AFRALO Capacity Building Action Items - 23.10.11 - 28.10.11
AFRALO Capacity Building Action Items - 23.10.11 - 28.10.11
- AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint Meeting
- Staff to investigate the implementation of audio options in the AC rooms.
- The Statement of the African ICANN community on Cybercrime in Africa is to be distributed to African national governments and CERTs as well as published in African media.
- Each ALS is to contact the ccNSO Operator, government, or other pertinent official/agency of its country and determine how CERT is implemented and report back.
- AFRALO Capacity Building – Session 5
- The AFRALO ALSes are to continue discussing the issue of a communication strategy on the AFRALO Dakar Events Mailing list.
- Staff to add Scott Pinzon, Mandy Carver, and Filiz Yilmaz to the AFRALO Dakar Events Mailing list.
- AFRALO Capacity Building Session 6
- The Case Studies made by the groups are to be finalized and posted on community wiki so as to form a permanent record.
- AFRALO ALS Representatives who didn't provide their evaluation sheet are to send the content of the evaluation sheets to the AFRALO Dakar Events Mailing list.