APRALO Showcase WG 04.05.2011 Summary Minutes
Action Items and Notes
Present: cheryl, Charles, Shiva, Oliver, Hong, Pavan, Edurado
Apologies: Fouad
Staff, Seth Gisella
Cheryl and Pavan agreed that we should just have around half a dozen people do the work for this working group instead of having people assigned to different roles. This was agreed by everyone on the call.
Cheryl suggested that if someone is not avialbale to chair a meeting, it can be swicthed around anytime, the batton can be passed around anytime.
Charles suggested Pavan to chair this particular meeting because Charles was on the road and the meeting gone away.
First we had a summary of the NARALO Showcase event and the lessons learned
Edurado first talked about how it was done, created an event schedule, there was an hour and the time alotment was done earlier. Uploaded on the Wiki, people could comment.
Right away, program schedule, what things we had to do, to get things going very soon. Again it changed during the working time, helpes everyone to focus on what needed to be done. And who wanted to do that.
Very important to have a weekly meeting until the week before everyone was traveling there, that help, create a continous, weekly meeting was done at the same time and same day.
Speaker for the showcase was the main selling point and that was the reason to get a great turnout, it was one of the first priorities to get more people there.
Staff was very helpful event, getting showcase announced during the event, promotion was done very well.
Request for infomration for the ALS, you prepared a pro-forma document for that, what were the challegnes, suggesttions to make changes to that document.
Challenge was to get people to enter the information for that. She had to follow up on every ALS to get the information, there were still some who did not update and they had to use to previous information.
Advice was to contact each of them one by one to make sure we have the updated information about them which we could showcase during the event.
Cheryl, early action items, to reach out to the ALS, to get their information as soon as possible because it is the point that it takes the longest because the ALS’es are not meeting every month. Share with the working group, listing of all ALS, primary contact, and we get the template, online one, APRALO space, key issues, contact darlene and get the list from hers. Additional information from our area and give chance for people to fill that up.
Attach one on every wiki space, they can have control over updating and changing it as it happens. LACRALO and AFRALO, tell ALS, if they do not fill it in, we will help them fill it in the information. Add on option to send in material, promotional webpages, youtube, those can be uploaded in the right space in their own Wiki page.
It allows the Workgroup to cut and choose from that information, seeing many happen in different showcase events.
Shiva suggested that it seems more like an ICANN event with speeches, make the event a little more different, have an APRALO lounge, reception area, more like the verisign stall we had at ICANN San Francisco.
Another idea, instead of looking at it as asn APRALO showcase event, look at it like an Asia Pacific showcase event, there is scope for doing a lot more, make people understand the region, the RALO in addition too.
Hong, said it is difficult to obtain information from each ALS, we have to be persistent, to use expeirence from internet governance. They use certain simple surveys to gorge input. Combine survey with a voting process. Seems APRALO could do sonething similar, combine survey and voting process.
Next discussion is the to-do list. A draft would be done by Pavan and it would be distruted to the list and see if anyone has any comments.
Cheryl mentioned again of reaching out to ALS as soon as possible.
Conern by Cheryl, the results of the outreach to the ALS, bits of paper on the wall, lesser extent the presentation made in person or video link. Encourage them to do a video link as an option, have them running in the background.
APRALO might choose to explore collecting business cards, if they attend the meeting, someway of following up with the people who attend the meeting so it is a better way to reach out to them.
Next was the showcase agenda, Cheryl asked if there could be more flexibility added to that so we can get the show rolling if some people are not there at a particular time, it would be good to let the people know beforehand.
Suggestion to remove the NonCom speaking from that one since they have already chosen their candidiates and would have no further updates at that time.
Another suggestion was to make sure the ALS’es can be spread around the keynote speakers so everyone has a chance to speak and also its spread evenly.
Edmon suggested it was important to get all ALS’es a chance to speak and it was important to fill that in echoed by Cheryl. It was important to idnetify how many AL’es will be there so they have a chance to speak and see what they are doing.
Siva mentioned that we had to make the event very interesting so people would remember it and there would be more follow up.
Hong, agree with Edmon. Make the event more interesting, too many presentations do not make things interesting. It is an international event, think about local community, 70% chinese speakers, ICANN promised to provide icann translation. One at-large structure can present in Chinese and it could be translated into English.
Next was an update on the keynote speakers outreach. Edmon said Joey’s name was mentioned, perhaps there are a few of them from the region.
Figureheads from around Asia could be there, as a joint keynote, something we should talk more about here to find ways to attract more people here.
Hong agreed, useful to have many at-large structures to join in and speak one sentence in their own language, make the event more interesting.
Way to get sponors was then discussed, we could find out how the previous Showcase events were done.
Edurado, they said, they all had contacts with global companies and they went out and reached whoever they knew. One of them had a contact with Google and they were able to get sponsorship there so they were lucky and it was going to be a challenge.
Edmon, figure out what the cost is first and then they can talk about sponsors and Cheryl was asking if we really need. We have to see how much ICANN can cover us. Then we have a better idea on how much we need to raise.
Edmon went back to the point about keynote suggested Pavan, or Charles on identifying the keynote and get an update on this soon and make sure that it happens.
Olivier, agreed with Edmon, can a figure of how much money is needed first. Depends on the time of the day. Morning event? Will there be food and so on? Try to obtain sponsorship from the keynote speakers, because they come from large organisations.
Edmon, was asking how much ICANN can support for the event, rough idea is around US$2000, venues as well. If we are able to use the ICANN venue and how that could be co-ordinated, that is something to explore as well.
AFRALO were not able to get sponsorship, was able to match event with another sponsored activiity. Done at the same time, nibbles and drinks events, involviing the Fellows. EURALO one was done in the middle of the day and cost of afternoon tea was matched too.
It would be good to match it with the afternoon tea session so in order to give the best time and date for the event,
Seth would be the main person to contact for this communication betwene workgroup and ICANN.
Seth would get back to Pavan and give him some options for which time slots and dates would be good and then the showcase group would come up with a decision then.
Seth wanted to get an estimate on the number of guests we would be expecting for the event so it would be easier to look for an event.
Edmon suggested that all the rooms were on the same floor, so it would be easier to get exposure.
Olivier wanted to share some stats, 199 had registered online and there were more at the gates. First room was a smaller one and then they expanded into the bigger one.
80-100 would be a good starting point first. We always have to plan for circumstances of other meetings so flexibility is key.
Seth asked for which day of the week the meeting would be good for, Edmon said about the room, once it is figured out, he can help making suggestions because he was there to check out the venue. For day of the week, any idea were good except Monday because a big annoucement was going to be made.
Tuesday and Wednesday would be the 2 suitable dates first and Seth would look at some options, Edmon suggested even Sunday because Monday is a big day
It was agreed to have the same meeting, at the same time and day for next week for the meeting.