AC Chat: 2019-01-23 ATLAS III Working Group Call
Yesim Nazlar: (1/23/2019 19:40) Welcome to the ATLAS III Working Group Call taking place on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 18:00 UTC.
Yesim Nazlar: (19:40) Agenda:
Lianna Galstyan: (20:56) Hi everyone
Filina Natalia: (20:57) Hello everyone! Nice to see you again-)
Ali AlMeshal: (20:57) hello everyone
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (20:57) hello everybody
Aris Ignacio: (20:58) hello everyone!
Joanna Kulesza: (20:58) hi everyone
Lilian Ivette De Luque: (20:59) Hi everyone
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (21:01) Hi
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (21:01) Hello all
Fouad Bajwa: (21:02) hello all
Pierre-Jean Darres: (21:02) Hi
Heidi Ullrich: (21:02) Welcome, All!
Heidi Ullrich: (21:03) Only 282 days until ATLAS III :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:03) Hi Hadia thank you for all your great work in the EPDP meeting(s) recently we hear yiu and Alan are indeed "...doing us proud"
Priyatosh Jana 2: (21:03) hi everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:03) Good Grief @Heidi that is terrifying ;-)
Heidi Ullrich: (21:04) @CLO, I wanted to help set the context of today's call :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:04) ** shudder** gee thanks @Heidi ;-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:07) Ahh the halceon days of capacity building on the ALSes
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (21:08) What happened. I am on a call on CROP with Ozan with Dev
judith hellerstein: (21:08) I am on audio only as I am at another event
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (21:08) no audio for me, for a few more minues
Beran Gillen 2: (21:09) hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich: (21:09) ATLAS I Workspace:
Beran Gillen 2: (21:09) am I the only one with an echo
Beran Gillen 2: (21:09) ?
Heidi Ullrich: (21:09) ATLAS II Workspace:
Ali AlMeshal: (21:10) no echo
judith hellerstein: (21:10) no echo
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:10) and the emergence of the RALOs as completed structures (they were new then to) All the WG etc., from the lead up to and the outcomes of the ATLAS back then are on the Wiki and your welcome to browse... It's purpose was to Capacity Build, Focus on Policy Issues and expose *us* as a community in a good light to the wider ICANN Community...
Beran Gillen: (21:10) ok went out and back in
Beran Gillen: (21:10) no echo is thanks @judith
Beran Gillen: (21:11) @Ali
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:11) So the purpose was specific and suitable to the time... (not our purpose this time around of course)
Dave Kissoondoyal: (21:11) Hi all.. sorry i am late.. i had issues connecting to the AC room
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:12) With our ALAC at ATLAS1 we had about 75 of us all together
Alan Greenberg: (21:12) Sorry to be late.
Alan Greenberg: (21:12) I have someone coming shortly and I may have to step away from the meeting.
Nadira Alaraj: (21:12) apology for being late I was on another meeting
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:13) So... ATLASII it was larger in number and a more wide spread matter but focussed on consolodation and development of our role in ICANN
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:14) there was as wel as OCL is stateing a more clear focus on RALO development and purpose.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:15) and ** NOW** ATLASIII :-)
Alan Greenberg: (21:15) It is not only costs. We also now are trying to make sure the process is effective and useful.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:16) Inded Alan
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:16) So now, ATLAS III, is to enhance Leaderships skills and increase pool of new leaders!
Alan Greenberg: (21:16) Not on bridge yet, but please note me comment above.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:17) No go ahead I am here for support of the current team (though deeply involved (obviously) in all three... I am capable of typing
Vanda Scartezini: (21:17) sorry to be late
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:17) +1 Glenn. It needs to be efficient and effective.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:17) I might have a word on a few things to say on purposees etc., as we come through
Vanda Scartezini: (21:17) i was driving and a cane just crashed with the glass of the car so I got late . everyone well so no other problem
judith hellerstein: (21:18) +1 Alfredo's
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:19) ATLAS I:
Dave Kissoondoyal: (21:19) Thanks God, you are safe Vanda
judith hellerstein: (21:19) @vanda hope you are ok
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:19) of course Tijani we now have proper and continuous ways of engagement in important policy work , such as the very successfule and 'new' Consolidated Policy WG... Far better than just occassionally focussed activities like ATLASII
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:19) ATLAS II:
Fouad Bajwa: (21:22) indeed wonderful developments since last atlas with in policy areas
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:23) @Vanda, glad to know no major or personal harm came to you or others.
Vanda Scartezini: (21:24) thanks alfredo. we are ok. my husband is driving while I am listen to the call
Fouad Bajwa: (21:24) @olivier, how about policy issues sprints leading to outcome oriented exercises
Yesim Nazlar: (21:25) ATLAS III Home Page:
Lianna Galstyan: (21:25) @Vanda, greetings to Jorge
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:25) Why are you all thinking of this as a "Policy Meeting" we now have those ICANN wide every year now
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:26) c'mon people BUILD a future not navel gaze and hold 'convocatiojn'
Sivasubramanian M: (21:26) We could move beyond capacity building at atlas3
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:26) PERFECt Maureen!!!
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:26) I agree @Cheryl. We now need to think 'out of the box'.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:26) brilliantly said!!1
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:26) Clearly I'm biased here ;-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:27) we need many new well developed Thought Leaders and Change agents out in our Community as an *outcome* from this new type of ATLAS
Fouad Bajwa: (21:27) policy sprints could be changemaking like Cheryl says out of the box thinking
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:29) Policy happens in the SO's and we need more input at the right time into those processes @Fouad that can happen whith the right enthusiasm from the Members of RALOs and ALSes and that takes the *righ* people out in those spaces working to efffectivly make that happen
Fouad Bajwa: (21:30) Cheryl you are absolutely right!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:30) and the CPWG is a great place to well as the name says Consolidate Policy thinking for ALAC input that is proving itself already
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:31) Perhaps Sub Teams within the 2 primary Sub Groups might be a clearer nomenclature for your use
judith hellerstein: (21:35) when does the application period begin
ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG: (21:35) Hello All / Bonsoir à tous sorry for joining late .
judith hellerstein: (21:36) what is the training program that started in Jan 1
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (21:36) I assume ICANN learn?
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (21:37) NASIG Montreal is set for Oct 31 and Nov 1. and we will pick up the hotel for the ATLAS 3 attendees for NASIG
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:38) Expressiona of Interest are a good way to take applications I would encourage that and you can develope the form AS you develope the key criteria
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:38) what pre skills and ICANN Learn corses need to be completed etc., comes to mind as example
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:39) Thank You!
judith hellerstein: (21:39) yes @clo exactly
ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG: (21:40) Yes we need to have a list of Some Must Course to complete on ICANNLEARN and ALSO SOME ALAC CAPACITY BUILDING WEBINARS...
Raymond Mamattah: (21:42) When do we get details of the ICANNLearn?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:43) @Raymond: as soon as a curriculum is decided on. ICANN Learn Staff are ready and this is going to be one of the first decisions of the group
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:43) it might be a good idea to already register yourself for ICANN learn so you can see what's already out there
Nadira Al-Araj: (21:43) @Raymond you can start with anytime on your own time
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:44) Group A: Will this happen before the individuals apply? Is it a combination of before they apply and once the applicants are selected?
Raymond Mamattah: (21:45) The various Volunteers, will it be a virtual volunteering or we shall have to be present at ATLAS III physically?
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:46) Group B: What is the total amount of contact hours expected during ATLAS III?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:46) in fact ICANN Learn is designed as self paced Learning it is ideal to start any time and go back and review /redo as new courses come up or are modified, as Many of us even oldies do
Lianna Galstyan: (21:47) there's an echo
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:48) Some one has an open MIC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:48) I think it is actually an open line
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:48) Re: Group A - thinking should be a subgroup within O&E so there is better coordination
Nadira Al-Araj: (21:48) Yes, there is a TV in the background
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:49) Co-ordination with OandE and indeed ARIWG in all this planning is essential
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:49) Block Schedule:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:49) one of the reason people like me are in these calls ;-)
Lianna Galstyan: (21:49) also, coordination with the SMWG
Nadira Al-Araj: (21:50) SM stands for what?
Heidi Ullrich: (21:50) Social Media
A-Eduardoi Diaz: (21:51) @Raymond: All work will be done virtually
Harold Arcos: (21:51) About subsequent follow-up, the procedures of the Fellowship program will be very useful.
A-Eduardoi Diaz: (21:51) Howver, ATLAS III is f2f
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:51) Is the allocated spaces subject to change?
Heidi Ullrich: (21:51) @Olivier, could you please repeat the color coding now that the draft is up?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:52) This Block schedule allows the TYPE of room and facilities to be secured as Gisella can ensure you was essential Meeting rooms needed to be secured already
Heidi Ullrich: (21:52) There will also be facilitation skill development
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:52) Fixed
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:52) all about room allocations
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:53) you can drop a few but not change or add any
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:53) and your budget is *very finite*
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:53) so that block schedule *is* I beleive your skeleton of framework
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:54) dagogical and strategic point of view for the prgramming sessions is not userfriendly.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:55) But Alfredo why do *tou* think this is a framework you all cant fit the work into???
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (21:55) @Gisella, thank you. That might need to happen.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (21:55) it is generous IMO and experience
judith hellerstein: (21:55) I hav got to run as I have another meeting
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:58) BTW -- re: ICANN Learn, I have taken many courses in the past month and have both really enjoyed it and learnt things I did not know!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (21:59) so please register and play around with it. It's likely that several of these courses are going to be compulsory for participants so it's good to know what they are about
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (22:00) Indeed OCL many modules are good for all of us to do even if we're "experts"
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (22:00) @Olivier, what happens if some individual has already taken a course, before it is redesigned? Or even taken it as a Fellow or Mentor, will that be consider as taken for ATLAS III. I am guessing, yes!
Fouad Bajwa: (22:01) thank you Maureen
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (22:01) TANKS everyone Looking forward to working with you all
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (22:01) Thank you all
Lianna Galstyan: (22:01) Thanks everyone, this was a good start
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (22:01) Bye
Beran Gillen: (22:01) thank you all
Heidi Ullrich: (22:01) Thank you, All!
Fouad Bajwa: (22:01) thank you all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (22:01) Bye for now
Ali AlMeshal: (22:01) thanks all bye
Beran Gillen: (22:01) bye
A-Eduardoi Diaz: (22:01) Bye
Lilian Ivette De Luque: (22:01) bye
Harold Arcos: (22:01) thank you Maureen
Filina Natalia: (22:01) thank you!
Lianna Galstyan: (22:01) bye
Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (22:01) Bye!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (22:01) take care all
Priyatosh Jana 2: (22:01) bye
Kaili Kan: (22:01) Bye!
Pierre-Jean Darres: (22:01) Bye!
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (22:01) I have a couple of questions but i would elam Maureen
Harold Arcos: (22:01) Thanks all,,,bye bye
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (22:01) email
Raymond Mamattah: (22:01) Good night
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (22:01) thanks
ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG: (22:01) YES @Olivier Digital trade and Global Int Gov
ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG: (22:01) Is a Good Course