Rec 1: SAC080 - CLOSED

Rec 1: SAC080 - CLOSED

SSAC Approval of CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations (R-1)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Approval of CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations (R-1)SAC080



The Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), in its capacity as a Chartering Organization of the ICANN Cross-Community Working Group on Accountability, received an invitation on 23 February 2016 to consider and approve the Working Group's Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 5Phase UpdateSAC080 is informational and there are no actionable items for the Board within that document.


Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5: Close


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC confirmed the understanding.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingICANN staff understands that SAC080 is informational and there are no actionable items for the Board within that document.


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN acknowledged receipt of Advice


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC080: SSAC Approval of CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-080-en.pdf