ATLAS III Selection Process

ATLAS III Selection Process

ATLAS III Selection Committee members


The ALAC has been given ICANN funds to sponsor 60 travelers. The Leadership Team (LT) decided on the criteria for their selection, including both hard and soft criteria which will identify the 60 travelers, who will given training and assigned tasks to encourage more policy dissemination, down to the grassroots of our membership, as well as supporting the objectives of the items that At-Large is focusing on as a result of the At-Large Review Implementation. We are expecting more support for At-Large development goals and objectives for the future.


1.  AUTOMATED PROCESSING: At the end of the application period – 31 May – all the application forms will be submitted to a semi-automated matrix which will assess about 80% of the applications to sort out who qualifies according to the hard criteria: affiliation to At-Large; completion of prep courses; and active participation in At-Large.

  • Statistics taken by staff at each online and F2F meeting or working group that you have been expected to attend, has been recorded. This information will be used to make random checks against information that is given in the applications.

2. SELECTION COMMITTEE: Concern about the composition of the selection committee was allayed when it was decided that each RALO would appoint their own selection committee member, but that person had to be approved by the ALAC as being qualified to select APRALO leaders – therefore they must provide a CV that justifies their appointment. This person must be selected by May 1.

  • Their job will be to assess the soft criteria which are whether you have the ability to be collaborative and able to build teams, and whether you are able to lead, motivate, inspire and build consensus among your teams. They will give a score for each of your answers. This score will be added to the matrix.
  • Because many of the selection committee will be English Speakers, we are asking non-English applicants if at all possible they write their answers in English. It will help them assess your applications if it is in English, even if it has been Google-translated and might have spelling or grammatical errors. This will not be a problem.

3. THE SCORING MATRIX: This scoring sheet has been developed by one of our At-Large Individual members, Justine Chew. It has involved long hours in its development and trialling to ensure that every answer that you give can be accurately recorded automatically from the application form where it will provide a pass or fail grade depending on your responses.

  • For those who are assessed with a pass, their soft criteria will then be assessed by each of the members of the selection committee, who will score them on a 1-5 scale and record this score onto the matrix for that particular applicant.
  • The matrix also includes mathematical calculations that gives weightings for each of the criteria and a final complex rating score for each applicant e.g 4.182
  • At the conclusion of the marking of the soft criteria, all marks are then tabulated. The matrix will then have identified which applicants have been assigned to the short list, from which the top 60 participants will be selected.


  • One of the decisions made by the ALAC Leadership team was to ensure that there was some degree of regional distribution of At-Large members from among the applicants. Their decision was that of the applicants who successfully made it to this final pool of shortlisted applicants would be allotted to their ten RALO positions according to the ranking of their scores.
  • If there are more than ten members for allocation to a particular RALO, then they must be returned to the pool for a second round.
  • If a RALO does not have enough members in the pool of shortlisted applicants, after this first round of allocations, then the remaining ranked applicants from other full regions are slotted into these vacant slots making up a RALOs initial 10 slots. This will then be the selection of the first 50 travelers.
  • The final 10 slots to make up the 60 travelers, will be the next 10 ranked applicants from the remaining pool.
  • Five more ranked applicants will be kept in reserve in case any applicant cannot attend the meeting for whatever reason.