SAC057: Advisory on Internal Name Certificates

SAC057: Advisory on Internal Name Certificates

SAC057 was published on 15 March 2013. All SSAC publications can be found at https://www.icann.org/groups/ssac/documents.

Recommendation DescriptionCurrent Phase

Recommendation 1

Outreach to the CA/B forum and CAs, requesting that they treat applied for new gTLDs as if they were delegated TLDs as soon as possible, as well as discussing the broader implications and mitigation steps. (conducted confidentially)


Recommendation 2A Disclosure Policy as informed by industry best practices for vulnerability disclosure (e.g. CERT / CC vulnerability disclosure. Such a policy should take into consideration that once the disclosure is public, it is trivial to exploit the vulnerability.


Recommendation 3A communication plan on informing affected parties as determined by the disclosure policy.


Recommendation 4A contingency plan to be executed if the vulnerability is leaked to the public prematurely, as well as a proactive vulnerability disclosure plan.