggest another line item... "how does the MSM advance and protect the public interest".  If that is desirable as a line item I volunteer to take pen to that item

  Michele Neylon:TBH what Marilyn is saying is a good way of summing up the underlying reasons for it

  Michele Neylon:Evan - I like that

  Michele Neylon:it's sort of focussed

  Evan Leibovitch:Well, more focused than "better" :-)

  rafik:which document?

  Marilia Maciel:Compilation and comparison of principles by Carolina

  Marilia Maciel:I can search and send to the list

  rafik:@Marilia I think that was shared several time at bestbits list

  Marilia Maciel:Hahaha

  Marilia Maciel:ok, will do

  Michele Neylon:@Olivier - coffee is life

  Bill Drake:http://bestbits.net/issue-comparison-of-major-declarations-on-internet-freedom/

  rafik:@Bill merci monsieur

  Marilia Maciel:Thanks, Bill

  Bill Drake:The above is the document by Carolina

  Bill Drake:On priniciples, one could also look at what Avri did based on the IGF session on same

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Bill -- could we please have a reference to Avri's work so we can share it with everyone?

  Bill Drake:will ask her, don't recall where it was

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks

  Bill Drake:OCL on principles

  Michele Neylon:how long is this call? 60 or 90?

  Bill Drake:hand up

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Michele: 60 minutes

  Bill Drake:To repeat what I said on the phone: there's an emerging division of perspectives among various groups as to whether the SP principles discussion should focus solely on procedural issues and the conduct of multistakeholder IG, vs. substantive principles

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thank @Bill

  Bill Drake:Avri has replied that she has not finalized the IGF principles report yet

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok @Bill. Thanks

  Bill Drake:no rest for the wicked

  Evan Leibovitch:04:10 here

  Bill Drake:to be clear: my inclination is that this group should limit to procedural as I don't see the prospect for agreement on substantive principles

  Bill Drake:but what's procedural is a question, and one could argue that roles is part of that

  Bill Drake:the BB doc is more substantive

  Bill Drake:Doodle is not confusing

  MariliaMaciel:I have a mic problem. The next meeting of the executive committee is today

  MariliaMaciel:In a few hours

  MariliaMaciel:Yes, there are announcements in the website. We should ckeck it more often

  Alexandra Dans:Also shared daily via the twitter account of the Brazil meeting: @netmundial2014

  MariliaMaciel:I cant speak today, sorry. But since the EMC is today, there are not that many news on that side. I will send the report to the CCWG list when available

  MariliaMaciel:Thanks, Alexandra. Exactly

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Expression of Interest Form: http://content.netmundial.br/interests/expression


  MariliaMaciel:I cant speak

  MariliaMaciel:But typed a few things

  Michele Neylon:this morning - no

  Avri Doria:there is no support for sound

  Michele Neylon:but I use it sometimes

  Michele Neylon:I am using it to listen a lot


  Bill Drake:bye


  Michele Neylon:cya