Rec 3: SAC070 - CLOSED
Rec 3: SAC070 - CLOSED
SSAC Advisory on the Use of Static TLD / Suffix Lists (R-3)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Advisory on the Use of Static TLD / Suffix Lists (R-3) | SAC070 | CLOSED |
To close the knowledge gap between registries and popular PSL maintainers, ICANN and the Mozilla Foundation should collaboratively create informational material that can be given to TLD registry operators about the Mozilla PSL.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 5 | Board Update | Resolved (2021.05.12.10), the Board finds that the actions called for by the recommendations from SAC070 advising action for ICANN org, specifically Recommendations 3, 4a, 5, and 6, have been completed by ICANN org. Board Action for SAC070 Recommendation 3:SAC070 Recommendation #3 advised that ICANN org, in concert with the Mozilla Foundation, prepare educational materials on the Mozilla PSL covering the meaning of the resource and the impact of the resource. ICANN org hired a contractor to provide the materials and on 18 May 2020, "The Public Suffix List: A Guide for TLD Administrators" (OCTO-011) was published. This document about the Mozilla PSL can be given to TLD registry operators and is designed to close the knowledge gap between registries and popular PSL maintainers. See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2018-06-23-en#1.g. |
| Phase 5 | Phase Update | Matt Larson sent a letter to Rod Rasmussen advising that SAC070 is complete (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/larson-to-rasmussen-13jan21-en.pdf). SAC070 Recommendation 3 Notes: Recommendation 3 advised that to close the knowledge gap between registries and popular Public Suffix List (PSL) maintainers, ICANN and the Mozilla Foundation should collaboratively create informational material that can be given to Top Level Domain (TLD) registry operators about the Mozilla PSL. On 18 May 2020, "The Public Suffix List: A Guide for TLD Administrators" (OCTO-011) was published. This document was written specifically for TLD registry operators to inform them about the Mozilla PSL. |
| Phase 5 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 5: Close |
| Phase 5 | Phase Update | On 18 May 2020, "The Public Suffix List: A Guide for TLD Administrators" was published, (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/octo-011-18may20-en.pdf) closing the knowledge gap between registries and popular PSL maintainers with the creation of informational material that can be given to TLD registry operators about the Mozilla PSL. The Org (OCTO) considers this advice completed. This item is in Phase 5 | Close Request as of 5 June 2020. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | OCTO to publish a document about the Mozilla PSL aimed at TLD operators in the OCTO document series in Q1 2020. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org signed a contract with someone from the Mozilla Foundation to prepare the materials advised by the SSAC in SAC070. Estimated time to completion is the end of December 2019. |
| Phase 4 | AP Feedback | We received the following update: This item is complete: A contractor to OCTO is producing documentation for TLD registries about the Mozilla PSL. We've seen a draft. Final documentation expected by 12/31/19. Thank you, we're looking forward to the final document. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org signed a contract with someone from the Mozilla Foundation to prepare the materials advised by the SSAC in SAC070. Estimated time to completion is the end of December 2019. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org signed a contract with someone from the Mozilla Foundation to prepare the materials advised by the SSAC in SAC070. Estimated time to completion is the end of November 2019. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org signed a contract with someone from the Mozilla Foundation to prepare the materials advised by the SSAC in SAC070. Estimated time to completion is the end of August 2019. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 4: Implement |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | The ICANN organization understands this recommendation to mean that ICANN, in concert with the Mozilla Foundation, prepare educational materials on the Mozilla PSL covering the meaning of the resource and the impact of the resource. On 24 June 2017, the ICANN Board accepted this advice and directed the ICANN organization to implement per the ICANN organization's recommendation (https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2017-06-24-en#2.b). |
| Phase 3 | Board Update | Resolved (2017.06.24.19), the Board adopts the SSAC recommendations outlined in the document titled "Implementation Recommendations for SSAC Advice Documents SAC062, SAC063, SAC064, SAC065, SAC070, and SAC073 (08 June 2017) [PDF, 433 KB]", and directs the CEO to implement the advice as described in the document. SAC070 Recommendation 3 proposed solution: The Office of the CTO will consult with the Mozilla Foundation and the larger ICANN community as to the desirability of educational materials on the Mozilla PSL. If desirable, then the Office of the CTO would have to consider prioritization into its project load, cost, and other factors. See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2017-06-24-en#2.b |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. This recommendation is understood to mean that ICANN, in concert with the Mozilla Foundation, prepare educational materials on the Mozilla PSL covering the meaning of the resource and the impact of the resource. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC rejected understanding and provided the following clarifying comments: Disagree with Understanding: Unclear as to what is meant by the term "resource" here. If "resource" refers to the Mozilla PSL, then we agree with the Understanding. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC confirmed Understanding |
| Phase 2 | Board Understanding | This recommendation is understood to mean that ICANN, in concert with the Mozilla Foundation, prepare educational materials on the Mozilla PSL covering the meaning of the resource and the impact of the resource. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC070: SSAC Advisory on the Use of Static TLD / Suffix Lists: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-070-en.pdf. |