SAC055: WHOIS: Blind Men And An Elephant

SAC055: WHOIS: Blind Men And An Elephant

SAC055 was published on 14 September 2012. All SSAC publications can be found at https://www.icann.org/groups/ssac/documents.

Recommendation DescriptionCurrent Phase

Recommendation 1

The Board should pass a resolution clearly stating the criticality of the development of a registration data policy defining the purpose of domain name registration data.


Recommendation 2The Board should direct the CEO to create a registration data policy committee that includes the highest levels of executive engagement to develop a registration data policy which defines the purpose of domain name registration data, as described elsewhere in this document.


Recommendation 3The Board should explicitly defer any other activity (within ICANN's remit) directed at finding a "solution" to "the WHOIS problem" until the registration data policy identified in (1) and (2) has been developed and accepted by the community.


Statement 1See Section 3 - SSAC Responses to Review Team Recommendations: 12-13 Internationalized Domain Names: Internationalization MUST be supported by default, not called out separately. The focus should be on Recommendation 2 from the IRD-WG final report.


Statement 2See Section 3 - SSAC Responses to Review Team Recommendations: 5-9 An accuracy policy should define each data element and require that it be examined and indicate for each element a method for determining the level of accuracy of the data.