CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.6 - Adobe Chat
Leon Sanchez:hello everybody
Leon Sanchez:Happy new year!
Alexandra Dans::) Happy New year!
Klaus Stoll:Happy new year Everybody
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:Happy New Year!
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:getting static on the line
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:everyone mute please
robert guerra:hi all. happy new year to all. looking forward to the discussion
robert guerra:screen is quite small. can you make it
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:i can see it
Evan Leibovitch:I can see the agenda on adobe connect
robert guerra:bigger font please
Bill Drake:Yes font a bit tiny
Martin J. Levy @ Hurricane Electric:For anyone not on Adobe Connect; here is the URL ...
Evan Leibovitch:I'm seeing it as a screen capture rather than an actial page
robert guerra:can read the high level point, smaller ones too small
Evan Leibovitch:@Maryin: I think everyone who can read your message is already on Adobe Connect :-)
Patricio Poblete:I am trying to get adigo to accept the conference ID
Leon Sanchez:I have no audio. Does anyone else have the same situation?
Klaus Stoll:yes
robert guerra:Audio is ok for me
Evan Leibovitch:Leon: I am on the phone bridge, but AC Audio is not working for me either.
robert guerra:concur that first defining scope/focus of this group good first step. ie. defining working group charter
Bill Drake:ITU?
Klaus Stoll:Is there any way to get the audio on the Adobe room going?
Evan Leibovitch:Changing my text to blue to represent that it is bloody cold (-16C) in Toronto.
Bill Drake:I had thought we were trying to mobilize the community around SP....
robert guerra:rafik - are you following the Adigo discussion?
Avri Doria:Rafik is talking on Adigo
Avri Doria:i am against an exact scope
Evan Leibovitch:Adigo discussion?
Cintra Sooknanan:I don't hear anything on adigo either and have requested a dial out
Evan Leibovitch:The phone bridge?
Philip Corwin:Happy New Year to all
Avri Doria:i prefer an approximate open scope. such as dealing with any Ig issue that affect ICANN.
Klaus Stoll:Would it be possible to connect the audio,several participants seem to be excluded from the discussion. Thank You!
robert guerra:point made that those in the adobe space aren't getting audio. asked that Adigo used to speak/listen for now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:There should be a link between the Adigo & Adobe connect
Patricio Poblete:no audio here
Patricio Poblete:I am listening by phone
Bill Drake:Good thing we got rid of Lucid :-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello All, a workaround is to use Skype to call 1 800 550 6865 and enter the conference id : 21612
robert guerra:note that point of order raised about working group charter..
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
robert guerra:now moving to agenda item 2..
Jose Arce:Dev I am trying but does not let me introduce the conference id.
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Many challenges now for how we understand
robert guerra:there were some issues with Adigo earlier this morning . call back, should help
Kiran Malancharuvil:Can we get another reminder to mute microphones. I'm having a hard time hearing.
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:Agreed. If you're not speaking, please mute your phones and microphones.
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I am very concerned that ICANN once again, strives to do all for others.
Avri Doria:this time i can't figure out what you all think they are doing wrong.
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:It is important to focus on improvements in ICANN, and focus on input to ICANN that can support what, and IF, ICANN is speaking in other fora.
Fatima Cambronero:Why Adobe does not have audio?
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Marilyn: I should note that I am one of the BC participants. It will be helpful to be clear on that aspect.
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:I was able to access the wiki link no problem.
Bill Drake:right column is misbehaving
Leon Sanchez:we have unstable columns
Evan Leibovitch:I'll say my piece here as that is clearer to deliver than my saying it on the call. It has always been my thought, in originally envisioning this group, that its main goal (though maybe expressed otherwise) is to mount a defence of the multistakeholder model from within the stakeholders themselves.
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I have no idea about wiki, as I can't access via my silly phone!
Bill Drake:Evan I agree as a baseline, per previous. Let's focus on the lower hanging fruit first
Fatima Cambronero:@Keith, do you have audio in Adobe?
Avri Doria:i can access it throgh my phone.
Evan Leibovitch:@Fatima: I do not have AC audio
Avri Doria:the wiki i mean
Leon Sanchez:@Fatima I do not have AC audio either
marilyn Cade - CSG 2:OMG
Fatima Cambronero:Thanks all! I am in through Skype
Bill Drake:nothing is being shared
robert guerra/ssac:can you read Quick summary - thanks.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Charter is on:
robert guerra/ssac:can you quickly show tab with charter. thanks.
robert guerra/ssac:Avri - thanks for the update.
robert guerra/ssac:a
robert guerra/ssac:Avri - as this first session after holidays, good to get quick summary . so well
robert guerra/ssac:so we all to speed. your update helpful. what you are mentioning what asked.
robert guerra/ssac:sound now coming through on adobe connect btw
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I'm glad to announce that the audio isnow workign on Adobe :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:good - it's fixed
Bill Drake:+1
robert guerra/ssac:+1
Evan Leibovitch:Avri: There is a high level need before Brazil. There may be a longer term need that grows out of it, but I think the needs of THIS group are fairly time-sensitive and time-limited.
Leon Sanchez::-)
Jose Arce::)
Leon Sanchez:I have audio but I only hear someone coughing really bad
Fatima Cambronero:echo
Holly Raiche:I agree with Evan (and the text should be a warm red for Sydney's weather).
Avri Doria:please please please lets not get hung up on process and obejctions and obfuscations.
Bill Drake:Avri do you mean 'get' or 'stay'?
Avri Doria:ok, and lets not get hung up of grammar either. (-:
Avri Doria:the discuss list? i love that list. real substance in some of theose discussions.
Greg Shatan:I've seen names put up on the 1net list for Academic and Civil Society....
Avri Doria:was that for the exec thngy or the Brazil committees?
Greg Shatan:@Avri, you are correct -- it was for the exec thingy.
Bill Drake:yes the 1net coordination comm is in place except for the TC reps
Avri Doria:ao of at-large is CS, some is Biz, some is TC, some is Academia
Avri Doria:some of at-large is ...
Fatima Cambronero:@Avri, civil society?
Bill Drake:At Large is multistakeholder
robert guerra/ssac:my impression - that would be mix of academic and civil society. with some tech community or own
robert guerra/ssac:thrown in
Jose Arce:@Olivier At-large is CIvil Sociaty too
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes there is a mix
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:Is a gTLD registry operator, like a ccTLD registy operator, part of the technical community? Or part of business? Both?
Bill Drake:Keith I thought the local deal was contracted are TC
Philip Corwin:Regret that I have a hard stop now/goodbye all
Bill Drake:in this context
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sorry to be so late been on anothee WG call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this is the problem I have with the UN classification which is meant to separate stakeholders, not get them to speak to each other
rafik:thanks Philip for attending
Keith:ccTLDs are not just technical community - some (like us in NZ) are probably more civil society focussed, others are much more business focussed, some are for profit, some are not for profit, some dont charge any fees, - there is no one size fits all
Bill Drake:OCL the UN doesn't even have "TC" as a category, that's a WSISism
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:thanks Bill
robert guerra/ssac:Keith - good question. suppose would be part of private sector and technical community. seems that participation modalities being used is what is traditionally used at IGF
Holly Raiche:Well done Olivier and Avri
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so we're now preparing for a Brazil meeting by making divisions. And this is where we have a real problem.
robert guerra/ssac:note, we are at top of hour.
rafik:@robert we can have 5 min to wrap the call
Evan Leibovitch:At-Large is a creation of ICANN. ICANN as an org should be supporting and defending the presence of an At-Large presence rather than just succumbing to the4 external technical/civil-society silos..
Avri Doria:in fact, except for GAC, all of the SO/AC are multistakeholder in their own right. multistakeholderism all the way down.
Evan Leibovitch:yup
Holly Raiche:Absolutely agree Avri
Leon Sanchez:I apologize for having to leave before the call ends
robert guerra/ssac:can we identify next steps and task going forward
Leon Sanchez:Thanks to all
Holly Raiche:Hear Hear
Bill Drake:Evan why would that be the staff's responsibility?
Greg Shatan:One could make similar arguments for the "private sector" vs. the BC, IPC and ISPCPC. Not a great fit, either (except perhaps the BC).
Evan Leibovitch:@Bill: Not staff, but ICANN as an institution.
robert guerra/ssac:point of order- we are 10 min past the hour
Kristina Rosette:With apologies, I have to drop from the call. I have another obligation. I'll read the transcript to catch up.
Avri Doria:bert, Rafik already assked it is was ok to go on longer and no one objected.Rov
Bill Drake:I don't see how the institution as such resolves the asymmetry between our internal and the UN external categories
Kiran Malancharuvil:I apologize, I have to leave this call if it goes more than 4 minutes longer. Can we circulate a summary of what happens after the alloted time?
Avri Doria:in the WIS division ICANNn is technical commuity.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes sure - a summary should be circulated afterwards
robert guerra/ssac:will have to leave at 15 mi. last the hour. thanks all. recommend that summary be sent out ASAP , including key issues that this group should discuss over next week. would remind everyone that time is not on our side. key to stay on focus a
robert guerra/ssac:to be able to contribute in most effect manner
Holly Raiche:@Avri - iICANN is about damesand numbers - but there are many facts by which those issues can be addressed
Bill Drake:Wait, ICANN you say?
Avri Doria:Holly, that is the tussle that goies on inside ICANN, but it acts in the aggregate sense as a member of of the TC.
Holly Raiche:@ Avri - agreed
Evan Leibovitch:point of order. CAN WE TAKE THE REST TO EMAIL?
Avri Doria:there are no points of order in ICANN process.
Avri Doria:sorry, i could not resist.
Avri Doria:well i could of, but decided not to.
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:I am similarly concerned about a significant expansion (mission leap) of ICANN's role outside its narrow technical remit.
Keith:Agree with Keith Drazek
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:The Keiths agree! It is settled.
Avri Doria:that is why i think this group should be advising ICANN on Ig issues.
Avri Doria:the SO/AC should be advising on the scope of ICANN's missions
Keith:Exactly Avri
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:Agree with Avri. If there is to be a change to the narrow remit, it must come from the community, not in an ad hoc manner from ICANN the organization.
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:I forgot to type "top-down" but that should be assumed.
Avri Doria:bye
Cintra Sooknanan:thank you bye
Fatima Cambronero:thanks, bye
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thank everyone, take care all
Keith Drazek, Verisign/RySG:Thanks all. I look forward to reviewing Bart's draft charter before the next call.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks everyone