Rec 1: SAC059 - CLOSED
Rec 1: SAC059 - CLOSED
Interdisciplinary Studies of Security and Stability Implications from Expanding the Root Zone (R-1)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| Interdisciplinary Studies of Security and Stability Implications from Expanding the Root Zone (R-1) | SAC059 | CLOSED |
The SSAC recommends those issues that previous public comment periods have suggested were inadequately explored as well as issues related to cross-functional interactions of the changes brought about by root zone growth should be examined.
SSAC is putting SAC059 on hold until they have had time to do more work and determine if SAC059 still stands as is, or the recommendations' requests needs revision.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 3 | Board Update | The ICANN Board responded (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/sinha-to-rasmussen-19apr23-en.pdf) to the SSAC letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/rasmussen-to-sinha-28feb23-en.pdf) stating the ICANN organization (org) agrees that based on the various developments and subsequent work cited in your letter since the publication of SAC059, it would no longer be a good use of SSAC’s or ICANN org’s time and resources to continue implementation. We will, therefore, close Recommendations 1 and 2 of SAC059 through the normal Action Request Register process, based on your statement that SSAC would not be opposed to that course of action. |
| Phase 3 | AP Feedback | SSAC wrote a letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/rasmussen-to-sinha-28feb23-en.pdf) to the ICANN Board stating the SSAC has reviewed these documents and at this time the SSAC does not plan to complete further analyses in order to provide guidance to ICANN org on the implementation of SAC059 as the recommendations are largely overcome by events. The SSAC would not oppose closing out Recommendations 1-2. Rather, the SSAC will charter a new work party in the future to study issues related to expanding the namespace and to identify information gaps that may be necessary to address in order to effectively evaluate operational security, stability, and resiliency (SSR) risks to the DNS. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 3: Deferred. Deferral Reason: SSAC is putting SAC059 on hold until they’ve had time to do more work and determine if SAC059 still stands as is, or the recommendations’ requests needs revision. |
| Phase 3 | AP Feedback | SSAC is putting SAC059 on hold until they’ve had time to do more work and determine if SAC059 still stands as is, or the recommendations’ requests needs revision. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | OCTO sends SAC059 initial assessment and a feasibility study with "T-shirt sizing" for each of the individual items listed for further study in the document. OCTO asked SSAC: Is all the work called for in SAC059 still necessary? Can we find some middle ground? Do you have any ideas on how to proceed? |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC confirmed the understanding. |
| Phase 2 | Board Understanding | The org (OCTO) understands SSAC to be requesting that the study described in SAC059 related to the expansion of the root zone be performed. More specifically, the study should focus on areas that have not already been explored in other studies related to scaling the root or on areas within completed studies that the community felt were inadequately addressed, as evidenced by responses provided during those studies’ public comment period. The study should also explore potential interactions among the areas of inquiry suggested in SAC059. The study should be undertaken by representatives from communities that may not have been fully consulted or engaged during previous investigations into the impacts of the new gTLD program. These communities are listed in SAC059. |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | ICANN sent the following understanding to the SSAC for Review: Understanding: The org (OCTO) understands SSAC to be requesting that the study described in SAC059 related to the expansion of the root zone be performed. More specifically, the study should focus on areas that have not already been explored in other studies related to scaling the root or on areas within completed studies that the community felt were inadequately addressed, as evidenced by responses provided during those studies’ public comment period. The study should also explore potential interactions among the areas of inquiry suggested in SAC059. The study should be undertaken by representatives from communities that may not have been fully consulted or engaged during previous investigations into the impacts of the new gTLD program. These communities are listed in SAC059. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | The SSAC received this email from David Conrad on 27 April "No need. I spoke with my team and there was a bit of internal confusion as to the primary thrust of SAC059. After some discussion, and looking at the component parts, we believe we understand the action items resulting from the recommendations. We’re now in the process of scoping to provide input to the Board about costs/resource requirements." Does OCTO still require further clarification from the SSAC re: SAC059? |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | The SSAC is reviewing this understanding and preparing a response. Please leave in Phase 2 and on the Action Required tab for the time being. |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | ICANN sent Clarifying Questions to the SSAC for review. |
| Phase 2 | Clarifying Question | The org (OCTO) requests additional information and clarification from SSAC. The text in this item comes from the conclusion of SAC059 and does not include specific recommendations or actionable requests per se. Could SSAC please give specific examples of the action or actions it believes the ICANN org should take with regard to SAC059? |
| Phase 2 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 2: Understand |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | SSAC and OCTO discuss SAC059 at joint meeting during ICANN66 in Montreal. Item to be sent back to Phase 2 | Understand to better clarify the recommendation. |
| Phase 4 | Board Update | Board consideration is complete and implementation of advice item is ongoing. Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC Chair (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/crocker-to-faltstrom-19oct16-en.pdf). Issues related to the expansion of the root zone have been/are being considered through other means, including Name Collision and DNSSEC roll over. Other reports on the expansion of the root zone include: Scaling the Root Report on the Impact on the DNS Root System of Increasing the Size and Volatility of the Root Zone (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/root-scalingstudy-report-31aug09-en.pdf) Summary of the Impact of Root Zone Scaling (https://archive.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/summary-ofimpact-root-zone-scaling-06oct10-en.pdf) Impact on Root Server Operations and Provisioning Due to New gTLDs (http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/historicaldocumentation/root-scaling-27jun12-en.pdf) Continuous Data Driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability Study Plan (Public Comment): https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cdar-study-plan2015-12-02-en. ICANN continues to work to address the issues identified in SAC059. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 4: Implement |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC059: Interdisciplinary Studies of Security and Stability Implications from Expanding the Root Zone: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-059-en.pdf. |