Rec 2: SAC064 - CLOSED

Rec 2: SAC064 - CLOSED

SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing (R-2)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing (R-2)SAC064



The SSAC recommends ICANN staff to work with the DNS community and the IETF to encourage the standardization of search list processing behavior.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosePhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 4Phase UpdateA letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/costerton-to-mohan-25nov24-en.pdf) was sent to Ram Mohan as part of ICANN's ongoing efforts to streamline and enhance the advice consideration process.

Phase 5Phase UpdateRecommendation 2 (R-2) is completed but will not be closed until the entire SAC064 Advisory is complete and Recommendation 3 (R-3) is dependent on the NCAP implementation.

Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5: Close


Phase 2AP FeedbackThe SSAC still believes it is relevant to encourage the standardization of search list processing behavior. However, this is a low priority for ICANN and the SSAC thinks it is no longer necessary for ICANN staff to do it. Thus, the SSAC recommends this recommendation be moved to closed phase. Some SSAC members may want to do this on their own time and effort.


Phase 2AP FeedbackThe SSAC is reviewing this understanding and preparing a response. Please leave in Phase 2 and on the Action Required tab for the time being.


Phase 2Phase UpdateClarifying Questions were submitted to the SSAC for review.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 2Clarifying QuestionThe Org (OCTO) requests additional information and clarification from SSAC. We do not fully understand what SSAC is expecting the org to do regarding this particular recommendation. Could SSAC please be more specific? We also ask SSAC to consider if this recommendation is still relevant, and if SSAC still believes that any IETF effort toward standardization of resolver search list processing behavior would have an impact significant enough to warrant that effort?ICANN sent this clarifying question to SSAC for review.


Phase 4Phase UpdateSSAC understands based on discussion between OCTO and SSAC this year that SAC064 R-2 should return to Phase 2 | Understand so the ICANN org and SSAC can clarify the recommendations from SAC064.


Phase 4AP FeedbackSSAC would like to know implementation details of SAC064 R-2 before it can confirm if there is further action required of this item or if it can be closed.


Phase 4Phase ChangeNow in Phase 4: Implement


Phase 3Phase UpdateThe ICANN organization understands that SAC064 R-2 means that the SSAC recommends that ICANN organization work with the DNS community and the IETF to encourage the standardization of search list processing behavior, beginning with the submission of an Internet-Draft to the IETF and advocating for its standardization within the IETF process. Updates to RFC 1535 and other RFCs related to this topic should be included within the Internet-Draft. On 24 June 2017, the ICANN Board accepted this advice and directed the ICANN organization to implement per the ICANN organization's recommendation (https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2017-06-24-en#2.b).


Phase 3Board UpdateResolved (2017.06.24.19), the Board adopts the SSAC recommendations outlined in the document titled "Implementation Recommendations for SSAC Advice Documents SAC062, SAC063, SAC064, SAC065, SAC070, and SAC073 (08 June 2017) [PDF, 433 KB]", and directs the CEO to implement the advice as described in the document. The ICANN organization will work with the DNS community and the IETF to develop an Internet Draft that encourages standardization of searchless process behavior. Costs for this solution would include significant interaction with the IETF and DNS community as well as additional staff resources to pursue this standardization See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2017-06-24-en#2.b.


Phase 3Phase UpdateICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. Our understanding of SAC064 R-2 is that the SSAC recommends that ICANN staff work with the DNS community and the IETF to encourage the standardization of search list processing behavior, beginning with the submission of an Internet-Draft to the IETF and advocating for its standardization within the IETF process. Updates to RFC 1535 and other RFCs related to this topic should be included included within the Internet-Draft.


Phase 3Phase ChangeNow in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider


Phase 3Board UpdateBoard consideration of the advice is still required. Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC Chair (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/crocker-to-faltstrom-19oct16-en.pdf). There is outstanding work on this advice item, and it will be addressed through the BAR pilot process.


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC confirmed the understanding.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingOur understanding of SAC064 R-2 is that the SSAC recommends that ICANN staff work with the DNS community and the IETF to encourage the standardization of search list processing behavior, beginning with the submission of an Internet-Draft to the IETF and advocating for its standardization within the IETF process. Updates to RFC 1535 and other RFCs related to this topic should be included included within the Internet-Draft.


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC064: SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-064-en.pdf.