SAC124: SSAC Advice on Name Collision Analysis

SAC124: SSAC Advice on Name Collision Analysis

SAC124 was published on 1 May 2024. All SSAC publications can be found at https://www.icann.org/en/ssac/publications.  SAC124: SSAC Advice on Name Collision Analysis includes the NCAP2 recommendations in the list of parsed Advice.

SAC124: SSAC Advice on Name Collision Analysis

Recommendation DescriptionCurrent Phase
Recommendation 1The SSAC recommends that the ICANN Board adopt and implement all the recommendations in NCAP Study Two.

Phase 4 | Implement

Recommendation 2The SSAC urges the ICANN Board to prioritize finding appropriate solutions within the proposed Name Collision Risk Assessment Framework that allow for sufficient data collection and analysis to properly inform mitigation strategies for name collisions.

Phase 4 | Implement

Recommendation 3The SSAC welcomes the engagement from ICANN Org and is committed to offer its expertise throughout the process.

Phase 4 | Implement

Name Collision Analysis Project Study Two (NCAP2)

RecommendationDescriptionCurrent Phase
Recommendation 1

ICANN should treat name collisions as a risk management problem

Phase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 2

ICANN should adopt a consistent definition for name collision

Phase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 3ICANN should continue its education and outreach efforts to the community on the name-collision topicPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 4.0ICANN should consider the need for mitigation and remediation efforts for high-risk stringsPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 4.1ICANN should submit .CORP, .HOME, and .MAIL through the Name Collision Risk Assessment Process


Recommendation 5ICANN must support the delegation of strings in order to improve the ability to conduct a name collision risk assessmentPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 6ICANN should establish and maintain a longitudinal DNS name collision repository in order to facilitate risk assessments and help identify potential data manipulationPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 7ICANN should establish a dedicated Technical Review Team functionPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 8.0ICANN should replace the existing Name Collision Management Framework with the recommended Name Collision Risk Assessment FrameworkPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 8.1ICANN should not reject a TLD solely based on the volume of name collisionsPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 8.2ICANN should request special attention to strings with high-impact risks during the name collision assessment processPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 8.3ICANN should update its public-facing name collision reporting processPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 9.0ICANN should create a Collision String ListPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 9.1ICANN should support a mechanism that allows applicants to request a string be removed from the Collision String ListPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 10ICANN must develop and document a process for the emergency change related to a temporarily delegated string from the root zone due to collision risk or harmsPhase 4 | Implement
Recommendation 11ICANN should not move ahead with NCAP Study ThreePhase 4 | Implement